Tong Su's smile curved her eyes.

You see, how nice he is.

He knew that the arrow would stop bleeding, so he would rather bear the arrow injury with his body than hurt her, such a good person -

such a good lover.

He should be arrogant, arrogant, arrogant, lonely, presumptuous, arrogant and uninhibited. He is fearless because he is young, arrogant and frivolous because he is amazing. No one can hinder him, and no one can make him worth seeing more.

So how can such a person die?

She raised her head, smile more happy and satisfied, her eyes and that pair of narrow eyes, she smile: "prince."

His eyes are sharper than hawk falcon. When she catches her accurately, she suddenly seems to see the flashing water light in his eyes.

“…… Call me Xi. That's my real name. "

"Yes, Xi."

Her smile is shallow and gentle, and his eyes are like fire, which can burn everything and dye all the sadness and pain.

He shouldn't show such a painful expression. He should always be cool and indifferent. His eyebrows are full of arrogant alienation and impatience. He is the only prince in the world and the last bottom line to fight against the way of heaven and the witches!

So, how can such a person die? How can you die?

If one has to die.

Then this person should be the most worthless one.

Bang -

the arrow light met Jinwu's body and burst.

The blazing light tore up the world and forced everyone to close their eyes, but there were still screams and screams resounding through the wasteland!

On the heavenly court, Xihe wails in pain -

the way of heaven releases divine consciousness and sweeps everything in the sky. He can't see the specific situation clearly, but there is no problem in the mixture of golden black blood and the breath of death, and countless golden lights fall from the sky and sink deep into the East China Sea.

"I'm dead. I'm dead this time." Tiandao smiles with satisfaction and leaves Yi's body without hesitation

Yi fell down on his knees, and his whole body was in great pain. His whole meridians were broken because of the occupation of heaven. His seven orifices oozed blood, and he lost most of his life!

His throat was blocked by blood, half a scream could not be yelled out. The way of heaven didn't care about his tragedy, and even didn't look at it more. He turned and left leisurely.

"It's a great honor for you to take on the power of the Tao once. You can't lose your life. There's no need to pretend to be miserable. "

Yi's eyes were congested, his head tilted painfully, and the spasm of pain swept over his mouth, coagulating two lines of law, shaking, like a bitter struggle -

can't he lose his life?

But all the blood of the sorcerers in his body was burned out!

Now his accomplishments are exhausted, and years of hard work have turned into nothing. Now he is an ordinary mortal, a mortal who can't even be killed by beasts with his bare hands!

He was just a mortal -

in despair, Yi almost wanted to kill himself immediately.

Just as he was dying to grasp the fragments of the residual sword on the ground, a pair of jade white hands suddenly stretched out and steadfastly picked him up and carried him on his back.


"How can you admit defeat, you damned fool? Follow me

with the fall of gold and black, the way of heaven is very happy.

Although he temporarily cut off the contact with Zixiao palace and lost the ability to control the law in order to attach himself to Yi and kill Jinwu, this price can still be reluctantly accepted.

No one will know that Jinwu's death is related to him.

The witch clan and the demon clan are at war. No one wants to make trouble in Zixiao palace. After all, the two boys in Haotian yaochi are still there, which is enough to scare the curfew.

He was flying loose, feeling the powerful power of complete freedom. Even his body was so light that he wanted to fight wildly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!