Lisiye stares at the photographer fiercely, wondering whether he wants to die or smoke!

The photographer had been staring at night by Lisi, his back was numb and confused.

But when his eyes fell back to those avant-garde photos again, when he finally understood the cold hatred expressed in lisiye's eyes, he immediately regained his mind and quickly pulled out the avant-garde photo sample in front of him and stuffed it behind his buttocks.

With a stiff smile on his face, titty introduced several other styles to Su Mo:

"well, I think this very avant-garde style may not match Mrs. Li's temperament. Otherwise, let's see if you like other styles very much?"

When the photographer recorded these words, he could clearly feel that the cold hatred that had originally fallen on him was intended to disappear in the next second.

He wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and breathed a sigh of relief:


Scared the hell out of me!

"Well, actually I like the style of Hanfu. Do you have this style?"

Su Mo Mo looked through all the albums in hand, and his face showed a lack of interest.

She didn't like the so-called bohemian and Korean styles.

In fact, her favorite styles are those of Hanfu.


After listening to her, the photographer showed some hesitation on her face.

Because he has not taken this type of pregnant women's photos before, he said that this style is not particularly good at it.

But the problem is that Su Mo is a very important customer, so we can't offend or neglect him.

If we can meet her requirements, it will be a qualitative leap for her and the company.

For a moment, the Chief Photographer of the studio fell into a dilemma.

At this time, a young woman in a light windbreaker and short hair came out of another studio. She seemed to hear the conversation here.

She went to the edge of the sofa with a crisp voice:

"if this lady wants to shoot Hanfu, I'm better than him, or would you like to have a try with me?"

The sudden sound made the male photographer angry.

He stood up and glared at the woman angrily.

He lowered his voice and his voice was full of discontent:

"what do you mean by fangxinci? I don't care what I do when I go to work. Now I'm Grabbing Customers and grabbing my head. What do you mean? "

The woman, known as fangxinci, reached out and pushed her black framed glasses on her face.

In the face of the man's very angry tone, she seems extremely insipid:

"I'm just talking about the matter. Everyone is working for the studio, and they are fighting for the interests of the company. If you are good at Hanfu, why do you hesitate when this lady asked you just now?"

"If I remember correctly, you are very resistant to Hanfu culture. You think it's the dross of history. It's not advanced and avant-garde enough. It should be something eliminated by the times. With such a mentality, how can you make a work that satisfies the customers? "


The photographer's face turned blue and white, and he was very ugly.

But in the face of lisiwei's cold eyes, he had no way to deny it.

Because lisiye's momentum was so strong that the robber didn't even have the courage to lie.

"Nothing to say?"

Fang Xinci gave a faint smile and walked directly around him to Su Momo. He politely extended his hand to her, and the smile on his face gradually became harmonious:

"Hello, madam, my name is Fang Xinci. I have a certain research on Hanfu culture. If you choose me, I believe you will be able to take a set of photos to your satisfaction Come on

Su Mo Mo looked up and didn't know why. He just felt that this woman seemed familiar.

And her eyes are very sharp, but also with a clear.

Staring at the woman's face, there was a flash in her head.

She seems to have met this woman. When sesame studio had a shooting task, she seemed to have cooperated with her.

Think of here, Su Mo Mo inexplicably to her a little more trust.

She stood up with a smile and held out her hand with Fang Xinci's:

"since you are so confident, well, I'll give you my photo. I hope you can satisfy me."

When the male photographer saw this scene, he was itching with hatred.But because of lisiwei's presence, there was nothing else he could do.

After some communication, the shooting time was about three days later.

Because we want to shoot location, we have to choose a good day.

The style of Fang Xinci is different from that of ordinary photographers.

She chose the location of the shooting in a slightly remote scenic spot next to Ninghai city.

There is a relatively dilapidated garden in the scenic area.

The garden is very old, even some dilapidated, so it was abandoned by people in the scenic area.

However, in the eyes of Fang Xinci, it has become an excellent shooting location.

After she had a simple communication with the staff of the scenic spot and paid a certain fee, she painted the ancient buildings in the whole park white for the first time, and then did some old treatment.

Time soon came to the day of shooting. After all, Su Mo was in her third trimester, so lisiye didn't trust to let her come alone, so she put down her work and followed her to the scenic spot.

Su Mo Mo in make-up time, although the mouth is still in constant complaint, lisiye should not arouse the masses.

It's just a photo. She won't have any problems alone.

But seeing lisiye's insistence and the admiration of those makeup artists, her heart was still very sweet.

After all, with my husband by my side, I feel more energetic no matter what I do. Even when I take photos, I am in a very good state.

After su Mo almost finished her make-up, the make-up artist immediately took her to the side and put on some gorgeous Chinese clothes with light blue diamonds.

This suit is a slightly loose waist style. As soon as Su Mo changed it, she covered the bulge of her abdomen very appropriately.

When she put on her make-up, changed her clothes and appeared in the camera, not only her words, but also lisiye, who was standing by, was stunned.

This time, Su Mo Mo's dress was completely different from usual. It was the first time that lisiye saw her make an ancient costume.

I saw a little cinnabar carved in the center of the eyebrow on that pretty little face, very gorgeous.

The jewelry on her head looks a little complicated, but with the delicate face, it is unexpected that it appears very harmonious.

She came slowly wrapped in a blue dress, as if she were a fairy falling from the earth, bright and moving.

At the same time, like the empress of the world, the temperament is compelling.

I don't know why. Seeing Su Mo for the first time, lisiye's heart beat violently and uncontrollably.

The beautiful woman in front of him is his wife.

She has thousands of gestures, but she is still the most innocent and kind little sun in his heart.

This time, lisiye's amazing eyes did not hide anything, and his fiery eyes seemed to want to swallow Su Mo like this.

This look makes the people nearby look a little red and heartbeat.

After that, Su's eyes turned red.

It was the first time that she appeared in front of Lissie's night in such a disguise. Seeing his surprised eyes, she did not know whether she liked it or not.

So she pulled the skirt unnaturally and said shyly:

"is it strange for me to wear this? Your eyes are really... "

Before lisiye had time to say anything, she could not control her excitement when she stood aside with a camera. She held her face and cried out:

"my God, it's the first time I've seen someone so suitable for wearing Hanfu! You are the most perfect girl in my heart. After taking photos for so many years, I finally found the most suitable one in my heart! "

Fang Xinci's praise for Su Mo's side is simple and crude, without any beating around the bush.

However, it was this straightforward remark that accurately touched the voice of lisiye.

Lisiye never knew that Su Mo would be so beautiful and experienced when he was making such a costume.

After living for so many years, Su Mo was praised so frankly by others for the first time. For a moment, her pretty face turned red instantly!

"Come on, don't make fun of me. How can it be so exaggerated?"

Su Mo is a little embarrassed. She hastens Fang Xinci to start shooting.

Fang Xinci did not say anything more, nodded and immediately entered the state.

During the whole shooting process, Fang Xinci's amazing eyes and happy and indulgent smile almost started from the first photo and continued to the end of the whole shooting process.

Although Su Mo is about to be due, her slightly raised abdomen has not affected her shooting.When she takes a picture, she looks down at her stomach, and even makes others feel that there is a holy soft light emanating from her body, which is almost suffocating.

Maybe it's because Fang Xinci is really a very good photographer. She is very good at guiding Su Mo to do every action,

even so subtle, an expression, a look and a smile, which she can accurately capture.

After following the rhythm of Fang Xin Ci, Su Mo, who was still a little nervous, became more and more natural.

Whether it's action or expression, it's not like a novice at all. On the contrary, it's like a model with rich experience.

Lisiye, who had been watching the whole process, saw Su Mo's natural performance, and suddenly got a flash of light in his mind.

He realized that although Su Mo is now the head of a film and television company, he sometimes works as an agent and producer.

But lisiye found that after several years of precipitation, she was more and more suitable to be an actor.

If Su Mo goes to enter the entertainment industry, film and television industry, he may be able to achieve some myth!

However, when he realized that he had this dangerous idea, lisiwei killed it in the cradle for the first time.

Su Mo Mo was so beautiful, and now she was his wife. Lisi was determined to keep her at home.

Otherwise, if she appears on the big screen, I don't know how many more butterflies will come one after another. He will be very busy at that time.

"Mrs. Li, we still have the last set of photos, but this set of clothes may be a little bit more difficult than before. You need to climb up the back step, and then stand on the edge of the broken garden wall..."

Fang Xinci frowned. She looked at Su Mo's slightly raised stomach. When she spoke again, her tone seemed to be a little hesitant:

"do you think it's ok? If it doesn't work, we'll consider another way of shooting. "

Although the shooting process is not too long, through this series of exchanges, Su Mo can see that Fang Xinci is a very serious and responsible photographer.

The request she will make must be the most appropriate decision for the whole shooting process after careful consideration.

Just want to climb to the broken wall, the steps are about half a meter high.

In fact, according to Su Mo's height and her usual physical condition, it's just climbing a half meter high step on the wall. There should be no problem.

But now the situation is different, because Lisi's night is on the side.

Lisiye is very careful about himself and the children in his stomach. He will never allow any accident, so Su Momo must be careful this time.

She doesn't want to make her husband angry about taking a picture.

Su Mo Mo hesitated for a moment and turned to look at the side of Li Si night.

But she found that Lissie's eyes did not fall on her side, but seemed to fall into a kind of inexplicable meditation.

Su Mo frowned slightly and looked at Fang Xinci:

"that, do you have to go up?"

Fang Xinci is a very perfectionist photographer.

The reason why she proposed to climb to the broken wall to take photos is that there is a very good place to take pictures.

But anyway, Su Mo Mo has been pregnant for more than nine months.

Although the step is not particularly high, only about half a meter, but the broken wall has only one foot to stand on.

Pregnant women directly climb up like this, if there is no insurance measures, there will be risks indeed.

Now, after hearing Su Mo's slightly worried inquiry, Fang Xinci quickly shook his head:

"it's not necessary to go up, but this set of photos is the core theme of this series. It would be a great pity if they were not taken out, but now that you are pregnant, it doesn't matter if you don't take them. You can't even take them because you take them Tired, you're hurt. It's not worth the loss. "

"To say the least, what we're taking now is just a set of pregnant women's photos. We're not going to take part in any international competition to win awards, so we don't have to pay too much attention to them."

Although Fang Xinci said so, Su Mo didn't miss her disappointment.

Their sesame studio once cooperated with Fang Xinci, so she had heard a little about the photographer's professionalism and responsibility.

Fang Xinci is well-known in the industry. Her shooting angle is different from that of the general studio.

She even ponders for a lens and a background for a long time, just to present the most perfect effect.Although Su Mo has a big stomach now, she knows that a model is the soul of the studio.

She is very considerate of the obsession of a photographer with her work.

For example, when shooting "matchless two of the Tang Dynasty", if there was a scene that didn't meet her inner requirements, she would ask to shoot again and again, reorganize, and do the later stage again until it was perfect.

So she didn't want to destroy the core idea of fangxinci.

So after a moment's consideration, she flicked a warm smile on the corner of her mouth:

"don't say that. In fact, I'm looking forward to the effect of the sample film. It's my third child, but it's also my first pregnancy photo. I don't want to leave any regrets."

"It's just that it's not convenient for me to move now. If you want to shoot, you have to come and help me!"

After receiving Su Mo's response, Fang Xinci could not help frowning:

"Mrs. Li, are you sure this is really OK?"

Su Mo nodded. She gave a look in the direction of lisiye and said with a smile:

"isn't my husband watching now? Even if there is something wrong, he will come here at the first time. You can relax."

After hearing Su Mo's words, Fang Xinci was a little relieved.

She nodded, and her eyes showed a look of expectation:

"in that case, you must hold fast when taking photos later! If you have any discomfort, please let me know immediately and we will stop shooting immediately. "

Fang Xinci said this while walking past, she carefully supported Su mormo and sent her to the inner half meter high steps.

At the same time, it was also at this time that lisiwei seemed to recover and suddenly looked up to this side.