Tong Su's heart clapped.

She suddenly remembered the strange places that she had ignored. She grabbed the old man and asked eagerly, "when did the forest beside the tribe appear?"

"The forest?" The old man repeated in surprise, and subconsciously replied, "it's just been a month..."

"That huge forest just appeared a month ago?"

The old man was startled by her excitement and said: "yes, yes, it grew up one night a month ago. We are also very strange It seems that the tribal people began to die there after the forest appeared. What's the matter? What's the problem? "

Of course, it's a big problem!

She didn't care to say much. She told the old man to take the whole tribe to evacuate to the opposite direction of the forest. Then she sent more than ten messages to the heaven. She rushed to the forest like a burning eyebrow.

The forest suddenly appeared, the soil newly dug up on the ground, no weeds, fallen leaves, birds and insects chirping, and the corpse had both empty skin bags and traces of biting

Every clue is like a snake in the dark, which stretches for thousands of miles. Once you find Ni Duan, you can go on with the analysis of the camouflage. The truth can startle people in a cold sweat!

What demons disguise as witch cannibals, what has been solved, not at all!

It's said that the mantis catches the cicada and the Yellow sparrow later. She thinks that the pheasant demon is the mantis and they are the Yellow sparrow. But in fact, there are still bird hunters hiding behind the scenes in the forest!

In the forest, fox, Pipa and pheasant are searching for the remains together with the people of Xuanyuan tribe.

This is a very lush forest.

All the trees have luxuriant branches and leaves that block out the sun. It looks like a hundred year old tree. The branches and leaves are completely packed together to completely block out the sunlight and make the light in the forest extremely dark and fuzzy.

The space is narrow.

The ground was half dry and wet. Although there were no weeds and fallen leaves, the air was filled with the smell of rotten corpses.

The whole forest was gloomy and depressing, dead and creepy.

The people of the tribe struggled to clear a way by waving the mountain knife. Fortunately, the three foxes were demons, and they were extremely sensitive to the smell. They soon found a lot of broken remains between the layers of vegetation. They didn't have to go too far to get there, so they could go straight to their destination.

The tribesmen looked sad and carefully packed them up with the vines and cloth they had brought, ready to take them back.

"There's only half left That demon is too bad. In order to frame it to the witch family, they deliberately make the corpse so incomplete. They have no conscience at all! "

The fox frowned and sighed.

She is still young, but she can also see the future of the city. When she was in the tribe, many teenagers always red faced and sent her all kinds of flowers and wild fruits.

But the fox thought that she was going to confuse the emperor in the future, and did not pay attention to the attentions of the teenagers.

Some people don't understand and ask: "why does it want to frame the demon clan and maim the corpse?"

Pipa explained: "because the witch clan and the demon clan are cannibals, but the methods are different. The demons eat people, eat the essence and vitality, while the witches eat the flesh and blood

"Oh, so what the demons ate, what they left behind was this kind of empty skin bag," the man seemed to understand, "but what the witches ate was half of the corpse left?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!