"You don't understand," Tong Su leisurely, don't care, smilingly lying on the sofa reading, "there is a saying called 'play hard to get', if I have to meet him every day, he will be more unfamiliar. What I want is the present degree. "

[but it's just online chatting. How can he improve his liking for you? 】

Tong Su smiles: "so, it's time for me to ask him out."

She has already upgraded their daily text chat into a video call, and when the video was still on that night, she opened her mouth carelessly.

"Brother, I just read a book on psychology, which mentioned an interesting knowledge - well, first I ask you, do you like watching video or text?"

Qin Shou is looking down at the document: "according to the situation, it's entertainment or learning materials. What's the matter? "

"It's said in the book that men like to watch videos with visual stimulation, while women like to watch words, which is more likely to trigger resonance."

He looked up at the screen and said, "what do you like?"

The girl tilted her head and said with a smile: "me? I prefer watching videos, because videos can see handsome faces. "

Qin Shou was not happy in his heart for some reason, and his tone was hard: "face? Look at Xi Ming. "

"The third brother is very handsome, but I prefer your type

Dong -

it seems that the heart is beating heavily.

Qin Shou felt his heart beating violently!

He is almost glad that across the Internet, she can't hear his breathing is aggravating. He looks directly at the beautiful face of the girl in the video as pink as sunset, and looks at her clear and straight eyes. He doesn't move, but his heart is like a burning fire.

Hot, blazing, all the way from the atrium to the cheek, even the auricle also began to burn.

He coughed softly, his heart beat violently, and his face was calm, and he scolded lightly: "you talk glibly. It's a little girl's family. Act and speak with reserve. "

She said with a smile: "tomorrow you come out to have dinner with me, I'll be a little more reserved, OK?"

He should have refused.

Qin Shou knew it intellectually, but somehow he heard four words: "OK, where is it?"

"I'll take you to the downtown square at 10:30 tomorrow." She said with a smile, "well, I'll go ahead and see you tomorrow."

Hang up the video, Qin Shou can't calm down for a long time.

She is like a small animal that suddenly breaks into his territory, or like a stone that plunges into the lake of calm heart, and stirs up the ripples that reverberate in circles. Every time he is just touched, she always stops the topic abruptly, leaving him with a long aftertaste and secretly looking forward to joy.

The scheduled time is 10:30, and it takes an hour and a half for the military region to drive to the city center. He really got up early in the morning and began to choose clothes with the astonished and unbelievable eyes of the guards.

“…… Chief, this suit is really handsome! "

Qin Shou frowned: "what suit to wear? It's too formal. Change it."

The guard looked for clothes again with a bitter face: "what about this windbreaker and shirt?"

"That's what I wore last time. I've worn it."

"And this one?"

"Too fancy."

"How about this, chief?"

"The color is too ugly."

"Then this..."

Qin Shou was even more dissatisfied: "it's not as good as the first set."

What kind of vision.

If it's too rough and simple, how can I show it to her

The guards are really going to cry.

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