AI looks in Leng binger's eyes and knows she's lying.

"Leng Bing, at this time, nothing is more important than their lives." AI told her in a deep voice.

Of course Leng binger knows. She wants to say, your life is also important.

Xiaoai takes advantage of Leng binger's stupefaction and steals her cell phone.

"I'm Bai Xiaoai. Can you tell me if you have any conditions?" AI said to the woman over the phone.

"Just in time, I wanted to talk to you, but I didn't have your mobile number. It's only cold ice. " Said the woman with a smile.

"Now, what are the conditions?" AI asked her.

"We need you to be our hostage. But don't worry, we won't hurt you. We control you just want your husband and your father to support us, Prince Qi, and deal with Gu Jing with us. " Said the woman.

"This is about your country D. my husband and my father are not from your country D. they are not officials in your country D. how can they help you?" Asked Xiao AI.

"Your husband and your father are both powerful. In our country D, they are not weak. Most of all, they are rich. In this world, money can solve many problems. And your good friend Leng Mu used to be the top killer organization. I believe those killers have not lost their skills. " Said the woman.

Xiaoai knows that Prince Qi will know so much. It must be the woman who said it.

But now she has no way to go. She can only agree to the other party's condition.

"Well, I promise you, but when will you give us the antidote?" Asked Xiao AI.

"We will send a plane to pick you up. As soon as you get on the plane, our people will drop the antidote from the plane." Said the woman.

"No way. I got on the plane. What if you don't give me the antidote? And what if your antidote is fake? " AI is not stupid. In this way, they will be in a very passive situation.

"In this way, we can give some first, and you can choose one person to try. Try to eat, then check the blood, there will be no more toxins Said the woman.

"Good!" Xiaoai nods and agrees.

The woman added, "but don't take it lightly. This antidote can detoxify, but it needs to be taken three times. The interval is half a month. That is to say, only after one and a half months can we completely cut off the poison and it will not recur again. "

"If you eat it only once, maybe half a month later, it will recur. I believe you also know that before they get sick, you have also checked their blood, and there is no abnormality! "

"How do I know if this medicine can cure or not? After three times, will it still not cure?" AI questioned.

"Don't worry, we need to fight for a long time. Since we took you as a hostage and asked your father and your husband to help us Prince Qi, we won't let your father and your husband have an accident. If something happens to them, how can we use their power and financial resources? " Said the woman in a proud voice.

"Well, take the medicine first!"

"Don't worry. Tomorrow morning, the express will be delivered to the gate of your Manor on time. You can choose one person to take it then. " Said the woman.

"By the way, don't say I didn't remind you that you'd better not let your husband or your father take the medicine. If they eat and their heads don't hurt, then stop you from coming. Then we'll cut off the medicine. "

Women have always been around Leng binger before. Naturally, Qiao Minghe and lengaotian both protect Xiaoai very well.

Once one of them doesn't have a headache, then AI can't get on the plane and leave.

Of course, Xiaoai also knows the truth. She nodded, "I see!"

Obviously hate each other, but also so calm talk.

After hanging up, Leng binger immediately took Xiaoai's hand and said, "you really want to go?"

AI looked at Leng binger and said, "I have no other way now. This toxin is in their body, and it hurts their brain. If I drag it on, I'm afraid it will damage their brain and cause irreversible consequences. I dare not think about it at all. "

Leng bing'er sighed: "then I'll go with you."

AI shook her head: "it's very dangerous if you go. They won't hurt me. They just want the power and financial resources of my husband and my father, so they won't hurt me. "

"But you are different. Since she wanted to get rid of you last time, she would not let you go again this time. You stay and help me take care of my dad and them. " Xiaoai looks at Leng binger and says, "now there is no one around me. I can only ask you to help me!"

Leng binger patted the back of Xiaoai's hand: "even if it's dead, I want to go with you. Do you think they will spare me when Leng ye and them recover? "

Xiaoai looks at Leng binger and says to her, "yes, I know. You have taken us as family members now. They won't treat you as an outsider. "

Leng binger choked: "I don't know how things suddenly become like this. I knew that Leng Mu shouldn't have saved me at that time. If he doesn't save me, he won't be trapped or in danger. "

"In that way, Leng ye and Qiao Minghe will not come here, and nothing like this will happen!"

Cold ice son quite self reproach!

Xiaoai hugged her: "it's not your fault. Don't blame yourself! Maybe after Tang Shan's husband's accident, the people on our side stepped in, and that Prince Qi would do whatever he wanted to do to lead my husband to them. "

Leng binger thought of one thing and said to Xiao AI, "isn't Qiao Minghe's biological father over there? Let's call him and ask him to help! "

AI shook his head: "they are hostile to Prince Qi. Even if he can help us, he can't get the antidote."

The next day, the express delivery was delivered to the gate of the manor.

After the bodyguard brought it to Xiao AI, she took it apart to see that it was indeed medicine.

There's only one in it!

Xiaoai wanted to take this medicine to study its ingredients, but there was only one.

At this time, the phone rang again.

Leng binger looked at Xiaoai as soon as she saw the phone number yesterday.

Little AI, take it and answer the phone.

"Have you received the medicine?" The woman asked with a smile.


"There is only one pill for this medicine. I know you are good at researching medicine, but even if you know the ingredients of this medicine, you can't develop it successfully. So, you'd better not waste your time, wasting this medicine. "

Xiaoai knows what she said is reasonable. She can't know the ingredients in a short time, so she can develop the medicine successfully.

"By the way, I also tell you that there is a kind of drug ingredient in this medicine, which you absolutely don't have. If you want to know what the ingredients are, you can tell you when you come here later. " The woman said with a smile.

Hearing her voice, in fact, I was really disgusted and upset, and wanted to kill her.

But I still have to talk to her.