"My God, who did it! It's still not human! "

At the door of Cheng's house, he was splashed with blood red paint and sprayed with a few big words "lose money". The windows were smashed, and the stinking garbage was all around him.

"Oh, Mr. and Mrs. Cheng, have you offended anyone?"

The neighbor is a famous shrew. She scalded her head and made instant noodles. She gloated at the excitement and said in her voice:

"deal with it earlier, or you will have an accident in your own house, which will affect the whole building. And these garbage, oh, you have to throw it away quickly, garbage sorting, be careful of fines

Aunt Cheng trembled with anger: "we'll deal with it! What are you talking about? "

"Ah, I'm kind-hearted. Look at your attitude --"

the woman was angry, and her voice suddenly rose, which made people in the three buildings around hear clearly.

"It must be your daughter's business! I dress up all day and fight with my little sister all day. How can I not make trouble outside? I would say that a girl's family should be virtuous and virtuous. No one wants your daughter's ancient pig cage! "

"What nonsense, you old bitch! Shut up Aunt Cheng is very angry. During this period of time, everything comes to her heart. The string of reason breaks with a bang, "I've torn your mouth!"

The neighbor's woman was shocked and ran up and down with a pair of flip flops:

"hit! I've exposed Cheng's disguise. He's so angry that he's going to hit someone! How can this kind of people let them live in our community and make people splash paint outside. Sooner or later, they will threaten everyone! "

She was a fan of the fire before, and other people didn't all praise her, but at least the last sentence she said now is just to the point.

Cheng Yuxuan is willing to fall. It's her business to fall. Most people laugh at her after dinner. But now the Cheng family has obviously offended people. Those gangsters can come into the community to splash paint and smash glass. Maybe what will happen in the future!

What if it affects them?

"Yes, if you annoy us and smash our glass too..."

"Nothing else, it stinks."

"I've heard that all his daughters have been put in detention! I've broken someone's arm in a fight with a gangster! "

"Ah, how can such people continue to be neighbors! My children are still young. What if they fail to learn? Tell them to move out! "

"Yes, yes, let them move out, move out!"

Cheng's family completely provoked public anger. Some good people even called 110. The police and the community security came to separate aunt Cheng and the neighbor woman.

"If you can mediate between neighbors, you don't want everyone else, otherwise you will be regarded as gathering people to fight and disturbing public order."

Aunt Cheng was scratched with blood on her face, and the woman was seriously injured. Her hair was taken off, and she crossed her waist and cried out: "it's just time to get in! My daughter was arrested for fighting, and my mother was also arrested. It's beautiful! "

"Bitch, shut up, shut up!"

Aunt Cheng was so angry that she trembled and cried. Uncle Cheng finally dragged her home. She cried: "sell the house! I have to sell my house. How can I live here! Let's go to lawyer Xiao and sell the house! Go to the capital, when the capital, do not and this does not have the quality of a community

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