Chapter 167 - Returning The Favor

Name:Blossoming Flowers Author:Tinalynge
Tan Jingyao was completely unaware that he was being used. He was smiling at Yu Xiulan while paying attention to the auction.

Han Qingshan had frowned slightly when he saw that Yu Xiulan was seated next to this CEO, not because he was jealous, but because he felt she was up to no good.

Still, this was just a matter of money, and even if Tan Jingyao would continue to raise the price, it was not like he could not afford it.

"Fourteen million yuan," Han Qingshan retracted his gaze and casually raised his number, calling out another price, no longer paying attention to the ones behind him.

Tan Jingyao was uncomfortable. He was rich, but even if he was rich, he had once been of common origins. To him, fourteen million was a lot of money.

Still, he had begun this, and he could not back out. If he only bid once, then he would be made out to be a joke. So he lifted his number and said with a casual voice that did not betray his inner pain, "Fourteen million and two hundred thousand yuan."

"Fifteen million," Han Qingshan said right away, and suddenly Tan Jingyao understood that Han Qingshan really wanted this Imperial Ming Vase very much, so he could bid as much as he wanted. When it got high enough, he could drop this hot potato on his head, making him spend an immense amount of money, while also making everyone understand that he was a gutsy man who dared to face off against Han Qingshan.

Jiang Yingyue had glanced at Tan Jingyao when this thought flashed in his mind, and she understood his ideas right away.

She placed her slender and delicate hand on Han Qingshan's arm and whispered a few words to him.

Han Qingshan frowned when he looked at her as if he wanted to see into her soul, but she just flashed him a smile.

"I would rather see him suffer than pay an outrageous amount of money for a vase," she muttered into his ear, her breath tickling him, making his eyes deepen, and his hand clenched into a fist.

His ears were sensitive, but the woman had whispered into them. He wanted to 'punish' her, but there was no chance for that now, so all he could do was vent his frustrations on this CEO who did not understand the situation.

He continued to bid, increasing the bid with two hundred thousand each time, while Han Qingshan always increased up to a million.

When the price reached forty million and two hundred thousand yuan, Tan Jingyao had completely forgotten that this was real money he was playing with, and this was precisely what Han Qingshan had wanted.

"Well then, since CEO Tan is so interested in this Imperial Ming Vase, I will reluctantly give it to him," Han Qingshan said with a smile on his face, as if he had not suffered any grievances. "To pay forty million and two hundred thousand yuan for an Imperial Ming Vase worth around fifteen million; CEO Tan is surely extravagant. One can say that he is a selfless man, doing so much for the charity, we ought to learn from him."

Although the words were flowery and very lovely to listen to, everyone who heard it were aware that Han Qingshan was mocking him.

One did not have to be smart to see that Tan Jingyao had been challenging Han Qingshan, but none of them had thought he would return the favor like this.

Tan Jingyao had had a smile on his face most of the time. He had felt like he was on top of the world, but now he was suddenly not so comfortable anymore. This was forty million and two hundred thousand yuan!

He was not even sure if he had that much money in liquid assets; he could only rely on his card and hope he could overdraft enough money. It would be much too embarrassing if he was unable to pay after the auction ended.

Han Qingshan looked at Jiang Yingyue and saw her brilliant smile and her starry eyes shining with happiness. She did not look like someone who was sad about having missed out on the vase, and he finally felt relieved.

He genuinely wanted to buy the vase for her, but seeing her idea was quite fun, he relented.

But he still wanted to spoil and pamper her. He wanted to buy her many things, so he leaned over and whispered to her, "If you see anything you want, you have to tell me. I am bound to spend at least a hundred million here, so it would be good if you find something you like. Otherwise, I will just go home with junk, and Mother will scold me."

Jiang Yingyue chuckled and nodded her head. She would not stand on ceremony, but she was a bit scared of these items. They were simply too expensive for her to even dare touch them.

The auction continued, but whenever Han Qingshan bid on something, others would be careful. If he wanted it, then they would not be able to get it, and if they went against him, they might end up scorned like Tan Jingyao.

As a result, he successfully won quite a few things and had already spent more than fifty million yuan at the auction without even batting an eyelid.

This was something Jiang Yingyue found utterly insane. She always knew Han Qingshan was rich, but she never thought it was to this degree.. To spend so much money in one go was simply something she had never expected.