The madness of the eunuchs came from the little queen's consistent retreat.

But they did not expect that this calculation, but let the queen burst out, pull out the sword, directly cut all the boys and boys!

When they heard the sound, they saw that the room was full of blood and ferocious, and the man who was not covered in clothes died all over the place!

And the queen panted in the pool of blood, with a fierce look. Her Dragon Robe splashed red blood spots, and the tai'a sword in her hand was covered with bright red blood.

The eunuchs and courtiers were frightened. For a moment, they did not dare to force the empress and the Chamberlain to go to the same room, but they were not willing to let the little empress out of control. As soon as they turned their eyes, they sent people to set off a storm of public opinion among the people.

"Your Majesty is ignorant, lecherous, tyrannical, extravagant and hedonistic. What's more, he makes fun of killing people. He is a tyrant like Jie Zhou!"

"The great Kang Dynasty will perish sooner or later because of heavy taxes and harsh administration and the redemption of soldiers."

"Since ancient times, there has been no example of a woman being an emperor, asking her to abdicate and abdicate to the prime minister!"

All the wrong policies made by eunuchs and courtiers were blamed on the queen. It was not that the little queen did not want to study, but that the eunuchs and courtiers deliberately raised her first and did not give her the chance to study.

The queen was caught in the picture of her living in the same room with a group of waiters who were not covered in their clothes. She could not bear the image of big use, lust and incompetence, which was deeply rooted in people's hearts from then on.

No other minister had expectations for her, and no one really respected her. Countless courtiers and politicians were sent to the palace.

The empress was deeply aggrieved, but the courtiers didn't listen to her explanation at all. They only accused her of being addicted to her voice and color, and they didn't mention anything about her being in charge at all.

Until she died of depression at the age of 23, and ascended the throne for 15 years, she failed to make a step forward.

From her accession to the throne to her death, she never really showed her face and laughed one day.

After the death of the empress, there were no descendants left. The imperial court clamored for her adoption, but gradually built internal fights. Beirong of the northwest grassland took the opportunity to invade, and within a few years, it completely crushed the Dakang Dynasty.

Those courtiers and eunuchs not only did not reflect on her, but also wrote down the eternal name for her in the history books, saying that she was a fatuous monarch and destroyed the whole dynasty, which was sinful and unclear.

"Prince Xi, the reincarnation of sister a tong has no memory related to you. She won't remember you at all. Moreover, because she has only fragments of her soul, she is doomed to die young and miserable. Even if you want to save her again, she is doomed to live less than 24 years old! "

"I know."

"When she is dead, you can collect her soul fragments and send them to another small world for reincarnation. But if you want to find her, you can only waste a hundred years in that world until you die alone!"

"I know."

"I don't think you know anything - if you go to that world, just look at her silently. If you don't want to provoke, don't provoke. When you know that her reincarnation is over and really comes back, you can think of other things!"

Xi impatiently cut off a Dang's message and didn't want to listen to it at all.

A tong is his wife. How can he do it if he wants to watch her miserable for a lifetime without intervening?

Even if the price is lonely for a hundred years, he will change her life!

He was attached to a young major general stationed in the frontier of the Dakang Dynasty.

When the queen was a young princess, the only son of Grand Marshal Zeng Xuewu, who had been a teacher, was also her half elder martial brother according to human rules.

Now Beirong is restless and frequently invades the border. He came to the northwest to lead the troops, but unfortunately he died in the recent battle. , the fastest update of the webnovel!