Chapter 224 - Letting Go

Name:Blossoming Flowers Author:Tinalynge
Han Qingshan looked at Jiang Yingyue and the bed, his eyes showing some surprise.

"You seem like you haven't slept for a full night," Jiang Yingyue said, her heart aching whenever she thought about how Han Qingshan was waiting for her to wake up, even forgetting to sleep.

"Are you inviting me to share a bed with you?" he asked with a grin on his face, and Jiang Yingyue blushed.

"Aren't you tired?" she asked with a meek and low voice. She dared not look at him, her cheeks were crimson as she was embarrassed, but she knew he would not do anything out of bounds as they were in the hospital.

Since that was the case, she had no scruples caring for him and reached out her hand to tug on his sleeve.

"You need sleep," she said gently.

Seeing her like this, Han Qingshan's heart softened, and he went to her side. He took his jacket off, lifted the duvet, and crawled underneath it.

He was suddenly feeling immensely exhausted, and he smiled slightly when he saw the worry in Jiang Yingyue's eyes.

Dragging her into his embrace, he could smell the scent of her hair, and he instantly felt relieved.

She was okay. She was by his side. In the future everything would be fine.

Jiang Yingyue had been sleeping for a long time, so she was not feeling too tired, but upon seeing how Han Qingshan was holding her, she did not move and slowly closed her eyes, enjoying the closeness and the feeling of belonging to one another again.

When she was in his embrace she was feeling the safest.

Slowly, by listening to the steady breathing behind her back, Jiang Yingyue also drifted off to sleep. She was in her own world and feeling extra secure. It was as if no harm could touch her, and her lips were tugged into a slight smile.

This was the scene that greeted Zhou Yan when he came to visit her to see how she was doing.

Seeing her sleeping so sweetly while being held by Han Qingshan, he suddenly found that he was not jealous any longer. Instead, he felt happiness.

Seeing her like this, he could not help but smile wryly. Although she was his dream, he would never harm her, and it seemed that she had found her dream somewhere else.

Giving them an extra glance, Zhou Yan shook his head but said nothing. The smile on his face was tender and filled with affection, and he gestured for Lin Qiang to follow him out of the ward.

As they left, Lin Qiang was filled with confusion. What was going on? Who was he? Where was he?

Had someone kidnapped his master and replaced him with a strange creature? Shouldn't he be flaring with anger and jealousy upon witnessing this scene? Why was he suddenly so casual and calm?

"Are you very curious?" Zhou Yan's voice suddenly sounded from in front of him, and Lin Qiang, without realizing, nodded his head.

Seeing this, Zhou Yan chuckled. "She is happy now. Who am I to try and break down that happiness?"

Lin Qiang was shocked. So Zhou Yan, the unbeatable Zhou Yan, was stepping back? That was not right, was it?

But looking at the tranquil expression on Zhou Yan's face, he knew it was true. He had given up on having a relationship with Jiang Yingyue.

But he did not seem defeated or unhappy. Instead, a smile was on his always stoic face; he was genuinely happy!

Lin Qiang was unable to understand what was going on, and he did not even attempt to say what was on his mind.

He just nodded his head in confusion.

It was afternoon by the time Han Qingshan awoke from his slumber. He had slept wonderfully with Jiang Yingyue in his arms, and looking into his embrace, he could see her still snuggling up against him, clearly feeling safe and happy.

A few flowers were placed on the table, and even more gifts were stacked on the floor. Quite a few people had come by while they were sleeping.

It was clear that they had seen them sleeping together, but none of them had minded it; no one had woken them up, letting them sleep as much as they could.

Han Qingshan was not embarrassed. Instead, he was feeling happy and contented, but he knew that when Jiang Yingyue woke up, her face would turn scarlet in embarrassment from knowing that someone came in and saw them sleeping together.

Shaking his head in amusement, Han Qingshan poked Jiang Yingyue's cheek, causing her to pout her lips in her sleep. Her annoyed expression was too cute, and he placed a gentle peck on her forehead.

The soft touch made the pout on her lips be replaced by a gentle smile, and she shuffled even closer to Han Qingshan, like a small kitten who was nestling against its parent.

Sensing her reliance on him, Han Qingshan smiled even brighter than before and gently woke her up.

If she slept too much, she would not be able to sleep again during the night.

As she woke up, her eyes were dazed and confused, she was unaware of where she was, but looking at the handsome face in front of her, she did not feel too worried.

Not long after, her eyes focused, and she remembered where she was. Her adorable expression turned a little more normal until her eyes landed on the gifts that were placed at the table.

"This... This…" she was stammering as she looked at the gifts placed there.. "How did they get there?" she was slightly panicked as she asked.