Mrs. Joe was on the other end of the phone, and everyone was upset.

Although she felt that the second brother could not find her, because Xiaoai was beside him.

But he couldn't understand his second brother's idea. He was too extreme. He might have known that AI lost that memory. Instead, he went to hele's side to get close to AI.

At the other end of the phone came the voice of Cui Laoer: "Xiaoyi, that's right. I'm back for her."

heard as like as two peas brother came from the phone, and Mrs. Joe became puzzled for a moment.

She really didn't know how to talk to each other. After a while, she said slowly, "aren't you dead?"

"I'm not dead. I haven't been with you all these years."

Mrs. Qiao's eyes are smooth, and she holds the mobile phone tightly.

"Where did you fake it? Why pretend to be my dead brother? Hel, hel, call the police and let the police get the fake! " Mrs. Joe suddenly yelled at the phone.

Because of the handsfree mobile phone, Qiao Minghe naturally heard it.

He didn't expect that his mother should be so cautious. At this time, she wanted to deny it.

"Hel'er, if you don't believe your mother, you can ask someone to do paternity test. This person is absolutely false. Your second uncle is dead!" Mrs. Joe added hastily.

Qiao Minghe grabbed the cell phone and said to Mrs. Qiao at the other end of the phone, "Mom, I have used his blood and uncle's blood for paternity test. They are really brothers."

Hearing this, Mrs. Joe's eyelashes couldn't help shivering.

If it's really second brother, what does he want to do?

Isn't it obvious that it's going to cause trouble?

If Hal knew what happened, he would kill him!

No, hel'er already knows that Xiaoai killed his second brother, so he can't face him so calmly.

At the thought of it, Mrs. Joe calmed down immediately.

"Hal, this man is absolutely a liar. You either hand him over to the police station or have him thrown into the sea." Mrs. Joe's teeth were clenched, as if angry at the way others had deceived them.

Qiao Minghe's eyes are dim. It seems that his mother is determined not to admit it.

Now he is more sure of one thing. If the second uncle is still alive, but his mother is so secretive, he can only explain one thing.

It was the second uncle who really did a lot of things, not only for fear that he would know what he had done to Xiaoai, but also for fear that it would involve more things.

Maybe they have something to hide. I'm afraid they know it.

Pan Shuang comes back from work and asks the servant where is Xiaoai.

When the servant said to rest on the second floor, pan Shuang went straight upstairs to find Xiaoai.

As soon as I opened the living room door, I heard AI crying in the bedroom.

Pan Shuang runs in, only to find that Xiaoai is having a nightmare.

She tried to gently wake up Xiaoai: "Xiaoai, wake up, wake up!"

Being pushed, AI finally woke up from the painful dream.

As soon as she opened her eyes, a line of tears flowed down.

"What's the matter? What happened? " Pan Shuang asked a little worried.

Xiaoai looks at her. She hasn't spoken for half a day. She seems to be still affected by the painful and horrible things in the dream, and hasn't completely recovered.

"Ai!" Pan Shuang reached out and held her hand tightly. Her beautiful eyes looked at her warmly.

AI finally bit her lips, took a deep breath, and said, "I just dreamt that Xiaoyi was back. He miscarried my baby again, and then qiaominghe shot him directly."


Pan Shuang hears something wrong. Has Xiaoai always suspected that her child was miscarried by Bai Chenyi?

"Ai, do you think too much about it? It won't happen!" Pan Shuang tried to comfort him.

But Xiaoai suddenly sat up, looked at Panshuang, and said: "really, just now I heard him admit it, my child was really caused by his miscarriage. He also said that I can't be pregnant, everything is for my good. Let me lose my children, is it for me? Don't he know that I will be in agony. I can't forgive my stupidity and incompetence when I think of the lost child. It's my mother who didn't protect her child. "

"Xiaoai......" Pan Shuang suddenly didn't know how to comfort her. The truth also surprised her.

Bai Chenyi must be nonsense. Xiaoai herself is a doctor. Her body can't be pregnant. Doesn't she know?

Mingming all hurt Xiaoai, but also made up such a lie, want to hurt Xiaoai all the time?

"Don't think so much about it, AI. The past has passed. Every day after we have a good life is the most important thing. How are you doing? " Pan Shuang looks at her quietly and doesn't want to make her so sad or so painful.

Mingming's most painful period has passed. Why does it suddenly remind her of it and make her care about the pain and self blame in the loss again.

Xiaoai nodded. She knew the truth pan Shuang said. People should look forward.

But in the past, it really does not mean that you can forget if you want to. What you lose is her own flesh and blood.

When Qiao Minghe came back, he happened to see AI's beautiful big eyes full of sadness. He took a long leg and came to AI's side.

"Xiaoguoguo is looking for his mother downstairs!"

"Er?" AI's thoughts seem to be suddenly pulled back. She thinks of her son, xiaoguoguo.

"Let's go down with the children!" Said jominkhwin.

Xiaoai nodded, and then jominh took a coat and put it on for her, ready to carry her downstairs.

She reluctantly smiled and said, "I can go myself!"

Qiao Minghe took her hand and came downstairs together.

The adoption of small fruit, small fruit has been more than eight months.

It's been nine months now. Maybe I learned to walk early. Now I try to learn to walk with the help of my servant.

Hearing the footsteps, xiaoguoguo hurriedly raised his head, laughing and crying.

It seems that she is calling herself. Xiaoai goes quickly and holds xiaoguoguo in her arms.

Xiaoguoguo also likes her very much. Two chubby little arms hold her mother's neck tightly.

The fat, soft little face is close to her face. AI feels the truth. Fortunately, God sent this angel to make her not so lonely.

"Little fruit is really capable. He can walk!" AI said to her son.

It seems that I understand. Little fruit cackles and laughs, which makes saliva flow out.

The servant handed a soft towel. AI took it and wiped the saliva on the corner of his mouth for his happy son.

"Is it going to grow teeth again? Look, there's a lot of saliva recently!" Xiaoai looked into his son's mouth and saw that there were traces of long teeth inside.

Qiao Minghe is watching quietly. Fortunately, he got the little fruit back at the beginning. Otherwise, when Xiaoai wants to lose the child, how he comforts her can't achieve the effect now.

"Oh, by the way, Bai zichi's mother gambled with others. It seems that she lost more than 4 million yuan. I don't want to embarrass my father. Let's help her pay it back! How are you doing? " Small AI thinks of this matter, turn round to look to sit quietly on sofa, lips cape is holding the Qiao Minghe of lukewarm smile.

"Good!" Qiao Minghe nodded and agreed.

Xiaoai took the baby to his side and sat down. She whispered, "thank you. I'm sorry to spend so much money on you!"

"We are husband and wife, all of mine are yours. You don't need to tell me what you want to control." Said jominkhwin.

"Xiaoai listened, curved lips a smile:" you are very good to me

"Now I know!" Qiao Minghe gazed at her pretty face with deep eyes, and his voice became more warm and magnetic: "in my eyes, you are more important than anyone else. As long as you are happy and you want to do anything, I promise."

Listen to him say so, small AI xintou when warm.

It seems that I know that my younger brother and I are not brothers and sisters. My younger brother has also done so much to her, and the damage caused to her has also been dispelled by the warmth of qiaominghe's peace at this time.

"Now I seem to have only you. I need to ask you to take care of me and him and little fruit. You must not leave me or abandon me!" Although Xiaoai's heart is warm, she is inexplicably afraid that one day, Qiao Minghe will leave herself.

Qiao Minghe reached out and rubbed her head gently with his big hand: "even if the whole world leaves you, I will not leave you. Because you are my world! "

"But I think you are my world!" AI was moved to a wet eyes, she really felt that now Qiao Minghe is his world, as long as he is in, no matter how big the storm, she will not be afraid.

AI put his head on his shoulder, it seems that this is his most solid harbor.

The little fruit in my arms stretched out fat hands and wanted to climb to my father's side.

Qiao Minghe chuckled and took over his son from AI's arms.

"Dad Dad... As soon as Dad's "little fruit" comes into his arms, he opens his mouth and emits the sound of "Dad" which seems not standard but can be distinguished.

All of a sudden, Xiaoai and qiaominghe were very surprised.

"Little fruit can talk!" Xiaoai is a little jealous when she is happy. How come the first voice of little guy is "Dad", not "Mom"?

"Son, call a mother!" Xiaoai is busy trying to coax her son to call his mother.

Xiaoguoguo looks at her mother and opens her mouth for a long time, but still doesn't send out any similar tone of "mother".

"Isn't it dad's voice?" Little AI is really a little depressed!

"Young master, Mr. Wei Yongyuan is here. Outside the manor, he says he wants to meet the steward of the horse." Just then, Butler Zhong came in and said respectfully to the young master.

"Er?" AI is curious: "let him in, just let them confront each other, and see which of them caused the car accident."