Originally, when Su Mo first asked about this sentence, the old man was ecstatic.

Can wait for him to return to God, see Su Mo Mo's delicate body, this idea pressed down again.

Su Mo clenched grandfather's hand:

"today, even if you didn't save me, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, I will try to save you out. Although I may not have enough strength alone, as long as I go out, I will find someone to help you."

The grandfather gave her a deep look, and his face was meaningful:

"once a teenager came in, and he said the same thing to me. After I helped him leave, he never came back."

Su Mo can see that when he said this, his eyes were full of injuries:

"he is him and I am me. Since I have promised you, I will try my best to help you. If even I am doomed to be unable to leave, then I can only let fate decide."

Although she said so, no one knew how eager Su Mo was to leave this place.

If she was stuck here all the time, what would Lissie and her children do?

Do they think they're all dead?

As long as one thinks of this possibility, Su Mo Mo's heart pulls up one after another.

She got up to tidy up, and then went outside to get ready to go into the water.

By this time, it was already bright, and Su Mo had been in the cave all night.

She had been missing all night, and Lissie must have been out in a hurry.

And before she set out, she had promised a few kids at home that she would video with them every day.

If the little guy can't see her, he'll be worried.

"Grandfather, I'll tie the rope here. I'll go into the water to explore the way and see what's going on."

After su Mo explained this, he took a deep breath and dived into the water.

After she got into the water, she found that it was just like what the old man with white hair said.

If you want to get out of here, there is only one labyrinth like passage.

All around the passage was blocked by huge stone slabs several meters high. After entering, it was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers.

Su Mo Mo didn't even start to work, but he ran into a huge stone and almost didn't knock her out.

She managed to calm down for a moment, groping for the position of the stones in her heart, and then began to move forward step by step.

When she found the fourth rock, she had to return because of lack of oxygen.

"Cough, cough!"

With a sound, Su Mo came out of the water and floated.

Exhausted, she lay on the shore coughing and panting.

"What's the situation?"

The old man in the wheelchair looked down at her.

Su Mo shook his head:

"in fact, I'm not very good at water. It's very dark below. I can't see anything at all. It's easy to bump into it if I'm not careful."

Su Mo said as he climbed up and wiped the water on his body with a towel.

"Are you going to go down then?"

Without thinking about it, Su Mo nodded naturally:

"of course, there are people who are very important to me outside waiting for me, so I must go out."

With these words, Su Mo went to the corner and stepped on a flat mud field.

After pouring water on it, with the help of memory, the position of the stake was set out with stones.

After fixing the position of the four stones, she looked up at her grandfather:

"you see, I can remember four seats at a time, and I can go further and further by trying a few more times. Maybe I can really go out."

The old man with white hair stares at Su Mo, and his expression is very touching:

"did you just say that the people waiting for you outside are really so important to you?"

"Yes! They are the people I love and love most in the world. If I don't go back, they will be sad! "

Su Mo Mo's face was full of smiles when he said these words. It seemed that he didn't have the decadence and loss caused by being trapped here at all.

"Well, in that case, you can try a few more times and hope you can succeed."

The old man with white hair smiles and shakes his old wheelchair with some difficulty. He goes back to the cave to have a rest.

Su did not intend to give up at all.

She took a rest on the shore and went into the water again.

This time, she went into the water a little longer, and after she came up, she drew four more dark piles.

Seeing more and more dark piles on the map, Su Mo couldn't help hooking them up.

When she came up for the fourth time, she was exhausted.

But she had another fish in her hand.

In the cave, the old man with white hair suddenly smelled a faint smell of meat.This is the smell of fresh fish!

This kind of fragrance has not been smelled for more than 20 years. It feels like a thing of the last life.

But today, when he suddenly smelled it, he had a fresh memory.

The old man with white hair couldn't help shaking his wheelchair and went out.

As soon as he got to the cave, he saw Su Mo waving to him happily:

"you came just in time, Grandpa. The fish has been roasted!"

Su Mo happily shook the roast fish in his hand.

Looking at Su Mo, the old man with white hair felt a lot.

Over the years, because of his inconvenient legs, he had no way to walk into the water.

Every time we have to wait until the water rises to see if any fish will jump ashore by themselves.

The chance of catching live fish is very small. At most, the dead fish are rolled over by the sea, so that he can pick up the dead fish to satisfy his hunger.

Now this delicious fish makes his eyes moist with endless aftertaste.

It was getting dark soon. After a tired day, Su Mo wrapped a piece of hay in the corner and fell asleep.

The old man with white hair came to Su Mo in a wheelchair, but he couldn't wake her up.

He just stared at Su Mo for a long time. At last, he seemed to make up his mind. He turned around and walked out of the cave shaking his wheelchair

Early the next morning, Su Mo was still woken up by the sound of the waterfall outside.

The sun came in through the water curtain and made her lazy.

Yesterday, because I was anxious to leave, I spent too much physical strength. When I wake up today, my whole body seems to have been run over by the wheel, which is very painful.

But at the thought of how anxious they would be, she could not care.

As soon as Gulu got up, he went to the rock on the edge of the cave.

The warm sunshine sprinkled on her body, she stretched out comfortably:

"husband, babies, you must wait for me! I'll be back soon

Su Mo Mo said this, is ready to turn around, Leng Bu Ding saw that white haired old man is basking in the sun, squinting his eyes, as if asleep.

Su Mo Mo didn't disturb him. He moved his muscles on the bank and went into the water again.

She kept going back and forth, until the third time, she finally could not hold up and climbed up the bank.

The whole person fell to the ground, gasping heavily.

Because the distance of swimming is getting farther and farther, the more physical strength is consumed.

Su Mo Mo is not a professional diver. It really takes a lot of energy to rely on brute force, but the effect is not so good.

"Little girl, you were suffocating in the water for so long yesterday, and you'll come back immediately today. It's easy to cause anoxia and suffocation!"

Seeing her like this, the old man with white hair couldn't help reminding her.

Su Mo Mo leaned on the bank, and his little face was beginning to turn pale.

Obviously, it was a sign that she was already very ill.

This sense of powerlessness, her confidence beat to the ground.

She was wronged and forced to hold back tears:

"but they are all waiting for me now. If I stay here for one more day, they will be worried and afraid for one more day!"

I had never been in danger before, and almost every Lisi night was on the verge of a violent walk.

As long as he thought of his hysterical appearance, Su Mo Mo felt dull and painful.

When she clenched her teeth and was ready to go into the water for the fourth time, my grandfather finally pushed the wheelchair to her side and grabbed her arm:

"come on, don't jump. It's not easy for a living person to come. I don't want to watch you go to death like this!"

"Grandpa, why are you pulling me?"

Su Mo Mo was dragged by him to walk in the cave.

She was about to break free from her grandfather's hand when she found that he reached out and pointed to the small hole on the east wall:

"go there and have a look. There's something you want!"

Su Mo Mo all doubts walked past, she stood on tiptoe in the pit, struggling to pull.

Soon, the thick dust on the wall lifted up, choking her eyes.

Finally, she spent a lot of effort to touch a round thing inside.

"What is this?"

Su Mo Mo frowned suspiciously and pulled out the things inside.

There was a loud bang. The thing hit the ground and made a hole in the ground.

Su Mo recognized it with great joy: "isn't this the oxygen tank for diving?"

Although things are old, Su Mo Mo knows the English on them.

"Yes, this is the oxygen tank. I can lend you these things. I also remember the distribution map of those dark piles in my heart. I can also recite them to you. But I have one condition. After you leave here, you must find a way to rescue me, because like you, there are also things that are very important to me outside!"Su Mo Mo just looked at the old man in front of her. She couldn't even believe that happiness came so fast.

She quickly squatted down and carefully cleaned the dirty oxygen bottle:

"Grandpa, do you really want to believe me?"

The old man with white hair didn't take out these precious things at the first time because he was cheated by the same way here.

Now, facing Su Mo's question, he sighed a long time:

"originally, I was old enough. When I saw such a young girl coming to spend time with me, I thought I would just stay here peacefully until I died."

But after seeing Su Mo's insistence, he unexpectedly lit up a little hope.

What if the little girl could really leave? What if she would bring someone to save herself?

What if everything outside hasn't changed?

"My legs and feet are inflexible. It's useless for me to keep these things. It's just that these things have been used by people. I can't guarantee how long the oxygen can last."

After the old man said these words, Su Mo frowned subconsciously:

"do you mean someone touched these things, but didn't take you out?"

"he shook his head to kill the old man, which is why I took him out with my hair broken."

It was the first time for Su Mo to hear someone say that he had killed someone. For a moment, he felt a little creepy.

The old man with white hair seemed to feel Su Mo's fear and began to laugh.

But the smile is very, very decadent:

"little girl, you don't have to be afraid, at that time I was just protecting myself, and now I am like this, do you think I have the ability to hurt you?"

Su Mo shook his head:

"I know that you must have your difficulties for staying here. If I can go out smoothly, I will use my life and personality to promise you that I will come back to save you!"

The old man nodded, but the expression on his face showed that he didn't seem to have much hope.

On one side, Su Momo devoted himself to the study of the oxygen cylinder. After several trials, he finally decided to go into the water.

Before going into the water, she made a victory gesture to the old man with white hair:

"grandfather, please wait here for my good news! Don't worry. I promise I won't let you down unless something happens to me! "

She kept in mind the dark pile picture that the old man had told her, and groped all the way in the dark.

Dimly, as if to see the overhead light, the oxygen in the oxygen bottle is exhausted.

She tried her best to take off the oxygen bottle, but the lock was tightly fastened on her body, no matter how hard she tried, there was no way to untie it.

The more she struggled, the tighter the latch.

"Wu Wu!"

Along with the weight of the oxygen bottle, Su Mo was dragged down by it.

Now her breathing is more and more difficult, she is a little weak, want to struggle, hands and feet but can't make it!

After she finally struggled to take a head and yelled "husband, help me", the whole person quickly sank to the bottom of the lake along the falling oxygen bottle.

Her eyes also slowly closed up

At the same time, at daybreak, lisiye and Zhan Liancheng had already turned the whole forest upside down, and they were three feet away from digging.

But there is no clue about Su Mo and Su Qingtian.

Just then, the Greek police arrived.

This time, all the people who participated in the reality show were powerful and famous businessmen in Z state.

So the Greek police have sent out enough police force, police dogs.

Almost the whole castle and forest inside and outside all searched, but still nothing.

Lin pianpianpian almost fainted several times.

She did not dare to tell Master Li and the children about these things, for fear that they would not be able to bear them!

Lisiye clenched his fist and walked to the edge of the waterfall step by step. There was only one thought in his mind:

as long as it was a person, it was impossible to disappear without any reason. There must be something missing!

He looked up at the waterfall in front of him with deep eyes.

Su Qingtian and Su Momo must have fallen from the waterfall, but why can't they find a little of their breath?

Is it because of falling into the water, so the breath is cut off, so the police dog can't smell it?

The deep gaze of Lissie's night fell on the pool in front of him.

A lot of police dogs have walked all the way down the deep pool.They've been looking here all night, and they've got nothing.

When everyone was ready to leave, lisiye stood still, unwilling to move.

"Si ye, we have already searched here. There is no one. Now we have to go to the downstream to have a look!"

Lu Mochen stood not far away and called his name.

But the deep pool's eyes were fixed on the ground.

Under the water, there seems to be some shadow struggling

At this time, Zhan Liancheng also came.

He followed lisiye's vision and saw a dark shadow floating and sinking underwater:

"go downstream and have a look. If they really drowned, they would have had an accident."

His implication was that the shadow could not be su Mo or Su Qingtian.

With that, he turned and left.

But only lisiye, when he saw the shadow sinking, looked cold and jumped in.


After hearing the sound of falling into the water behind him, Lu Mochen rushed back.

He even thought that lisiye thought that something had happened to Su mo. he couldn't take it for granted.

The police behind them also ran back when they saw someone falling into the water.

Standing on the bank, they could see two figures entangled under the water.

In a short time, Lisi night's head came up, and then Su Mo Mo's pale little face came out of the water.

"Mo Mo..."

After seeing Su Mo, Lin pianpianpian screamed.

At this time, if Lu Mo Chen did not pull her behind her, I'm afraid she would jump into the water.

Li Si night iron green a face, quickly swam to the shore, put Su Mo flat down.

Her breathing had stopped and her face began to turn blue.

The doctor brought by the police is going to check Su Mo's body, but he finds that Lisi's night is just like crazy. He protects Su Mo in his arms and doesn't allow anyone to get close to him.

He began to do cardiopulmonary resuscitation for Su Mo desperately, and then began to do artificial respiration.

Throughout the process, he tirelessly and mechanically repeated these two movements.

Those stiles look like they've never been flustered before.

When Lin Pianpian saw this scene, he couldn't help reddening his eyes:

"Mo Mo, you can't do anything. If you have an accident, I won't live!"

Su Mo Mo, if you dare to die, I will never let you go as a ghost in my life!

Do not know how long, as if time will be static.

At last, a violent cough began.

The sound was like the sound of nature to all the people present, and lisiwei was overjoyed.