Jia Wei endured the pain and hit AI on the back of his neck.

Little Aton fainted and fell into Javert's arms.

See small AI finally fainted past, did not have the threat of Mrs. Qiao a big sigh of relief, the heart is still very uneasy.

"Mummy, are you ok?" Dorothy came over and held on to Mrs. Joe.

"I'm fine!" Mrs. Joe said, "go get the medicine box and bandage my head."

"OK!" As she passed by, taoduo gave her a big stare: "what a madman!"

Jia Wei holds Xiaoai, says nothing, and goes out.

In the bedroom, only Mrs. Qiao is left alone. She tightly covers her chest. In her mind, there are just such desperate and murderous eyes of Xiaoai, as well as her words.

It seems that Xiaoai can't stay!

Even in this way, the son may suffer, but he can't leave her to destroy everything.

Mrs. Joe could not care about the blood on her head. She went to the bedside table to get her cell phone.

She will send someone to kill AI herself.

After giving orders to master Tao, Mrs. Qiao turned to look out of the window.

"I'm sorry!" sighed deeply

Dorothy heard Mrs. Joe's phone call outside the bedroom, and recorded it insidiously.

When Jia Wei left with Xiaoai in his arms, Bai Zhen and them had not arrived yet.

Just Xiaoai's abnormality made him very suspicious. He was going to take Xiaoai back to Leng's villa here first.

But as soon as the car got on the road, he found a car following them.

Jia Wei took out his mobile phone and called Bai Gu: "Xiaoai and I are out of the hotel. Now we are going to the villa over to Fuli city. There seems to be a car following us in the back. Can you contact Mo fan and ask him to send someone to come here quickly? "

"OK, I'll call Mo fan right away!" After Bai Gu hung up, he hurriedly called Mo fan.

After Jia Wei hung up the phone, he thought of parking to one side. But if there are too many people on the other side after parking, although he is sure to deal with it by himself, Xiaoai is now lost in the car, which is too risky.

He had to speed up and try to get rid of the people behind him.

On the other side of Jianshe Avenue, I finally got rid of the following car.

Jia Wei looked at the time. It's almost 12 o'clock.

There are more than ten minutes left.

Then you can call the base to inform the host Leng Aotian.

"Stop!" I don't know when, lying in the back seat, little AI woke up, she said coolly, with deep pain in her voice.

"OK, I'll stop!" Jia Wei pulls over and looks back at AI. At this time, she is not as strong and bloodthirsty as she just was.

But it's different from Xiaoai before. She's much calmer.

"You go down!" AI ordered.

"No, I have to be with you." Jiawei felt that now Xiaoai was strange, and the tone of his voice was particularly calm and indifferent.

In the middle of their argument, the people in the car had come up quietly.

When Jia Wei found out, he felt bad immediately.

He thought his car had been abandoned, but he didn't expect to follow him here.

From the rearview mirror, we can see that there are a lot of people in the other side, and guns are hidden in the sleeves.

"Xiaoai, get down!" Speaking, Jia Wei has stepped on the accelerator.

But as soon as the car started, someone in the back shot the tire.

The violent explosion of tires, mixed with the sound of the car losing balance, like the sound of the other side leaning and rubbing the ground, sounded in horror.

The car skidded dangerously for a long distance before it stopped.

Jia Wei immediately felt that he could not leave: "Xiaoai, you hurry to press your watch and send out the positioning message."

Xiaoai doesn't understand. Jiawei can't care so much. He holds Xiaoai's hand and presses a small button on the side of his watch.

As soon as this key is pressed, the watch is bound to several local leaders, who immediately receive the signal of asking for help and positioning.

Each of them has sent three cars of people from various industries under the name of Leng group to catch up with the past.

The speed seems to be afraid of wasting every minute and second.

Just after pressing this side, the people in the back have caught up with each other. The gun in hand shoots the window on the other side of the cab.

"Little AI, get down!" When Jia Wei saw the gun in each other's hands through the window, he shouted to remind Xiao AI.

Jia Wei only regrets not driving that bulletproof car out.

As soon as the window broke, the gun came in.

"Get out of the car!" The other side's very fierce attitude, ordered.

Jia Wei's skill is better, but he has no gun in his hand, so he can only open the door and go down.

Sitting in the back seat of the car, AI is also preparing to drive down, but Jia Wei suddenly cried, "you don't want to get down!"

His voice has not yet fallen, and he has quickly solved a man on the side of the door.

The action of little Ella's door stopped. She sat in it and watched what happened outside through the window.

Although Jia Wei's action is like a whirlwind, the opponent has a gun.

When Jia Wei was supposed to attack several people in front of him, he was shot suddenly behind him.

His figure suddenly tilted back, and he continued to fight with a groan and a sharp pain.

"Don't you stop?" The man with the long gun said in a somber voice.

As soon as the voice fell, the gun in his hand, with a strong knot, shot Jia Wei in the thigh.

The shrill shot was like the voice of the devil. AI's fist on her side clenched.

She pushed the door open and went down.

"You want my life, let him go!" AI raised her hands and surrendered.

But the eyes are very calm.

"Wrong, we don't want your life!" As soon as the man with the long gun came, he put the gun on AI's head.

See AI was arrested, Jia Wei face of the collapse.

The master gave him the task, so failed, did not protect AI.

"Let him go!" AI ordered.

"No, how could you be obedient without him!" The man with the long gun doesn't want to waste time, because he knows that if he delays one second more, he will be at risk.

Joe Minh's men should be here soon.

Xiaoai and Jiawei, who had been shot twice, were all loaded into the car, which drove towards the wharf at the fastest speed.

After Xiaoai got on the bus, he asked the other party to bandage Jiawei immediately.

The other side agreed to take the gauze to help Jia Wei bandage the wound first.

Xiaoai looks out of the window at this time, just across the road from where they just got on, slowly driving several cars with many people on board.

But the other side didn't want to step in at all. I don't think even the police reported.

Opposite car, watching Xiaoai being taken.

Immediately call Mrs. Qiao: "madam, we see Bai Xiaoai being taken away by another group of people!"

"Do you know who it is?"

"I don't know, but it shouldn't be local!"

"Then keep up, don't let Bai Xiaoai come back!" Mrs. Joe ordered with great pain.

"I see!" I was about to hang up, but suddenly I saw the car coming at a gallop.

"Madam, no, Joe's car is coming!"

"Then drive away and don't let him find out." When Mrs. Qiao heard this, she felt nervous. If her son found out that she was so smart, she would doubted it.

When Qiao Minghe's car arrived, he could only see Xiaoai's car. The tires were destroyed, even the windows on the other side of the driver's seat were destroyed, and there was blood on the ground.

The heart suddenly raised, hoping it wasn't AI's blood.

Too late to look at it, Qiao Minghe got on the car and ran after him.

"Road monitoring, I want to know who took AI away!" Qiao Minghe is driving while talking to Mo fan.

Mo fan quickly called out the road monitoring and caught the three cars that stopped AI on the road, where they are now.

"Let's split up and get to Haibin Avenue as fast as we can." Mo fan immediately told me to go down with the walkie talkie.

Now there are forty or fifty cars, including Qiao's and Leng's, all running towards the seaside Avenue.

"Drive fast!" The man with the long gun, like the leader of this group, anxiously ordered the driver.

The driver stepped on the accelerator to the maximum, and everyone in the car could feel that the speed of the car made people feel a little uncomfortable.

But the speed of the car didn't slow down at all. The people in the car were very nervous and stared at the front tightly.

The car Qiao Minhe drives is a limited edition famous car. The speed is naturally faster than the speed in front of him. In addition, his driving skills are not so good. Finally, he saw the car in front of him.

He took out a gun directly from under his seat, stretched his left hand out of the window, and hit the tyre of the speeding car ahead.

After being hit, the car in front of the car because of the speed is too fast, the tire burst, the whole car quickly to the other side of the beach Avenue spin down, broke the protective fence, directly fell into the sea.

Joe is sure that his little woman is not in the car.

Because there are three cars driving at the same time in front of her, Xiaoai may be in the first car or the second car, but it is absolutely impossible to be in the last one.

After destroying a car, Joe put his gun on the other side of the seat, stepped on the accelerator, let the car speed to the limit, he wanted to catch up with the two cars in front.

"Boss, what can I do? The car behind has already caught up!" People in the same car were so worried that they were sweating all over their forehead.

"Shoot, what to do!" The eldest is very upset and uneasy. The above order is that they can annihilate the whole army, but they must also send AI safely to the wharf.

Facing the bullets from the front, Qiao Minghe didn't dodge in his car because it was bullet proof.

"Boss, his car seems bulletproof. We can't hit the bullet at all."

"I don't know how to throw bombs if I can't hit!" The old man shouted angrily.

Xiaoai is in the car. Hearing the boss's order, her breath suddenly smothers.

Looking back from the back window, the man sitting on the car that came after him seemed to be Qiao Minghe.

Xiaoai's hands are handcuffed and anti handcuffed. Facing the bomb, she has thrown it at Qiao Minghe's car, but she can't help it.

After the bomb was thrown out, it exploded quickly!