Now the only thing that lisiye and they can know clearly is that it is a very mysterious person who hides behind and manipulates the whole thing.

This man has the ability to cover the sky with one hand, and this power even surpasses Su Mufan and Li Siye.

If you want to save Su Mo from this man, you can imagine how difficult it will be!

"Since their purpose is only to remove the foam, not to hurt her, for the time being, she should not be in danger."

Su Mufan spoke slowly:

"but I have a very interesting thing here. I want you to have a look."

Li Si night forcibly repressed the disorderly mood on his chest, and his eyes turned to Su Mufan.

At this time, Su Mufan took out a video.

There are three people in the video, two men and a woman, and they happen to know each other.

Matthews, Mrs. Smith, and the dead doctor Victoria.

Lisiye looked up indifferently:

"what do you mean?"

"In the past two days, I have conducted some follow-up investigations at the same time, and I found that I'm afraid Liusha may not be behind the whole thing."

"This Victoria has been pregnant for almost eight or nine months, which is not much different from Mo Mo's month, but coincidentally, Mrs. Smith's child miscarried a month ago, which is almost the same month for three people."

"Yesterday, I sent a bodyguard to follow Mrs. Smith. It was reported that she often went to a private high hospital mysteriously recently, and her flat abdomen suddenly bulged again. It should have been seven or eight months."

"Do you think something very interesting happened in the middle of this?"

What a smart person lisiye is. He only needs to listen to it once, and then he can catch the key points of Su Mufan's words acutely:

"you mean that the person who grabs Mo Mo may not know the existence of Mrs. Smith's line. Or is he aware of Mrs. Smith's plan and not on guard? "

So, if they just follow Mrs. Smith's clue, they may be able to find the information about the video of the man who abducted Su Mo mo.

Yes, that's what Su Mufan said.

It seems that lisiye didn't run in vain. At least he found the direction he was looking for.

As long as they can capture a little bit of information about those mysterious people, even Jedi three feet, he will find them out.


Some mysterious island castle.

The huge waves beat Jiaoyan crazily, splashing huge and incomparable spray.

Located on the edge of the cliff is a magnificent European style castle. It seems that it has hundreds of years of history, which is ancient and romantic.

Around the castle, was planted with purple lavender, at a glance, formed a purple sea of flowers.

At this time, lavender is in full bloom. As long as you stand on the balcony of the castle and look far away, the whole island is almost occupied by this purple sea of flowers.

However, as long as you carefully observe, you can find that around the castle, there is a burly bodyguard stationed every ten meters.

Inside the castle, there are 20 maids on standby, some specialized in pruning flowers and plants, some specialized in sanitation and catering.

Food, clothing, housing and transportation can be said to have everything. It should be a very happy thing to live in such a picturesque castle.

However, this is the most cruel punishment for the woman who is under house arrest in the second floor bedroom.

The woman was wearing the most expensive dress and her long black hair was spread over her shoulders. At the moment, she was curling up on the wide bed, and her innocent little face was full of precaution and panic.


After a crisp sound, the door of the room was pushed open from the outside.

Mr. Hong came in from the outside in his Chinese tunic suit. He looked politely at the woman on the bed and kept the furthest distance from her. His attitude was very respectful:

"Miss Su, it's time to eat."

Su Mo stares at Mr. Hong coldly with a sneer:

"Mr. Hong, do you think I can still eat your cooking at this time?"

Mr. Hong knew that Su Mo was more or less resentful, and he didn't care how bad her tone was. There was still a very kind smile on her face:

"Miss Su, please be calm. Since you came here, you haven't had a good meal. Even if you don't think about yourself, you have to think about the baby in your stomach. "

After that, he snapped his fingers.

Then seven or Eight maids came in and brought the fresh food to the bedside table.There are bird's nests, shark's fin, and all kinds of rare and incomparable supplements, which can be said to be extremely luxurious.

But Su Mo Mo after seeing all these, feel matchless disgust only.

There was only one thought in her mind now, that is, she had to find a way to get out of here!

Without a moment's hesitation, she stood up and swept all the things she had just put on the floor:

"I said I would leave here, you have no right to house arrest me!"

Only hear "Hua la la" crisp ring, Su Mo Mo's action will be full of table abundant and precious ingredients all swept to the ground.

For a moment, there was only a mess left in the room.

However, the servants seemed to have received special training and didn't show any surprise reaction at all.

With a look from Mr. Hong, they came forward and cleaned up all the mess in the room in a few minutes.

Mr. Hong has no temper at all:

"prepare another one."

Su Mo originally wanted to use this method to provoke Mr. Hong. She thought that as long as she could provoke him, she would be able to find a flaw and find a way to leave here.

However, it seems that all the people in this room don't have any temper. No matter how noisy Su Mo is, they will only accept quietly and obediently, never show any impatience, and even don't have an unwilling look.

When the maids were ready to turn around and leave again, Su Momo suddenly said:

"you don't have to prepare it. I won't eat it. If you send it again, I'll smash it."

After listening to these words, the maid turned to look at Mr. Hong. It seemed that her eyes were asking something.

However, Mr. Hong just said:

"go and prepare another one."

"Yes, sir."

After all the maids left, Mr. Hong turned and walked up to Su Mo:

"Miss Su, you are not having a hard time with us, you are having a hard time with your baby, you know? You haven't had a good meal for several days now, which is very bad for the fetus. "

"Why house arrest me when you know it's not good for children?"

Su Mo Mo was really worried this time, because she had been separated from Li Si ye and her brother for more than a week.

She is so trapped on this isolated island, and has no contact with the outside world. Su Mufan and lisiye must not know what kind of situation they are in. Maybe they think they are dead.

The more she thought about it, the more anxious Su Mo was, so that she had no appetite at all.

She has to figure out what these people are doing here.

Mr. Hong lightly turned around and opened the curtain cloth for Su mo.

Outside the window, there is a cool sea breeze blowing in, accompanied by sunshine, and bursts of birds singing and flowers fragrance:

"Miss Su, we have not placed you under house arrest."

After hearing this, Su Mo felt as if he had heard the most ridiculous joke in the world.

She walked directly down from the bed, came to the balcony and pointed to the bodyguards who stood every ten meters:

"dare you say those are not your people?"

"I did arrange those people, but they're not here to put you under house arrest, they're here to protect you."

When Mr. Hong said this, his face was not red, his heart was not beating, and he was out of breath:

"I have already given orders to them. You can go anywhere you want on the whole island."

Su Mo sneered:

"what if I say I want to go home?"

"Of course, that's OK, but only if you have a way to get out of here. This is an area on the high seas, and the situation around it is very complicated. People who are not familiar with it can't get in at all, and it's not easy for people inside to get out. "

Damn it! No wonder he dared to say that he didn't have house arrest.

He didn't, because he knew there was no need for house arrest and he couldn't get out of here.

Su Mo Mo looked at the vast sea area for a long time and then said: "can I give my husband and brother peace?"

This time, her tone became much softer. Even if she couldn't see them, at least let her inform them that there was nothing wrong with her. Is that ok?

"Miss Su, I'm very sorry about this. I can't make the decision."

Mr. Hong still had a polite smile on his face, but he refused Su Mo's request without hesitation:

"because I'm just the housekeeper here, I really can't decide this matter."

Hearing this, Su Mo suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness.She didn't lose her temper any more. Instead, she walked to the balcony and looked at the boundless sea in the distance without moving.

Until the maids delivered the things they had prepared again.

Smelling the aroma of the food, without Mr. Hong's advice, Su Mo turned and walked directly to the dining table.

She pulled back her chair and sat down quietly, and began to eat cleverly.

Seeing that Su Mo suddenly became so cooperative, the maids and even Mr. Hong became a little unaccustomed for a while.

After seeing Su Mo's quiet and obedient appearance, Mr. Hong suddenly felt that he couldn't bear it.

After all the maids left, he said:

"Miss Su, there will be ships coming in a week later, and Mr. Z will come to see you. If you have any questions or requirements, you can ask him, but before that, I hope you can take care of yourself. "

Su Mo Mo Leng for a moment, she stopped the action in the hand, looked up at the past.

Only Mr. Hong nodded politely:

"even if you protest with fasting, we can ask the doctor to give you nutrition injection at that time. Why can't we wait here for a week?"

After that, Mr. Hong turned and left.

Su Mo tightly clenched her lips. She was too worried about lisiye, Su Mufan and her two children, so she had no appetite at all.

But I don't know why, just at that moment, she suddenly figured it out.

Since these people can catch themselves and settle her on this isolated island, they will not let themselves die so easily.

For the sake of her baby, she has to eat and drink here.

Either find a way to escape, or wait for lisiye and his brother to come and save himself.

"Baby, don't worry, Mommy will eat well, and you must be good!"

Su mormo lowered her head and gently stroked her stomach.

After a good meal, she walked out of the castle. This is the first time that she has been here for more than a week.

Everyone who saw her was very polite to greet her, and almost everyone's eyes were filled with amazing look.

The girl stood up in the wind in a long white dress, her long black and supple hair hanging over her shoulders.

Although her facial features are not as deep as those of Westerners, they are also extremely exquisite. It makes people feel pleasant to watch.

In the next week, Su mormo almost changed her initial temper and began to get along with the maids in the castle.

When they were cooking, they would sneak into the kitchen to eat.

When they water the flowers, they will also run to help, and even when they do sanitation, they will talk about all kinds of things about Z country.

At about six o'clock every morning, Mr. Hong would play Tai Chi outside the castle.

Su Mo saw it once in a while and insisted that he teach himself, saying that he was going to have a baby in a while and that he had to exercise more muscles and bones.

Mr. Hong was in his forties, but he didn't get married and had no children. He didn't even know how to say no to Su Mo, so he taught her some of the simplest moves.

This evening, Mr. Hong received a video call from Mr. Z:

"I heard that you are getting along well with her these days."

Mr. Z's voice was low and dignified, which made people unable to hear the joy and anger at all.

Mr. Hong only felt that his stamina was cool, so he quickly corrected the color:

"Miss Su is approachable."

"Approachable? Is that right? "

Mr. Z's mouth gently pulled, his cold face smile seems to be a little stiff.

"Yes, sir. Sir, the sea is not going well tomorrow. Do you need to come over? "

Mr. Z's eyes were cold:

"for this day, I have been waiting for 20 years. Do you want me to come over?"

"Sir, I'm talkative."

Mr. Z was silent for a long time. He didn't speak because his eyes were on the enlarged LED screen on the wall.

On the screen, Su Mo interacts with mediocre people outside the castle these days.

She was dressed in white and wore a wide hat. She was very happy.

The sea breeze blows up her skirt and her hat is crumbling.

She stretched out her hand and pressed the brim of her hat. When the sea breeze became a little softer, she opened her arms and looked at the distance. She didn't know what she was whispering.

That gentle eyes, as if waiting for their beloved

The scene is so familiar, and the face is so delicate that it almost overlaps with the young face in my memory. The past seems to be vividly in my mind"You did a good job."

Mr. Z suddenly praised Mr. Hong.

It's not easy to make su Mo smile on an isolated island.

Mr. Hong quickly lowered his head, because he was full of awe for the man in front of the screen.

Although I have been with him for more than 20 years, I have always been conscientious.

But it was the first time that he was praised so plainly by a man. Mr. Hong only felt scared.

After that, Mr. Z cut off the signal directly.

Seeing that the screen in front of him was completely black, Mr. Hong raised his head in fear. He was relieved after all.

Even though it has been more than 20 years, every time I talk with him, I still have a great sense of pressure and fear in my heart, because this man's sense of oppression is too strong.

Because of his special identity, and because he had too much blood on his hands, there was a kind of bloodthirsty indifference and alienation in his bones.

No matter how close people around, even family members can't get close to him.

Mr. Hong couldn't help sighing. He thought of Su mo. maybe Su Mo will have a turn for the better?

At the same time, in the manor of Elburg.

With a rush of brakes, a royal blue supercar drove directly into the parking lot.

Su Mufan, wearing a pure black casual suit and long legs, came down from the sports car.

He took off his sunglasses and went into the hall quickly.

As soon as he appeared, mu wanwan immediately stood up from the sofa:

"Mufan, just now Li Shao found the news about the mysterious man."

The expression on Su Mufan's face was stiff. He looked back at the French window.

At the moment, he saw lisiye's eyes coldly fall on the screen of his laptop in front of him. Standing behind him was something he hadn't seen for a long time.

Su Mufan squinted and walked over. He glanced at the computer screen from a distance and suddenly laughed:

"it looks like you found it too."

Mu wanwan was stunned for a moment:

"is that why you came back in a hurry?"

Lissie's long fingertips tapped gently on the table and made a very rhythmic sound.

And the computer screen in front of him is the picture of the port of elborg.

In the hustle and bustle of the crowd, half of the eastern face was enlarged by LISS's night shot.

Although that face is fuzzy, Su Mufan recognized it at a glance, that is Mr. Hong.

At the moment, he looked back cautiously, just looking directly at the camera on the tower behind him.

That's the instant of looking at each other, so that the surveillance video captured most of his face.

Su Mufan came to lisiye's side:

"the port of Elburg, where do you think they are going?"

"I have already investigated. There were almost hundreds of ships sailing from the port of Elburg that day, but there were only 20 private ships. There were about 10 ships who could not find out the background of their owners."

Su Mufan frowned:

"that is to say, Mo Mo is likely to be in the ten ships?"

In fact, lisiye thought like this:

"I'll try to find a way to transfer all the routes of the four ships one after another. Even if it's three feet of the Jedi, I must find out the mastermind behind it."

Ten small teams have been arranged one after another to take every route in the stupidest way. They should be able to find some clues more or less.

Su Mufan sighed:

"although the method is a bit stupid, it seems that we have no choice. But I have another thing here... "

Before Su Mufan's words were finished, the sound of high-heeled shoes suddenly came from the door, and then the clear female voice rang:

"long time no see!"

This voice is very familiar with, call Mu wan wan wan to listen to the chest fierce one suffocate.

She immediately looked up at the past, and saw that Ou Qili was wearing a professional suit, stepping on high-heeled shoes and coming in gracefully.

She was also wearing a top hat on her head and a pair of black leather gloves on her hands. She was well dressed.

Standing behind her is the assistant with the suitcase. Looking at their dusty appearance, they should have just come back from the airport.

Mu wanwan's face turned white. After Ou Qili and mu wanwan looked at each other, her suspicious eyes suddenly became a little surprised:

"Oh, my God, miss wanwan, you woke up!"

After saying this, Ou Qili came forward enthusiastically, as if to hug her.

Mu wanwan almost subconsciously stepped back with a faint alienation on his face"Hi."

Ou Qili didn't feel embarrassed. She put her hand down and laughed:

"when you were sent by ozer from country Z, I went to pick you up! I'm glad you woke up. It's a miracle

Ou Qili's undisguised enthusiasm for her made Mu Wan feel ashamed from the bottom of her heart.

This feeling is not because of her appearance, but because she can freely overflow her enthusiasm in front of Su Mufan.

She can not hide her love for Su Mufan. She is jealous of Su Mufan, especially

Especially her identity as Su Mufan's fiancee.

"Thank you for your concern."

Mu Wan Wan was still very polite and alienated.

Su Mufan looked at the two women in front of him, and he knew that there was something wrong with mu wanwan's expression.

"Why did you come back early?"

Ou Qili's attention was immediately diverted:

"what else can I do for you, of course, to help you!"

Su Mufan picked an eyebrow:

"help us?"


Ou Qili's mouth rises. She steps up to Su Mufan, takes out an exquisite invitation from her handbag and pushes it:

"in a week, the Annual Hollywood Charity Night will be held in the castle of Feili island."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, this charity night is ostensibly for charity, but behind the sponsor is the world's largest henchmen in operation, so the most powerful power owners in Europe and even the world will gather in the castle that day. People who can play you both around, I guess, must be guests of honor!"

When Lisi's eyes were cold at night, he stared at ouqili like this:

"are you going to get us in?"

Ou Qili smiles and walks to Su Mufan in a few steps.

She took Su Mufan's arm naturally:

"ozer's business is my business. If I can help, I will spare no effort!"

Originally, mu wanwan's eyes still fell on ou Qili, but when she saw this scene, she quickly didn't open her eyes.

She tried her best to be calm, but her face was a little pale. After all, she could not escape the eyes of the two men.

"Since it is such a high standard charity dinner, how can you guarantee that we can get in smoothly?"

Su Mufan quietly pulled out his arm and looked at Ou Qili with a light ring chest.

Ou Qili didn't seem to care about his action, but said with a smile:

"of course, it's not so easy for you to go in, but if you go in as my fiance, I'm afraid it's not difficult."

With these words, she turned to lisiye again:

"as for you two, please pretend to be lovers, so that you can go in with us smoothly."

Li Si Night Eye god suddenly a cold, Ou Qi Li's meaning is to let Mu Wan Wan and oneself pretend to be lovers?

Su Mufan's face is not very good-looking at this time, his long eyes fall on mu wanwan's body, vaguely can smell a kind of unhappy mood is slowly brewing.

However, without any hesitation, mu wanwan suddenly raised her head:

"I think Miss Ou Qili's proposal is good. If she can save Mo Mo, I believe Li Dashao won't mind."

Finish saying this words, Mu Wan Wan turns to see to Li Si night.

After all, this is a very important moment. She doesn't want to embarrass Su Mufan, but she just pretends to be a couple and doesn't need any physical contact. It shouldn't be a big problem.

But lisiye's mind was full of Su Mo's things at the moment, so he didn't want to get involved in the relationship between mu Wan and Su Mufan.

How to save Su Mo as soon as possible is the most important thing.

"I don't mind if Miss Mu doesn't mind."

Lisi spoke faintly in the night.

There was a sigh of relief on mu wanwan's face. She said with a smile:

"of course I don't mind. As long as I can save Mo Mo, it's nothing worth mentioning."

Ou Qili immediately gave a brilliant smile:

"OK, that's settled!"

That is at this time, Ou Qili's assistant suddenly answered a phone call.

After she whispered a few words, she hurried to ouqili's side and said two words in her ear.

Audrey's face changed. She looked at the watch on her wrist. Her face, which had been smiling so brightly, collapsed in an instant:

"what a bunch of flies!"As soon as they heard that Ou Qili had come back, the so-called relatives and elders in the European family were looking for her everywhere.

Recently, Su Mufan has made a lot of big moves in Euclidean group. Of course, these moves are also inspired by ouqili.

The reason why Ou Qili has been on a business trip for such a long time is to avoid those people. It's a pity that just as she got off the plane at this time, the phone came after her.

Before she even had time to catch up with Su Mufan, she had to go back:

"we'll talk about these details in detail in a few days."

Su Mufan didn't have much expression on his face. He nodded:

"go back, I guess you have a long business trip. There should be a lot of housework to deal with at home."

There was a smile on ou Qili's face:

"sure enough, you know me best in the world! Then I'll go back to face the storm first, and I'll try to contact you in a few days. "

With that, Ou Qili rubbed her temple helplessly, then nodded to Mu wanwan with a smile, stepped on her high heels, and left gracefully.

Ou Qili's smile was too natural and warm, even made Mu wan not used to it.

She nodded in response, and only after seeing him leave did she take her eyes back.

Just in a blink of an eye, he bumped into Su Mufan's deep and narrow eyes, which showed his gaze.

Those beautiful eyes seem to contain endless deep meaning, burning and firm eyes, as if they can penetrate everything to the bottom of my heart.

Mu Wan Wan was su Mufan see heart inexplicable jump, don't know why she some guilty don't open eyes, low head.

On the other hand, lisiye began to order one after another:

"the ten teams in your hands will start to act immediately, and don't delay a minute or a second."


Just as he was preparing to leave, lisiye added:

"if you find anything, please contact me immediately and don't act rashly."

"All right, boss."

One after another, he nodded and turned to leave. This time, he would never be sentimental again.

Even if he had any attachment to Su Mo, he would bury it deeply in his heart and never show any more.

This also can be regarded as a reward for the kindness of Li Si Ye.

If it had not been for lisiye, he would have been beaten to death in Los Angeles.

He remembers being left on the streets of Los Angeles, hungry for three days and three nights.

Until later, a kind-hearted man gave him a hamburger. When he thought he didn't have to go hungry today, other refugees rushed up to grab his food.

This hamburger may be his only food in the next three days. Holding this hamburger one after another, he was beaten to death and didn't let go.

Finally, his head was opened by the refugees, but the hamburger in his hand was still robbed by them.

It rained heavily that night, and he lay alone in the street, as if he could feel the blood flowing from the back of his head.

His body became colder and colder, and his consciousness became more and more blurred

In succession that he must be dead this time, suddenly a luxury car stopped in front of him.

Soon, a boy about ten years old stood in front of him. He had black hair and an oriental face.

The young man stood in front of him and looked down at him. His whole body showed a strong courage that did not match his actual age.

"Come with me. I'll heal you and give you food."

Others may not know that at this time, just a bowl of rice can make people give up their lives immediately.

So he immediately agreed without any hesitation.

Only later did he know that the teenager in front of him was the successor of Li group, the largest family in Z country.

He has been training with lisiye since he was ten years old.

He was lisiye's bodyguard, but their relationship was more like a brother.

One after another has been two distinct hierarchy firmly engraved in their minds.

Because in addition to gratitude, he also had respect for lisiye. In his impression, lisiye was the only master in his life.

If it had not been for him, I would have been dead in the street.

So when he came back to the slum again, even if he was beaten by other people in lisiye, he still did every task diligently.

In the past few months, I have never given up training one day.

Obviously, opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared.

When he thought that he would stay here all his life, lisiye called him.Once again, he returned to lisiye's side. In succession, he did nothing except to do everything he ordered with all his heart.

He vowed that even if he dug three feet, he would find Su Mo and send him to the boss.

In the days when Su Mo was tied away, Lisi hardly had a good sleep.

Every day until the sky turned white, he could close his eyes vaguely.

Then he woke up as soon as it was light.

His state made him seem to be back before he knew Su mo.

At the beginning, it was because of Li Baobao's affairs that he was burdened with heavy mental shackles, so that he couldn't sleep at night.

Now it's hard to untie the shackles, but Su Mo Mo has become another torture that he can't escape.

The more anxious his heart was, the calmer his expression was.

Outsiders even think that he doesn't care about Su Mo's disappearance.

But only those who were close to him knew that when night fell, Lissie looked at the empty place beside his pillow, and his heart seemed to be crushed by a huge stone, which made him almost breathless.

He never even felt so disappointed and helpless.

What kind of person is his opponent? He could not extricate himself from this situation.

Although it was certain that Su Mo was not in danger for the time being, it seemed as if he had been through a century to see her every second.

He never worried about being scared to such a degree. He even thought that if he continued to consume it like this, I'm afraid he would be exhausted before he saw Su mo.

In the dark bedroom, Lissie lay on the bed, and his closed eyes suddenly opened. It seemed that there was a cold light in it.

In a week, he only gives himself one week.

In these seven days, he must find out Su Mo and let her return to his side intact!

This is the deadline he gave himself and the promise he made to Su Mo who didn't know where he was.

Little guy, you must wait for me!

The atmosphere in Su Mufan's room didn't seem to be much better than that in Li Si's night room.

Mu Wan Wan is quietly cleaning up the bed at the moment, while Su Mufan is facing her with his back, supporting his hands on the balcony railing, staring at the starry sky outside the window.

Since Ou Qili left just now, Su Mufan went upstairs and stood on the balcony.

It's been almost half an hour now, but he seems to be a statue.

Mu wanwan was a little uneasy. She came over gently:

"still thinking about the foam?"

Mu wanwan's voice was very gentle, even with a little bit of caution:

"don't worry, Mo Mo will be fine. Maybe she is waiting for us to pick her up somewhere now."

"Who told you I was thinking about Mo Mo?"

Su Mufan suddenly opened his mouth.

Mu wanwan was stunned by his words:

"it's not about foam, it's..."

"If I said I was thinking of you."

Su Mufan suddenly turned around and looked down at mu wanwan.


After hearing this, mu wanwan was stunned. She looked at him incredulously.

Because Su Mufan's words were too sudden, mu wanwan even thought that he still wanted to express himself at this time.

However, according to his own understanding of him, what he said was not to express himself, but that he might have poked his anger this evening.

"Mufan Sorry, i... "

Mu wanwan didn't know why he felt guilty. Even when he spoke, he became a little bit bumpy.

Su Mufan really likes her clever and obedient appearance, but it will never be the timid and cautious appearance now.

He likes her clever, docile but not arrogant, but now mu wanwan seems to have pulled himself down to the dust.

This is the most uncomfortable part of Su Mufan. She is the woman she likes. With this alone, she should be proud.

At the thought of her trembling in front of Ou Qili just now, Su Mufan's eyebrows became more and more tight.

Originally suppressed in the chest of the flame, as if at any time will be ignited into a prairie fire.

He came forward and grabbed mu wanwan's chin, forcing her to look up at herself:

"why should I be sorry, why should I say I'm sorry?"

Mu wanwan seemed to be frightened by his appearance:"Because Because of Ou Qili, she... "

Ou Qili's three words suddenly broke the last rational string in Su Mufan's head.

He didn't even wait for mu wanwan to finish his words, so he directly took her up, and then quickly came to the bedside and threw her directly on the soft bed.

Then, he went up with the momentum of the mountain.

Wan suddenly shrunk his head.

Seeing the woman's refusal, Su Mufan's face became more and more ugly.

He grabbed her hands and buckled them on her head, his face was very blue:

"don't you always want me to do this to you? What are you hiding from now? "

Mu Wan Wan didn't know what to say for a moment, even she didn't know why she wanted to hide.

It is clear that she has been waiting for this moment for five years, but why does Su Mufan's body step back when she really wants to touch her?

"Or is your body more honest than your mouth?"

Su Mufan saw mu wanwan like this, suddenly he felt that he was not interested.

That Zhang Junlang incomparable face floated cruel smile, sometimes, some things, he must think of a way to force, otherwise mu wanwan simply can't see clearly his heart.

Su Mufan's thin lips gently opened, but his beautiful lips said the most cruel words:

"isn't all this what you have been looking forward to? Just stay by my side humbly, even if I have a fiancee, it doesn't matter. Before I get married with my fiancee, you just need to watch me quietly. When she plans to marry me, you can quit quietly. "

Mu Wan Wan looked at Su Mufan in horror, and the blood color on her face suddenly faded. She couldn't believe her ears.

It is clear that these are the deepest words hidden in her heart, but from Su Mufan's mouth, it is so cruel.

Seeing that mu wanwan didn't reply for a long time, Su Mufan suddenly got up, turned and walked towards the door:

"it seems that you really don't have anything to say to me?"

Seeing Su Mufan get up and walk towards the door, mu wanwan just feels his heart beating like thunder.

Why did she have an illusion, as if Su Mufan was about to step out of her world.

"I'm jealous of her."

Mu wanwan suddenly stood up.

Su Mufan's step at the foot of a meal, his pair of evil eyes narrowed up, there is no clear emotion is brewing.

Mu Wan Wan just stood behind him. She didn't dare to ask him to turn around. She was afraid that when she saw Su Mufan's cool and thin eyes, she couldn't say anything.

"I envy her. I envy that she can be your fiancee. I envy that she can express her love for you openly and wantonly. I envy that she can stay by your side. I even envy that she is a complete woman and can give you a complete home!"

Su Mufan cold incomparable atrium outside, it seems that there is what hard shell, is slowly melting fragmentation.

He wanted to turn around, but mu wanwan suddenly rushed forward and hugged him from behind.

Her arms were too strong for him to turn.

"Don't turn around. Just stand like this. I'm afraid you will turn around and I will never have the courage to say these words to you again."

When mu wanwan spoke, she was still crying in her voice:

"I really want to stay by your side like before and listen to others call me sister-in-law. My biggest dream in my life is to be able to marry you. I don't care what queen or national goddess I am! The only person I care about is you... "

Su Mufan


But the fate is so unfair, she can not easily return to his side, but she has become an incomplete woman.

She has no way to give him a complete home, so mu Wan Wan is ashamed of herself in front of Su Mufan. How dare she ask for more!

"But the doctor told you you can't have a baby?"

Su Mufan this time suddenly open mouth, this words let Mu Wan Wan body a stiff, she some can't believe of raise head.

At this time, Su Mufan also broke off her hand and turned around.

In the dark room, Mu Wan could see Su Mufan's deep eyes. She couldn't believe her words:

"you Do you know all about it? "

Su Mufan looked down at her:

"do you think anyone can hide what I want to know?"

Mu wanwan panicked immediately:

"I don't understand. Now that you know..."Since Su Mufan has known this for a long time, why did he bring himself to m country?

Listen to Su Mo Mo say, in the period when he fell into a coma, Su Mufan almost stood by himself.

Why? There's no man in the world who doesn't mind that his woman can't have a baby?

Su Mufan held her chin and raised her little face:

"I don't like children."

"What? What did you say? "

Mu wanwan almost can't believe his ears. What is Su Mufan talking about?

He told himself he didn't like children?

Su Mufan once again stressed:

"I said, I don't like children."

Mu Wan Wan looked at him like this, suddenly his eyes were sour.

She doesn't know what kind of reaction Su Mufan had when she learned that Su Momo was pregnant.

How can he be a father again when he wants to be an uncle?

Is that because you are worried about yourself? Mu wanwan didn't even dare to think so.

"So what are you going to do now?"

Su Mufan stares at mu wanwan like this, it seems that he wants an answer from her.

Mu wanwan was a little confused:


"Are you going to love me as much as you did five years ago?"

Su Mufan narrowed his eyes, and the smile on Zhang Junlang's face fascinated mu wanwan.

Every time Su Mufan smiles at her like this, mu wanwan feels that all the haze in her world is gone, as if it is full of flowers.

Before meeting Su Mufan, mu wanwan once felt that her whole world was dark.

Mom and dad regard her as a cash cow, almost every minute of pay is always concerned about the return.

And every opposite sex around her is thinking about her beautiful skin.