Man's sea of consciousness is in a mess. The memory fragments are flying in a mess. There is no order. Tong Su grits his teeth and smoothes his sea of consciousness of violence bit by bit. The man is still breathing heavily, but the red in his eyes is finally fading away.

"You've just finished your task. You're too tired. You'll have a good sleep tonight. Don't think about anything else. If you do mischief again, you'll have a try! "

He gazed at her, his face still cold. When he saw the threat in her eyes, he sat up slowly.

There is no expression on the face, but the body goes to wash.

It's hard for Tong Su to get a good sleep. She thought she would go to sleep immediately, but when she lay down, she couldn't help thinking what Professor Hua said to her.

"Shen Xi's disappearance is directly responsible for a secret plan. I can't tell you too much about this plan, only a part of it. "

"A key link in this big plan is" gene evolution ". You have heard what director Zhen said. His words can be said to be the thoughts of many insiders."

"They believe that the emergence of powers is the evolution of human beings. By unlocking the genes of powers, we can directly edit the genes of embryos, so that children born are born mutants."

"The technology of gene editing sounds very good. The plan to collect the excellent and eliminate the inferior is not put forward by our country, but made by the global alliance of special departments. They want to use the energy brought by meteorites to make people choose the best for evolution."

"If you join, it will bring benefits, but it will also bring great harm. Once the technology is successful, the powerful people will surely be the first to come into contact with it. During the implementation period, there will be serious class division! "

"Moreover, this is undoubtedly the opening of China's gene pool. With the attitude of country m towards our country, I doubt that they will secretly study the virus targeting our people's genes! "

"There is a big internal dispute over whether China should join the plan or not. I'm on the side of not joining, but the group of secretary Zhen wants to join. I have always suspected in private that in this alliance, people who have infiltrated into terrorist organizations! "

"Maybe even there are traitors in our special department!"

The lines of words were written in a hurry, and we could see the indignation in Professor Hua's heart. Tong Su pondered for a long time, and then slowly knocked on the keyboard.


"Why do you say that to me? We're meeting for the first time. "

Over there, Professor Hua smiles bitterly.

"Why do I tell you? It is precisely because we are meeting for the first time. You are the only one who does not involve the interests of all parties to stop this matter. Now, I can't believe anyone. "

Tong Su asked: "you don't believe so many people in the special department? It's more suitable to find any one of them than I am an outsider, isn't it? "

"The most suitable person, only one." Professor Hua said, "and he is already by your side. I don't trust you. I trust his eyes. "

Tong Su is astonished.

Professor Hua said: "your mental power is extremely strong. I think you should have a mental power, but it has not been detected. If you don't believe it, you can directly invade my memory and see everything you want to see. "


Do you agree?

Do you want to see it tonight?

She had a vague feeling that all the mysteries could be solved as long as she entered Professor Hua's dream, but the truth was too cruel and terrible for people to touch.

When Tong Su is lying on the bed thinking, Wu Ming has already wiped his hair and come out of the bathroom.

As soon as the mattress on the side of his body was lowered, he lay up, quietly beside him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!