"Did you hear that? When his highness was caught by the empress, he was real! "

"Tut Tut, it's amazing. I didn't expect that his Highness the prince would be like this It's really a bird. It's sentimental and heartless, but it's really romantic... "

"What's the matter with the real body? I'm a Terran. I came from Kunlun to study in langhuan. I still don't understand the customs of your demon tribe. What's the problem? "

"It's a big problem! It's like for us demon people to see each other Well, for example, it's like you people are naked! Does that make sense? "

"Damn it! Your highness, is this naked and caught by Xihe's mother? What's so special about this is that the dandy is so arrogant that the prince robs people's girls and despises other people's girls. What's the reaction of the empress? "

"What's your reaction? Of course, it's going to explode! It is said that the girl still wants to protect the prince, but the empress says that all the love not for the purpose of marriage is playing hooligans, and the prince is the biggest hooligan bird in Honghuang world! He scolded his royal highness to the point of bloody blood. "

"If you can do this, you must be the most rebellious prince! He's the only one who can be such a jerk

"The empress is so angry. I think the prince must have done something wrong first. I'm sorry for the little girl. It seems that she caught her on the bed."

"It should be. Unexpectedly, tut Tut, it is estimated that the prince approached the girl in a daze and was caught by Xihe Niang

"Maybe that girl will kick the Prince down when she is in charge of Xihe. However, since there is no sign of fighting recently, I guess the prince didn't fight back. He probably likes the girl very much, and it's better to beat her so much. "

"It's said that the empress has dragged the eldest prince to the palace. It seems that his majesty Dijun is not here, but his majesty Taiyi is here. When his majesty Taiyi knows that the eldest prince is so cowardly, he beats him up I can hear the scream from inside at the gate of the palace

"Wow, is that the truth? I must share it with my little friends

"These are all my guesses, and some of them listen to others. You can't do it right. Don't tell others."

"I see."

Those who promised promised promised, but when they turned around, Balabala began to publicize the story of "the prince's frivolous beauty was caught, the empress and his majesty beat him in turn". When

and other Adam in Kunlun make complaints about the fox's Tucao, they don't know how many stories they have changed. She almost laughs.

"So that silly red bird, fat as a ball, is his royal highness, who is usually deep and terrible? In order to chase ah Tong, he can pretend to be so good, ha ha ha... "

She wrote down the eight trigrams she heard in her little notebook, turned her head and went to her master's arms: "master! Let me tell you a big secret. The prince of heaven wants to chase my sister Tongtong, so... "

Celebrity gossip is the favorite anecdote of every race in the world. With the spread of thousands of versions of the story, it soon spread from the towering heaven of jiuchongtian to the cold and towering Kunlun mountain.

From Kunlun Mountain, to the world, to the Central Plains, to the West wilderness, to Jiuli

Spread all over the country.

Tianting hall.

“…… What's the matter with your shame? Now that everyone knows you're a couple, what else are you dissatisfied with? "

Xihe made a big red face, but he was embarrassed to apologize. As he cut the fruit plate, he muttered: "I didn't see you bullying a tong. I was so angry that I didn't react What's that look like? "

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