[casual hacker: listen to someone in Suo claiming to be a friend of a gentleman, huh? What's the position of a gentleman's friend? Is that right? 】

[picture] [picture] [picture]

[picture] [picture]

I don't know if it's the bad taste of this idle hacker. He only sent five pictures, and how to make up the page display is also asymmetric. The suffering obsessive-compulsive netizens scream.

There are five pictures in total. The brightness, style, location and posture are all different, but they are all the same hot eyes.

In the first picture, two people are huddled on the sofa, hugging each other and taking a self portrait; in the second picture, a woman is holding her head up and kissing the man's side face; in the third picture, two people are lying on the same bed, the cup is pulled under the armpit; in the fourth picture, they are hugging each other, and it seems that they are not wearing clothes; in the fifth picture, there is no light on, and the dark background color shows the lingering human body

Even Yanyan's legs softened and she sat on the ground. Her mobile phone slipped from her hand and flew out of her hand. She couldn't take care of it at all. Her eyes were frightened and she was stunned.

No -

can't -

these photos are all in her private album. How could they come out?!

But feiyuan's mobile phone can't explain it to her. In the distance, there are even more detailed sneers. There are yellow burning traces on the screen of the old mobile phone. On the page, comments are constantly updated.

My eyes! My eyes! What I shouldn't look at is the dog head with the eye of a needle.

[ha ha, when I think of Lian Yanfa's long bib, it's so sad and touching. How can a gentleman just lie in bed without clothes and kiss each other? Face to face! I've been rolling with Gu Yao for a long time. What kind of play should I play and pretend to be innocent? 】

[a coquettish girl]

[how come there are so many lianyanyan plays? Does this count as spreading pornographic pictures? I want to report her! 】

[it's the blogger who reported the deleted blog. What's the matter with Yan Yan? Call her names at the bottom of her neck. 】

[Lian Yanyan, I'll fuck you! Are you worthy of Gu Yao? You're a bitch, and you're worthy of brother shantiegu? bitch! bitch! If you don't leave the circle, I'll kill you myself! Damn you! 】Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha 】

[take Da Tongtong from my family. Fortunately, Da Tongtong stops losses in time and breaks up with Gu Yao early. Now the popularity of datongtong has finally risen. The glorious time will come. Come on, datongtong! 】

[to be honest, there is "Wangfu's life" in Feng Shui. Is there a "lost wife's life"? When Shi Lingtong and Gu Yao were together, they got stuck on the 18th line. Now they break up and become the treasure fairy of "survival game"; Lian Yanyan used to be a big broker. After being a junior for Gu Yao, she is now plagued with negative news. Gu Yao is so good. He's a professional loser of his girlfriend's luck. 】

[rest assured, now that he has finally defeated himself, no one will want to use him any more. 】

[hahaha 】

netizens are almost crazy, and they cut 6 on the keyboard one after another to express their admiration for Lian Yanyan with practical actions.

Even Yanyan felt that she was totally unable to stay in the company. When she looked around, the glass wall behind countless office compartments was full of peeping and laughing eyes. Everyone was laughing at her and despised her.

She didn't want to take the things that had been put in the office. She just wanted to get up and run. However, she had weak legs and couldn't stand up. After struggling for a long time, the passers-by around her just looked indifferent and didn't want to help her.

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