"Chichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichi The banquet of Zongjiao is full of words and smiles. It's full of vows. If you don't think about it, you're not thinking about it! "

Early in the morning, it was just dawn, and the low voice of endorsement rang from the bedroom. Huo xuanxi opened her eyes, got up to wash, and went to the kitchen to boil porridge.

After setting out the price list of buying breakfast and making breakfast in person, the little girl resolutely agreed to give him the kitchen work, and said with a good name, "if you eat mine and live mine, you have to work for me.".

When the alarm clock was set to 6:20, the little girl rushed out of the room and sat down at the table, drinking porridge.

"It's been three days. Today I have to go to school," she said. She swallowed her last mouthful and squinted. "My parents should be back today, so you..."

"Eat first," Huo xuanxi pushed the dish full of small dishes in front of her, "why did you get up so early this morning? What text do you recite? "

"Hooligan," a long poem in the book of songs, Guofeng and Weifeng, tells the story of a girl who gets married with her lover, but after marriage, her lover turns into a scum man and abandons her. The girl decides to make a clean decision with him. "

Huo xuanxi tightened her eyebrows: "young, what do you think this kind of thing does? You just how old, concentrate on learning, what love, not suitable to see this

The little girl looked at him with a funny smile: "what's wrong with the ancient poems that must be tested in the college entrance examination? More about... "

She bit her lips. The heat of the porridge made her jade white cheek blush.

She faltered: "I'm not young, I still have a boyfriend..."

Huo xuanxi had been cleaning up the dishes and chopsticks on the table, but suddenly her heart was cold. It was like ice and snow in winter falling on her heart, and her bones were cold.

My boyfriend.

Yes, she has a boyfriend.

So baby's picture frame and love letter, holding hands afraid of sweat, hiding in the drawer afraid of falling ash, cherish what more like, she of course

"Well, my boyfriend looks a little like you. Especially eyes and nose as like as two peas. "

She burst into laughter.

Huo xuanxi didn't notice her words. She focused on the fact that she had a boyfriend.


There was a strange discomfort in his heart, like being bitten by a dark snake. It seemed that he was poisoned by pain, but he could not talk about it.

He found himself ridiculous.

Does she have a boyfriend? What does it have to do with herself?

Who is she and who is qualified to say no?

But -

but she is so young, who knows what her boyfriend is?

If you are really nice to her, how can you fall in love with such a little girl?

Irresponsible at all!

He must be a mean bastard!

Huo xuanxi explained to herself that she must have saved his life. He wanted to take care of her in the spirit of repaying the benefactor.

To make it clear to her, let her know, what kind of talent is good for her, she should be responsible for her life, can not wantonly squander youth.

“…… What kind of love do you have when you are young? "

Can hold for a long time, Huo xuanxi also only squeeze out a few words, "your main task now is to learn, when you grow up, you will find a better boyfriend."

However, when the little girl heard this, her whole body pricked up.

Like a little hedgehog who is enraged, he stares at him with vigilance and anger.

"I have a good relationship with my boyfriend. Don't sow discord. I won't break up with him! Even if Even if he kisses nuoyu, it must be a misunderstanding. He still loves me! "

"How dare you bully me?"?! What's his name? I'll shoot him! "

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