Chapter 197 - The He Family's Next Step

Name:Blossoming Flowers Author:Tinalynge
He Julong and Mr. He looked at He Yuyan with contemplating eyes. They did not rush to speak, and their behavior was making her feel even more nervous.

"What brings my dear brother and father here?" she inquired, her voice trembling slightly, and her eyes narrowed.

"How did you insult Zhou Yan?" He Julong finally asked after looking at her fidgeting for some time.

"Zhou Yan?" He Yuyan thought that that subject had already been finished, but it seemed that she had been too naive.

Thinking back on the beating she received because of Jiang Fengmian, she was gnashing her teeth in anger, and she could not help but scold, "It is all because of that slut who seduced Han Qingshan!

"I had taken a few actions against Jiang Fengmian, but it turned out that he was protected not only by Han Qingshan but also Zhou Yan. His men were the most ruthless when beating me!

"You have got to understand, I did not know that Jiang Fengmian was merely the brother to the bitch who seduced Han Qingshan, I thought he was the mastermind, so I had to get rid of him. He is not worthy of being amongst our circle."

He Yuyan was sneering when speaking. She clearly hated Jiang Fengmian with a vengeance; even Jiang Yingyue was not as hated as Jiang Fengmian in her world.

He Julong was listening to the words He Yuyan were saying. So Zhou Yan was upset because of Jiang Fengmian?

He had only met this infamous person once. He had seen him at the party and wanted to get to know more about him, only to be disappointed, he was unable to get any information what-so-ever.

But now that he thought about it, he was reminded that Zhou Yan had looked for this person at the party when Han Qingshan had left for a short while to answer a phone call.

Could it be that they really knew each other?

Thinking back on the news he had gotten on the night before, it seemed that Han Qingshan's female companion, Jiang Yingyue, was the twin sister of Jiang Fengmian, and even Zhou Yan seemed to know her and claimed that they were childhood friends.

Did this mean that the two Jiang siblings were close to Zhou Yan? That both Han Qingshan and the latter were trying their best to exert revenge because of this?

Wait, was it reasonable for Han Qingshan and Zhou Yan to act like that because of a boy? He needed to do some more snooping around, to figure out the background of both Jiang Yingyue and Jiang Fengmian.

He Yuyan was unaware of the consequences of her actions. She did not understand what it meant to think before acting, that it was her dysfunctional behavior that would bring with it the downfall of their entire family.

He Julong was much smarter than his sister, and when he heard that the one behind all their issues was Jiang Fengmian, he started searching for every possible information he could find about him.

Unfortunately, it turned out that the person had emerged nine years ago in the capital. That it was a person with a fake ID and a person who could not be tracked no matter how much he tried.

Seeing that this yielded no results, he began from Jiang Yingyue's past, and when he was given the documents containing her information, his eyes grew wide before a frown furrowed his brows.

Jiang Yingyue. Eighteen Years. Born in a small village together with her twin brother Jiang Fengmian. Brother died at the age of nine. Vanished from the surface of the earth until suddenly appearing by Han Qingshan's side.

When Jiang Yingyue vanished, Jiang Fengmian appeared, and when Jiang Yingyue returned, Jiang Fengmian disappeared.

Even his stupid sister would be able to connect the dots. It was evident that it was Jiang Yingyue who had pretended to be Jiang Fengmian all these years.

Although he had this information in his hands, it was not evidence that could be used in court, especially not since she had the support of both Zhou Yan and Han Qingshan, so he was not suicidal enough to try and coerce her into helping them.

The best solution would be to make Zhou Yan and Han Qingshan understand that they did not approve of He Yuyan's behavior and that they would punish her. They needed to appease their anger somehow.

The only way he could think of was to sacrifice He Yuyan. Although she was his sister, he was not willing to have the whole family suffering because of her and her actions, but he feared that it might not be enough.

When the episode at the mall had happened, where He Yuyan had hit Jiang Yingyue and confronted her, his mother had been present. Although she had not approved of the actions, she had not stopped her either. This attitude was clearly remembered by Han Qingshan, Jiang Yingyue, and Zhou Yan.

If they would not accept their apology, it was likely that He Yuyan and Madam He would drag the entire family down with them.

He Julong felt uncomfortable and unhappy. His sister and mother were useless when it came to the business, but they were truly masters at causing problems.

Although He Julong was the heir to the He family, and slowly started to take over most of the business, he dared not make any decisions on his own after realizing what had transpired, so he quickly went to find his father to determine their next steps.