That makes sense. 】

with the barrage chattering, the camera finally turns to Tong Su, who simply greets the camera and opens the box.

The camera is aimed at the box, and three of them are shown in the studio.

The barrage in the studio was quiet for a moment, then exploded immediately.

Is that a bow? Kettle? It's all understandable, but the one in the back -]

[I'm Cao ha ha ha ha ha, is Shi Lingtong going to kill me? What the hell did she bring with her? It's funny?! 】

[this is survival in the wild, not moving bricks on the construction site! What's she doing with a shovel! 】

- yes, the last thing in the alley is a small shovel like object.

The black folding style, the triangular handle, the steel edge, and the metal flashing dark light are carefully made.

But no matter how hard to build, it is a shovel!

Gu Yao couldn't help laughing on his face. Li Jing and Liu yaoyue chuckled beside him. Liu yaoyue chuckled: "sister Lingtong, what are you doing with a shovel? We don't have to shovel. "

Tong Su looks light: "sorry, I was born in 96, your Baidu Encyclopedia is 93, you are older than me, don't call me sister."

[shentema, 1993! 】

[women's age, this is a public punishment, ha ha ha! 】

[ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, when did Shi Lingtong have such a poisonous mouth? 】

[look at Liu yaoyue's face, it's green! 】

[I'm really tired of Liu Yao Yue. I call my sister when I see people. I finally hit her in the face. 】

the barrage burst out with a burst of laughter. Liu Yao Yue's face was stiff and no longer stronger than before. Only his venomous eyes were staring at Tong Su, and he hated her in his heart.

The director group was a little bit amused.

There was a lot of laughter and excitement in the barrage. Only a few people, who are living in the wild, and some veterans, stare at the shovel and frown.

[the light is not very clear. How can I look? It's an engineer shovel?! 】

[is the engineering shovel, or the most advanced third-generation military fine brush shovel! Shi Lingtong is the smartest one. All those sabres, machetes and daggers have become dregs in front of the omnipotent engineering shovel, OK? 】

[to tell you the truth, if any of these ten people are really ready for survival in the wild, it's only the most beautiful girl. 】

[engineer shovel is the routine equipment of engineers. It is made of high carbon steel, anti-wear and anti-corrosion. The blade is sharp and can be used as a chopper. There are serrations on the other side, which can be used as a saw. In addition to the conventional shovel, pick, saw, chop, open, cut It can also be used as a trowel, vice, scissors, towing hook, flying anchor, measuring ruler, hammer, etc. This is the real Almighty baby! 】

[moreover, this is not the civilian version used by ordinary mountaineers and campers. I tell you from the perspective of a veteran that this is absolutely a genuine military version that is not available on the market! 】

[ah? That can't be found in the market. How did Shi Lingtong get it? 】

Although several bullet screens passed by and were soon suppressed by the army of bullet screens, many people still focused on Tong su.

The director team began to give orders to the guests.

They are about to leave the island. Ten guests and two photographers will stay. It's up to them to decide whether they want ten people to survive together or to form two teams.

Facing the director group leaving in a small boat, Gu Yao coughed softly: "there are a lot of people in ten people, and it also needs a lot of resources to survive and collect. I mean, we can be divided into two teams, and we can compete better and work harder. What do you think? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!