What's more, if sanxiu city really has a bad relationship with all the sects and turns to evil cultivation, what can it do?

The only way to survive now is to cut off the tail and put the blame on these disciples. We must not damage the reputation of the clan -

hearing this, Yuanzu Wen Qing laughed more and more and looked at them as if they were innocent. He lifted his hair and rolled his eyes: "sorry, I can't get in touch. I didn't open the message area before, but they closed the authority. Now, I'm sorry I can't get in touch with them. "

"Wenqing Yuanzu! Are you not afraid that the disciples of sanxiu city are in danger? You know, this is a joint effort of four sects. Although no one in sanxiu city is dead, the strength is there. If someone dies, don't blame us any more! "

Wen Qing Yuanzu hissed: "the strength is not as good as people. I deserve to die. I'm so open. What's the panic? Don't come to the end. Our sanxiu city beat all the sects. You say we are bullying. "

Yugangzi of Canglang sword sect was a little worried, but when he saw that Qing Yuanzu was confident, he thought that she must have a back hand, so he said with a smile, "yes, you can't double label like this. All the friars in Zhongzhou are watching. Is the leader of Ziwei Tiangong such a gathering place for villains?"

Chen Lingzi almost fell in anger!

Why even yugangzi is helping Wenqing Yuanzu?

Or does he think that Canglang sword sect was in trouble before, and I'm afraid it's hopeless to cooperate with sanxiu city. Now it's the only way to drag them into the water. If they don't have a good life, don't let other sects think about it?

But no matter how angry Chen Lingzi was, he couldn't get in touch with the disciples in the secret place if he didn't open his authority.

Seeing that the night was deep in the dark mirror, countless disciples of the sect quietly got up in the dark, took out their magic weapons, and surrounded the mobile cave.

Just at this time, a friar who built the foundation of sanxiu City ran out of the door in a hurry, looked around shyly, and walked into the dark jungle.

The people were overjoyed, but they were a little contemptuous in their hearts. The friars of Zhuji couldn't disperse their aura by themselves. If they didn't eat grain, they still need to have a grain samsara just like ordinary people.

Elder martial brother Sheng of Crystal Palace is the commander in chief. He said in a deep voice, "kill this man first, don't show your voice."

They all turned their lips. The strength of sanxiu city is so poor. What if it is exposed? Can they beat them?

Elder martial brother Sheng waved his hand and shot a sharp sword at the monk!

People looking at the dark mirror in the square can't help exclaiming: "be careful -"


With a slight sound, the monk didn't even have time to react. When he was stabbed by the sword, he went down on his back. He was dead and couldn't die any more!

So easy?

The disciples were overjoyed. The one nearest to the man reached out to touch the bag of heaven and earth. A moment later, he picked up a bulging one and waved to them. The disciples' eyes turned red.

A bag full of heaven and earth?

How many good things!

They had no idea why they were dead. The cave of sanxiu city was still as quiet as ever.

He just jumped up impulsively and rushed to the cave, wielding his sword and cutting up the defensive array: "break their border and drag out all the people to kill them!"

"Kill them and take everything!"

Elder martial brother Sheng couldn't stop him. He had no choice but to follow him. A thought suddenly occurred in his mind: "by the way, where's younger martial Sister Feng? Why didn't I see her just now? "

But he didn't have time to think about it. On the other hand, the disciple who picked up the heaven and earth bag didn't go on. Meizizi opened the bag and looked inside, but he was confused.

"Why is it all dirt?"

Look at the monk who died on the ground. What's the dead body? It's a carved puppet dummy!

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