——Ha, Ji Baizhu really secretly hid the money.

Mingming is rich. When her cousin Cheng Yuxuan had an accident, she could run straight. She never thought they were a family!

Cheng Yuxuan has an accident. How can she not help her cousin? On the contrary, he was stupid enough to hire a lawyer and sue his relatives!

Heartless and unkind little bitch!

Aunt Cheng scolds in her heart and looks at Uncle Cheng angrily. But Uncle Cheng sits in his chair, looking stunned and wondering what he is thinking.

On the other hand, Ji Baizhu has read the claim:

"1. Request the court to order the defendant to compensate the plaintiff for the mental loss of 102000 yuan; 2. Request the defendant to return the plaintiff's estate house; 3. Request the defendant to return the plaintiff's estate fund of 399423.56 yuan; 4. Order the defendant to bear the litigation costs of this case."

How much is it?!

Half a million?

Is Ji Baizhu crazy!

"- why so much money! I don't pay for it. Why should I pay for it! Ji Baizhu! You are robbing money

Aunt Cheng's rational string broke and jumped up: "We support you, and you still accuse us of losing money? Unfilial bitch, why should we compensate me? I -- "

" be quiet! "

She jumped up and made a scene, and the whole court was in a mess. Soon someone forced her down. The presiding judge sternly warned: "according to Article 309 of the criminal law, the crime of disturbing the order of the court can be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of less than three years, criminal detention, public surveillance or fine. Now we give Luo Ailian a serious warning!"

Fixed term imprisonment?

Aunt Cheng suddenly lost her courage and fell back. Uncle Cheng sighed and stretched out his hand to pull her. Aunt Cheng turned red with anger and stared at her with gnashing teeth.

Baizhu finished, took a deep breath, and looked at Xiao Lingchen.

His calm eyes can always give her endless courage and confidence. When she is in a panic, as long as she thinks that he is always behind her, she uses the power to face everything in the world again.

The man raised his hand and gave her a thumbs up with a smile.


Atractylodes macrocephala can't help bending lips.

"In October 2018, the plaintiff's parents died in a car accident. The defendant adopted the plaintiff and forced the plaintiff to transfer from the city where he had lived since childhood to live together in the county where the defendant lived..."

Aunt Cheng was staring at her eyes, and the corners of her mouth were convulsing. She turned to stare at Uncle Cheng, who shook his head stiffly at her, and his face was full of helplessness.

Soon after the indictment was announced, it was the defendant's turn to read the defense. Aunt Cheng stuttered over the manuscript that the lawyer helped to write.

Different from Ji Baizhu's sincere indictment, this reply adverbial is stiff and false, and aunt Cheng hesitates. In contrast, it stands high and low.

Next, the court trial went on. Aunt Cheng didn't care any more. Did she have any objection to the evidence provided by the pleading When she came back, uncle Cheng had a smile on his face.

"The witness has just been called in, and now it's in our favor," he whispered. "Anyway, we've kept her for so long. The house is still in her name. She has no evidence to say that we occupied her things! "

Aunt Cheng finally breathed a sigh of relief: "OK Hum, such wishful thinking! After going out, I have to take her... "

While speaking, the chief judge asked again, "does the plaintiff have any witnesses to testify in court?"

Aunt Cheng looks at Baizhu with pride. Now the situation is biased towards them. She has a ghost witness. It's better to give up and end this farce as soon as possible!

Just at this time, Atractylodes macrocephala slowly raised his head and said calmly, "yes."

What else? How long will it take!

Aunt Cheng frowned irritably. The judge was summoning the witness to the court. There was a sound of footstep outside the door.

She looked up carelessly, but was stunned.

"How are you -"

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