I don't know if it's because I've made a lot of trouble. When I came out of the hospital, I didn't have so much vigilance when I saw Xiao Lingchen again. I was more curious.

It turns out that this kind of big man is amazing at first sight. In private, will it be so fun?

Feel next to the little girl is no longer alienated indifferent eyes, the man's face is silent, but the heart is a school of spring ripples.

- "the second style of the prince's rules for chasing his wife": a cold tempered person can set up a contrast by playing silly and making a fool of himself. It helps to draw closer, create intimacy and create conditions for the next intimacy.

He kept in mind that the first style was written in the previous interface, but he didn't expect to summarize it before, so he just wrote a simple "hero saves beauty".

Sitting on the bus, Xiao Lingchen said that he would take her home. On the way, Baizhu hesitated and asked, "Sir, how can you come here? I've heard of the reputation of Xiao's group, and Qingsi town is just a small place... "

Xiao Lingchen said quietly: "don't call it 'sir'. As I said, just call it my brother. I'm here to talk business, but it's Atractylodes macrocephala. Haven't you and your parents been in imperial capital all the time? When did you move here? "

Referring to her parents, Atractylodes macrocephala lowered her eyes slightly and said in a low voice: "my parents They're all gone. I'm living with my aunt now and I've transferred here. "

When she thought of her parents, she couldn't help feeling sad. In the past, her family was not very rich, but her parents were very fond of her. Even if the family of three lived in a small two bedroom and one living room in the old city, all she could hear was laughter.

On weekends, winter and summer holidays, her parents would take her around. Her mother would always fill her schoolbag with snacks and desserts, and her father would sneak into her purse to put pocket money. How ever did she need to work for herself?

She didn't like to spend money indiscriminately. After saving a lot of money, she bought them a valuable pen and a big brand of silk scarf as a gift on their wedding anniversary.

Mom and dad are very happy, said that the family also want to save money, this summer, bite teeth to take her to go abroad to play a circle.

But it's not yet summer.

Mom and dad have

And she is no longer the carefree child with parents' love.

He moved away from his childhood environment, transferred to other schools, left his familiar classmates and friends, and came to this strange place to make a living under his mean aunt and uncle.

Enduring the humiliation of his cousin, he worked hard to earn a little money, and worked hard to maintain the miserable life he had never imagined before

The voice is getting lower and lower, and the clear eyes of Atractylodes macrocephala are suddenly darkened. Her eyes can't help reddening, and her heart is haunted by the heavy breath. She is more and more sad and aggrieved.

If Mom and Dad were still there, how could she -

just when she was more and more sad, a big dry and warm hand fell from her head and gently rubbed her head and heart.

"I'm sorry, but I beg your pardon."

The low and gentle voice of a man, like a hot spring, moistens her cold and dry heart and brings him inexplicable peace of mind.

"My parents are familiar with your parents. Your parents also said that when you are a few years older, they will bring you to my home. I'm half your elder. Since my aunt and uncle are not here now, I'd better take care of you in the future. "

He said: "you call me brother, is my sister, I am determined to protect the people, will not be wronged by others."

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