Huo xuanxi, the head of the Huo family, lives at the top of the secret road.

For the first time, I knew my own life.

It's only worth three hundred dollars.

He didn't come up in a breath, and he lost consciousness.


When returning to the cage, Huo xuanxi heard the light singing. He seemed to be lying there, with the smell of meat soaked in cheap spices floating from his nose.

Is he still alive?

Isn't he dead?

"Huo Huo, play by yourself. I'll finish this set of questions first." The girl's voice sounded from a distance. "There are rougamo on the table. If you are hungry, go to eat first. Well, it's only 200 yuan. We have to save money... "

There was a little bird singing.

"Gee! Gee

The girl is still not happy to complain: "fire, we are really losing a lot tonight! I worked hard to buy gauze and alcohol to help with the wound. As a result, some people look like human beings. Behind their back, they don't even have a dime in their pocket! "


"Well, just think I did a good deed today," she sighed, "you go to play, and I'll continue to work."

Huo xuanxi tried to blink a few times, and her vision became clear.

This is a very small room, like a girl's boudoir. Although the area is extremely small, the furniture is neatly arranged and does not seem cramped.

The pink curtains covered the windows, and the floral sheets were neatly spread on the bed - and he certainly wasn't qualified to sleep on them.

He lay on the ground.

The back feels soft and seems to be a rubber cushion. The wound on the body has been treated simply, wrapped in gauze, and a bottle of Yunnan Baiyao is placed beside it

A little red bird, the size of a walnut, is plump into a ball, jumping around on the table. It seems that its round body can roll up in the next moment. It's really doubtful how it flies.

The energy-saving lamp on the ceiling is not turned on, only an old desk lamp on the desk is on, and there are thick books, textbooks and exercise books next to it. The little girl changes her hairy pajamas and looks more and more cute.

She was at her desk, writing her exercise book.

Huo xuanxi smelled the faint fragrance, cool, elegant, but it was as sweet as flowers and fruits.

Like that little girl.

No matter why she was poisoned but didn't die, this little girl is his life-saving benefactor.

Huo xuanxi didn't move, actually looked the whole room.

To be honest, this room is weird.

The house is dilapidated, so the family should be in a bad situation. But some personal clothes, furniture and books are still valuable goods for ordinary people.

He immediately had a guess that this should be bankrupt family, can sell all to sell back money, some not easy to sell, only to stay.

There were thick books on the desk and a pink letter on the top. He took a look at it and said, "Qingqing Tongyang, my eternal love, Anliu..." It's an archaic love letter.

Tut, little girl movie, still puppy love?

He was amused.

At the back of the exercise book, there are several gift boxes wrapped in colored paper. Especially as a treasure, there is a simple picture frame made of cardboard, in which there is a group photo.

The girl smiles brightly and happily, holding the boy's arm tightly. Half of the photo frame is blocked behind the box. Huo xuanxi can't see who the boy is.

Out of respect for the privacy of the benefactor, he didn't go to see it.

After a long time, Huo xuanxi hated it very much. She thought why she wanted to be a good person. She respected her privacy and didn't take the photo frame to see who her boyfriend was.

If he saw it early, he would not hesitate to go home and beat someone severely, kick someone to study abroad and exile, and never let him come back! , the fastest update of the webnovel!