Xiao shisan shook his head with a bitter face: "Sir, you know, Chao Li is most tired of receiving this son. At this moment, I heard that he was coming. The Duke of grace immediately gave up the position of the Minister of Honglu temple to you. I hope you will have a headache. "

"Then let him come. I'll see how bad he is!"

Xiao Lingchen's eyes flashed cold, and his murderous spirit floated.

"I'm afraid I haven't moved for a long time, which makes people think that I've gone to eat fast and pray for mercy. How dare you count on me for such a small matter! Wasn't his nephew greedy of the money for the construction of the official school some time ago, which led to the collapse of the school house and the death of the students? Send an order to the Ministry of criminal justice to make a strict investigation on me and pay for my life with my life. I will never forgive you lightly! "

Xiao Lingchen dealt with the whole morning's business. When Xiao shisan gently reminded him, he looked up and found that it was noon.

He didn't realize the passage of time at all. After so long, he was still fresh and energetic.

Xiao Lingchen some surprised, then suddenly, he used to easily tired, but also because of disgust to eat, resulting in physical weakness.

It's rare to have a good meal this morning. It's all good food for your health. It's naturally full of energy.

"Go to the kitchenette and eat whatever you like."

For the first time, Xiao Lingchen was eager to have lunch. He took the initiative to ask people to go to the small kitchen to have lunch.

Ignoring Xiao shisan's excited look, Xiao Lingchen leaves the house and goes out for a leisurely walk.

He didn't have a destination. He just walked around, but when he looked up, he somehow came to the kitchen.

There are two kitchens in Taifu mansion.

The big kitchen is responsible for the food of the whole house, ranging from Xiao shisan, Xiao Qingyuan, etc. to servants and bodyguards. They all eat the food prepared here. The difference is only whether the food is rich or not and how delicious it is.

The small kitchen is specially for Xiao Lingchen.

Even if the cook here is Xiao Qingwan herself, she can't make food for herself in this kitchen.

Xiao Lingchen stood outside the wall half a yard away from the small kitchen, and looked through the faint corridor, curling smoke with fragrance.

He was stunned at first, and then he could not help feeling that he was really funny.

Xiao Lingchen can't tell why she came here, and even has an impulse to meet the person who makes delicious food.

But when he looked up and saw the people walking back and forth near the kitchen door, he shook his head and gave up the idea.

Did he change his mind about Xiao Qingwan just because of a breakfast?

How could that be!

Xiao Lingchen didn't like Xiao Qingyuan at all.

He had seen Xiao Qingwan several times, and it was Xiao Qingwan who tried to get to his door.

She carries the food box of mending soup and says, "worried about my brother's health, Qingwan specially simmers the mending soup to mend my brother's body." she keeps looking at her in the study.

He even said with affectation, "it's said that a batch of good pearls and jades have come to Zhenbao Pavilion. I'll pick a good one and make a gift for my brother, OK?"

The mouth sounds good, but the flattery on her face and the desire to use her eyes are disgusting.

Fishing for fame and reputation!

If it wasn't for her, Xiao Lingchen didn't want to see her at all.

Today's breakfast, such a delicate layout and delicious meal, must be Huizhi Lanxin people poured sincere heart can do.

It's different from Xiao Qingyuan, but it's not the same at all

Xiao Lingchen is about to turn around and leave. As soon as she looks up, she sees a girl with a cold face coming out of the kitchen door.

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