Because of her son's touch, the dream that she forgot suddenly appeared in Xiaoai's brain.

She had a dream that a group of demons were coming at her to take the child from her stomach.

Scared Xiaoai desperately struggling, desperately trying to protect the baby in her stomach.

But in the end, nothing could be changed. She was beaten to death.

She suddenly opened her eyes, and the whole man was like losing his head. He pinched the young children beside her, trying to strangle them.

Hearing his brother's weak voice, Xiao Guoguo woke up with a start and was frightened to see his mother's terrible appearance.

But he immediately went to bite his mother's hand. Maybe it was a pain. Little AI loosened his hand and let go of his little son.

To bite her eldest son is a lot of beating

Small two come to help, want to hold mom, also be beaten by mom.

The sound insulation effect of the room was good. The two children were beaten and scared. No one found out.

When Xiaoai saw this scene, she was so heartbroken that she couldn't breathe. She felt that she was just a devil, and she could be so cruel to her two sons.


The voice of the ear, gently called her.

Little AI woke up with tears on her face.

"Are you really fighting two children?" Gao Ming is also very frightened. Now Xiaoai's symptoms are indeed in line with the dream syndrome. When he wakes up, he can't remember what he dreamed.

However, the patients with narcolepsy will not sink into the dream after waking up and retaliate against the real people.

It can be seen that during the period when Xiaoai woke up, there was no reason at all.

Xiaoai looks at Gao Ming in a panic.

"It's me. I hurt my son!" Little AI was in great pain, and she cried her chest out.

"Ai, calm down first. Let's find a way first. This one can be cured. " Gao Ming can only comfort Xiaoai first.

Hearing Xiaoai's cry coming from inside, Jiawei rushed in.

Xiaoai is about to cry out. This is the first time Jiawei has seen her.

She tugged at her hair so desperately that she could not hold it.

"Blame me, how can I live in this world!"

"Ai!" Jia Wei forcibly breaks off Xiaoai's hand, which has caught a lot of hair.

"Control her first," said Gao Ming. "I'll get the sedatives!"


Gao Ming soon gave Xiaoai an injection of sedative, and Xiaoai slowly calmed down.

"What's going on?" Jia Wei asked him.

Although Gao Ming hypnotized Xiaoai, he didn't know what she saw in her dream.

He just guessed that the two children were really hurt by AI.

"Xiaoai may be very ill. I am not sure what the cause is. Two young masters, it is very likely that AI was injured. " Said Gao Ming with a dignified face.

"How could this happen? Didn't check before, the hormone level inside small AI body is normal Jia Wei is also a sad face. He doesn't understand this aspect, but if the two children are really hurt by AI, then AI has been ill beyond control.

"I'll check it now!" Said, Gao Ming went to fetch some blood for himself.

While Xiaoai is sleeping now, Gao Ming draws the blood from Xiaoai's arm.

Take it to the nurse: "take it to the laboratory quickly, quickly!"


Before Xiaoai woke up, the examination results came out.

Hormone levels are exploding!

"What the hell is going on?" For a while, Gao Ming didn't know what was going on in Xiaoai's body. How can we say that the level of pheromone would skyrocket.

"What now?" Jia Wei asked.

"I can only take medicine and control it first!" Said Gao Ming.

"But Xiaoai is pregnant now. Will taking medicine affect her?" Jia Wei is worried. He knows that Xiaoai will not take any medicine until she has to.

"More or less it will have an impact, but she can't do without it. Now it's very serious. If she doesn't get treatment, she may go crazy. " Said Gao Ming.

He is also very angry, I don't know why Xiaoai will have so many symptoms when she is pregnant.

It seems that Xiaoai is like the happiest woman in the world and has been loved by the best man in the world.

However, she encountered this kind of thing, it's terrible!

"Let's wait for AI to wake up!" Jia Wei stopped.

Gao Ming can only nod: "OK, but she really has to take this medicine."

"Can you find any cause?" Jia Wei asked.

"At present, it can only be found from her diet. I think the hormone level in her body is so high that it is likely that she ate something. If we just talk about mood, we can't cause such a big fluctuation. " Said Gao Ming.

"Good!" Jia Wei nodded, and he decided that from today on, everything Xiaoai ate would be prepared by himself.

Without anyone's hand, he would like to see who is in it.

When Xiaoai wakes up, her whole body seems to have lost her soul, and her tears flow hard.

She didn't talk, didn't want to talk, strong self blame, strong guilt, and heartache, let her breathless.

Gao Ming wants to try to solve Xiaoai, but Xiaoai doesn't listen to him at all.

She seemed to be in her little world again.

"Jia Wei, take Xiaoai to see the children!" Said Gao Ming.

Jia Wei nods and pulls AI, but AI doesn't move.

She had no face to look at the two children. The thought of their terrified eyes made her heart ache to death.

Gao Ming helps Xiaoai to Jia Wei's back. Jia Wei leaves the clinic with Xiaoai on his back.

Just entering the elevator, AI's cell phone rings.

Jia Wei put AI down, and she was paralyzed in the elevator as if she had no strength.

"Xiaoai, you can't do this. Your abnormality last night was just due to the change of hormone in your body. As long as you take the medicine, it will be OK." Jia Wei consoled.

The elevator door opens.

Jiawei is going to bend over to carry Xiaoai, but Xiaoai stands up with the elevator.

"I'll go myself!" AI suddenly spoke, making Jia Wei's heart slightly loose.

The cell phone rings again. AI takes it up and looks at it.

It's from Gao Zhizhi. She saved her cell phone number before.

Xiaoai hangs up. She doesn't want to answer. At this time, she doesn't want to talk to others.

"Ai, where are you going?" Seeing Xiaoai is not the direction to go to the group hospital, but to go outside to catch a taxi.

Xiaoai doesn't pay attention to him. Jiawei can only follow her.

"Go to jail!" Said AI.

The driver took them to prison.

"Ai, are you going to see Leng mu? We just went there yesterday afternoon. " Jia Wei reminded me that he thought AI had forgotten.

AI didn't respond. The taxi stopped outside the prison.