53 BSNW CH 049 Response Team - 2

While Jun was pondering about the information of the Living Seal : Chakravyuha he had just received, he got one more shock by the System.

[Massive amount of information and techniques accumulated by the user. System will be under going an Update to Upgrade Hosts Bloodline with acquired information.]

'What bloodline? The Gamer or my Sage bloodline?'

[Both. System going into Hibernation. All of system's Functions will be sealed except Inventory and learned skills and your bloodline. User can only work hard and improve himself like other ninjas in the time that System is in Hibernation. The accumulated efforts will be analyzed and rewarded when the system comes out of hibernation. Take Care User ….. System Shutting Off !]

A low boom sounded in his mind like immensely huge doors being closed. Along with that , Jun felt as if one of his major senses was suddenly sealed.

'So this was how much I was relying on the system. I am starting to feel suffocated just from the initial effects of its Hibernation. As the System said, I need to improve like the other ninjas.' Jun was pondering on his future plans when he sensed someone entering far end of the training ground. Ever since the Boss Rabbit incident, Jun had started keeping his nature sense passively on so sensing someone entering the grounds wasn't that big of a challenge.

Soon it was clear who had entered, Yugao , Itachi and Yakumo had arrived. As they all looked toward each other they realized that only Kakashi was not here. Itachi approachedJun as usual but Yugao and Yakumo Kurama especially kept her distance as Hokage had said a few things about Jun , his bloodline and his immunity to Genjutsu. She wanted to test it since she never had anyone who had resisted her illusions, not to mention the reality changing ones. She wanted to observe how the Uchiha genius approaches this guy.

"Kakashi San is not here then?" Itachi asked Jun

"He will be here when he feels like it" Jun said "It doesn't make much of a difference since he is the most experienced one of us all. If I am not wrong he could even be monitoring us as to how we interact with each other since he is the team leader." saying so Jun lazily eyed one side of the training grounds.

"Well how about we introduce each other and our skills and specialties." Yugao interrupted the conversation.

Jun gave a half smile before nodding "I will go first then. My name is Jun Kigen, I am almost 5 years old. I am an all round specialist except for Genjutsu. Recently I have been focusing on Sealing Arts since its required for our mission."

Yakumo narrowed her eyes slightly on Genjutsu part but didn't react otherwise.

"I am Itachi Uchiha. I am similar to Jun except that I have experience in Genjutsu too , however I am clueless about sealing arts."

"Well I am Yugao Uzuki, Sword User foremost and Sensory type ninja as fallback." Jun paid attention to her when she told about her sensory ability "Also I have bit of experience with Sealing arts too" Yugao said glancing at Jun and finding him looking right back at her.

"I am Yakumo Kurama of Kurama Clan. We focus specifically in Genjutsu.. Probably even more then the Uchiha clan" She said while glancing at Itachi, who momentarily let Sharingan activate which made her smirk slightly "However my clan's bloodline makes us physically weak so Genjutsu is all I can do. However no mental attacks of any kind will get past me you can be assured of that." Yakumo seemed bit hesitant to tell them about her Physical weakness.

"Hmm how about we all have a free for all spar?" Itachi suggested "Best way to test extent of our abilities. Lets say until Kakashi San comes or majority of us cant continue."

"Fine with me" Yugao said while Jun and Yakumo nodded.


Yugao got ready with her sword, while Jun and Itachi took out their Chakra Blades. Itachi noticed Jun's Chakra Blade had been reforged and looked even better than before.

"So he reforged your Chakra Blade? Looks even better than before." Itachi

"Yup, since I completed his request he had no choice but to accept. Lets get this going!"

Saying as much Jun rushed off towards Yugao while sending a bunch of shurikens towards Itachi. While he deflected it, he and Yugao clashed a few times. Yugao displayed very good swordsmanship even though she didn't seem formally trained. While parrying Jun's attacks, she suddenly let of a combo of sword flashes towards Itachi who was coming at her from the side. Jun taking advantage of this quickly traced something on the Chakra Blade with his finger. Letting chakra into the blade, it suddenly elongated to thrice its size, as big as a long sword. Running lightning chakra through it , Jun slashed with a Lightning Style Chakra Flow attack similar to how he had done using fire style. Seeing his attack, Yugao extended her hand and activated a Lightning style sword technique that almost transformed her blade to lightning. Narrowing his eyes , Itachi activated Sharingan to copy her technique and look for weaknesses.

"You are not the only one who gets to play with Lightning." Saying so Yugao let out a burst of attacks with three times her previous speed. It was better for Jun since he too had Lightning style technique activated , but Itachi had to dodge since he didn't want to be electrocuted. Jun kept improving his Lightning Style Chakra Flow through observing Yugao's Lightning Blade with his runic eyes. Her each move gave Jun better understanding as to how to use his own blade. Itachi too joined after a while when he finally successfully got an opportunity to activate lightning blade and attack, making it a festival of lighting.

After this had gone for a while, Jun finally decided to end it . He retreated dozens of meters with Flying Thunder God and activated Plant Release, making immense amount of plant rush towards the battlefield hindering the other two. While they dealt with them, Jun activated a new idea he had got. He activated Sensing Hexagram Seal and made Plants wrap around him using Plant Release, making him turn into a Plant Giant ten times his original size. Forming a huge staff from combining and transforming plants, he sent it smashing towards the other two.