Chapter 264 - The Wedding Ceremony

Name:Blossoming Flowers Author:Tinalynge
Han Qingshan was standing in front of the altar within the church. He was looking as usual for all who looked at him. However, he himself was aware that inside he was a mess of nerves.

He was nervous, excited, anticipating, and scared. He only knew that what he truly waited for was to see Jiang Yingyue stepping into the church; only then would he feel a sense of security.

Although he knew that she loved him, what if she suddenly changed her opinion and ran away from him? What would he do then?

Yan Meilin and Xun Huiyin had already found their seats in the church, only Jiang Yingyue and Jiang Wei were missing.

The church bells started ringing, the music was playing, and the choir was singing.

Suddenly the doors opened, and a magnificent sight appeared in everyone's eyes.

Jiang Yingyue was too beautiful to be described, she was the most stunning woman in all of history, and most of this was due to the brilliant smile on her lips.

She looked so beautiful that it was impossible to take their eyes away from her.

Han Qingshan was indeed stunned when he saw her — dumbfounded and shocked. He knew that his Yingyue was beautiful, but today, when she was dressed in white like this, she seemed like an immortal fairy who had descended to the mundane world, an ethereal being who had graced them with her presence.

Han Qingshan was shocked and stum. He suddenly felt his eyes sting, and tears welled up within them. She had shown up, and her happy smile showed how blissful she was.

This was truly the most stunning sight he had ever seen, he was unable to hold himself back from being teary-eyed.

Jiang Yingyue had no eyes for anyone else than Han Qingshan when she entered the church. Her eyes landed on him instantly, and when she saw him standing there in his tuxedo, his appearance clearly so dazzling that Jiang Yingyue felt blinded, but when her eyes landed on his face and saw his emotional expression, tears also welled up in her eyes and began dripping down her cheeks.

Jiang Wei was also emotional. He was giving away his daughter, but he was not feeling regretful. He knew that Han Qingshan was going to look after her, care for her, and pamper her.

It was just that she was merely twenty years old. It was very soon to get married, but he understood that with the two of them, they had already been together for two years, and during these two years, their love had only grown stronger for one another.

Even after they had spent their entire lives together, they would not grow tired of the other's company. They were truly a blessed couple.

The ceremony was smooth, nothing out of the expected happened, and many tears were shed within the church, as they all saw the unfaltering love between the two youngsters.

Many were envious but not jealous. They wished to find their own partners; they wanted to be married too! Especially the women felt their hearts sigh and feel regretful that they were singles.

Even so, their hearts blessed Jiang Yingyue and Han Qingshan in their hearts. They saw their love and found it a breath of fresh air, wishing for everyone else to experience such pure feelings too.

The ceremony in the church lasted an hour. Everything was completely clear to both Jiang Yingyue and Han Qingshan. Neither of them would ever forget as much as a single moment of their wedding; these memories would forever be bright and warm in their minds.

After the ceremony in the church, Jiang Yingyue was whisked away by Yan Meilin, the bridesmaids, and her own mother, before she was sent to a room at the castle they had rented.

Here she changed her wedding dress to another wedding dress. This wedding dress was shorter. It was oriental-inspired, very vintage, but exquisite and beautiful. It truly brought out the oriental beauty of Jiang Yingyue.

After this, they went to the banquet hall on the first floor. All guests had already arrived, and Han Qingshan was mingling amongst them all. Waiters with trays filled with drinks and snacks walked around them, and everyone was having a great time.

When Jiang Yingyue walked down the stairs, the hall turned silent, before Han Qingshan rushed to her side, took her arm, and led her down to the rest of the guests.

The couple toasted to every single couple who had arrived to celebrate their wedding alongside them.

Even Zhou Yan had arrived at the wedding, and there was no pain or discomfort in his face. Instead, his usually frozen facial paralysis was slightly changed, and Lin Qiang was by his side, talk with him; even a slight smile appeared on Zhou Yan's lips.

Zhou Yan had let go of Jiang Yingyue some time ago, and he had never felt more at peace than he was now. At least with this part. A certain someone was making him jittery whenever he thought that person.

It was not his usual behavior, but some time ago, something had happened that made him start to question his entire life and values, and the more he thought about it, the more panicked he became.

There was only one person who was able to help him solve the problem at hand, and that was Jiang Yingyue. Not only was she a skilled psychologist, but she was also his childhood friend.. She knew him better than anyone apart from Lin Qiang, and he dared not ask this guy about advice.