"The king of passers-by is just the king of passers-by. If you play well, team cooperation is not necessary! What's more, you all say that Bai Tong is very powerful. In the peak race, what's his number? If you have the ability, take a look at the first three

BP is the abbreviation of "banpick", which means to disable and select heroes before a game.

Because there is a restraint relationship between heroes, it is generally recognized that the game of BP has been in the game of wisdom and courage. Even the quality of BP directly determines the win or lose of the whole game.

The peak game is an original mode created by King glory for high segment players. In this mode, it is impossible to form teams and hide nicknames. Generally, there are no actors, so fairness is guaranteed as far as possible.

The number of points in the peak game is a proof of the strength of high-level players.

This is said by Zhang Luhan, the tanbian of Ziwei Tiangong zwtg, a wealthy club.

Zwtg is worthy of the nickname of "Ziwei Tiangong". This club has always been famous for its arrogance and arrogance, and it is a dead enemy of SXC.

Because their strength is really the top of KPL, when they face new players, they will talk about it wildly. They call it honing their mind for the new players. In fact, they are giving the new players a bad impression.

Zhang Luhan's fans are congenial to him. They can't help but brush "ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha" in the live broadcast room and send out bullet screens one after another to say:

[that's right! The rookie should have the humility of the rookie. What is the "invincible in training"? 】

[it's not because we zwtg are too lazy to play training games with him, otherwise, when we press them on the ground and rub them, he will know who is the father! 】

several local celebrities began to brush presents for Zhang Luhan. Zhang Luhan freely thanks and slowly opens the peak game page.

"Dad doesn't agree with the new man! I'm still busy brushing the ranking of the peak competition. Bai Tong, the coward, doesn't dare to play in the peak competition. What's the meaning! What do you want to see me play with this one? Fly in the middle of the road

Zhang Luhan laughs and enters the game. He selects Diao Chan: "give me blue, I'll fly with you!"

Diao Chan, one of the four beauties, is the most enchanting dancer in wangzhe gorge. It is characterized by blood sucking, flexible displacement and real injury.

Diao Chan's skill seems simple, but it's not easy to play her well. However, Zhang Luhan's best skill is needling. He is full of confidence. When he saw that Shen Mengxi was the only one on the opposite side, he turned his lips.

"See how I can beat him! ——Huh? Shen Mengxi on the other side is Guofu

Zhang Luhan was a little surprised. The peak game didn't show the player's nickname, and he didn't know who Zhongdan was.

Shen Mengxi is also called Bomb cat. One skill can accumulate bombs and release them in a long range. The second skill can speed up escape. The big move is a big bomb with a large range. After landing, it will cause damage at both ends and the lethality is not low.

However, Zhang Luhan was not too nervous. He still had time to chat with the fans watching the live broadcast. He said arrogantly, "when I get close to him, Shen Mengxi will be dead. Let's see how I beat him. He's a super ghost."

[welcome to the glory of the king]

[the enemy still has 3 seconds to reach the battlefield. 】

[the whole army attack! 】

the line is coming.

Zhang Luhan carefully manipulates Diao Chan's line of eating soldiers, but Shen Mengxi, who is opposite, keeps throwing bombs to harass him, keeps lowering his blood line, and at the same time adjusts his position delicately, so as not to give Diao Chan any chance of close attack.

Zhang Luhan complained secretly that Shen Mengxi was too sensitive. He used passive lighting to constantly gain his vision. While ensuring his own safety, he tried to suppress as accurately as possible, so that he had no way to cause economic repression in the early stage.

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