When Nan Weixia went downstairs to have breakfast in the morning, he was stunned to see the atmosphere in the living room.

Nanfu seldom had breakfast at home, but obviously he didn't come back all night. He just came back from the outside in the early morning. His suit was rigorous and he looked solemn. He was reading a financial newspaper.

The other hand was holding the phone, talking to someone and scolding:

"watch him! You don't want to die? I didn't sleep for 20 or 30 hours. I thought I had to work hard to finish the negotiation with perseverance Is it still early in the morning? Put him on the phone

The tone slowed down again: "OK, she's OK. You can't help her when you come back now. First stay there honestly, finish the work thoroughly, and then come back. I won't stop you - I won't let her answer the phone, you must have a rest now!"

Nan's mother sat beside her and helped Nan Yao scoop up the bone soup: "drink more and keep healthy. It's better soon."

The housekeeper looked at it with a smile, and the servant said heartily, "Miss, you can eat more to keep God. What would you like for lunch? I'll send you to school. "

Nanmu nodded: "yes, the school canteen can't compare with home. What do you want to eat in the distance?"

Nanfu hung up the phone and coughed softly: "it's better for Yaoyao to ask for leave first, and then go to school at home when the injury is all right. You made such a scene yesterday. It's frightening."

Tong Su gently comforted: "I'm ok. You don't have to worry. Dr. Chu also said that his arms and legs are getting better. Now I'm a sophomore in high school. I'm nervous about my study. How can I ask for leave? There is still one year to go before the college entrance examination. "

"Where is your body important in college entrance examination! If you can't pass the examination, you can't pass the examination. There are also many good universities abroad. You can't burn your body. "

Nanweixia bit his lip gently.

Everyone was talking and caring about Nanyao, but no one noticed her -

No, they did. When she went downstairs, the housekeeper and the servant clearly saw her, but they turned their heads as if nothing had happened and didn't say a word of greeting!

"Good morning, Dad, mom, sister."

With a soft smile, she walked over gracefully and slowly. She opened her chair and sat down. She looked at Tong Su with a innocent smile: "sister, I heard you came back late last night. What happened?"

The girl on the other side pulled the corner of her mouth reluctantly. She couldn't hide her doubts in her smile. She was sad, wronged and puzzled: "sister, why are you..."

"Yao Yao, don't talk when you eat in the morning. If you eat into the air, it will affect your digestion." The South father suddenly breaks Tong Su's words out of voice, "eat early full, let a person send you to school, it's almost time to go to school."

Finish saying, he just toward south tiny blemish nod: "you also come to have a meal."

South tiny flaw in the heart a clap Deng.

Nanfu didn't look the same, but she listened, how to listen, how to be a bit indifferent and alienated, maybe he was subtle, but nanmu was quite obvious:

nanmu didn't say a word to her when she went downstairs, sat down and ate!

Nan Weixia picked up chopsticks and spoons a little uneasily. Since she made a big joke last time, she did not dare to pack noble bread and cheese for breakfast any more. She followed the whole family and drank soybean milk and steamed bun.

She ate a steamed bun, and then ingratiated South mother smile: "Mom."

Nanmu looked at her, her eyes almost couldn't help but to float some fierce emotion, her lips were wriggling, her eyes became sharp, and she stabbed nanminxia hard!

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