Chapter 159 - First Battleground

Name:Blossoming Flowers Author:Tinalynge
"Qingshan, dear," Yan Meilin called out, "your father and I will not be going to the auction tonight, so you are responsible for donating money, not only for Imperial World but also for the Han Corporation."

"You are not going?" Han Qingshan was surprised. As long as he could remember, his parents had always gone to this particular charity auction.

It was the most prestigious charity auction in the country, and it was held once a year.

In the beginning, his grandfather and grandmother would also go. However, after his grandmother passed away, his grandfather stopped attending different social functions. The only thing he went out for was when a shareholders meeting happened in the Han Corporation, where he was the Chairman.

Soon he would be enjoying his retirement and handing the Han Corporation over to his son and grandson.

Han Qingshan looked at his mother with narrowed eyes. She likely had some plans, but he did not know exactly what the plans were.

Jiang Yingyue could see that they looked at one another, communicating without words, and she felt puzzled, but she said nothing and just observed them while smiling.

"Well it is time for you to leave," Yan Meilin said with a smile and ushered them out the door where the driver was already waiting for them with the car.

As they entered the back seat, Han Qingshan gently helped Jiang Yingyue inside. The car was extremely luxurious, and clearly, custom-designed to cater to any need one might have.

As soon as they entered, the driver raised the partition so that no one could see what was happening in the back, leaving some privacy for Jiang Yingyue and Han Qingshan.

When they sat down, they were seated close to one another, and Han Qingshan did not let go of Jiang Yingyue's hand. He played with his fingers on her palm, stroked it gently, and felt the softness of her skin.

It was not enough for him to just touch her hand. He slowly trailed up her arm, before his hand secured its position behind her neck and pressed her face towards him, kissing her deeply.

He dared not be too unbridled as he knew that they were going to a public event, but he could simply no longer hold back. He had to kiss her, to feel her, and to know that she was indeed his.

Jiang Yingyue was stunned when he suddenly leaned forward without any warning, but she did not retreat and even clumsily replied to his kiss.

Feeling her obedience, he deepened the kiss, holding her so close that it felt as if he wanted to merge her into his bones.

Jiang Yingyue's lips were finally released after a long time, a red flush was on her face, and her lips were swollen. She looked like a blooming lotus, so captivating that even Han Qingshan felt utterly bewitched by her appearance.

He raised his hand and gently rubbed her lips; a predatory light shone in his eyes as he was about to consider another kiss. However, just as he did, the car came to a standstill.

Cursing slightly under his breath, Han Qingshan quickly helped Jiang Yingyue straighten her clothes and hair. She looked so tempting with the slight red blush that had crept up on her face, her plump and cherry-like lips and her eyes that resembled a starry sky.

Han Qingshan took a deep breath and fought the urge to take her home right away. He exited the car and went to open the door for her, stretching out a hand to help her get out of the limo.

Jiang Yingyue closed her eyes for a moment, and when she opened them again, they were filled with resolve and a charming light. She reached out her hand, placed it on top of Han Qingshan's, allowing him to help her exit the car.

As they exited the car, thousands of flashes of light shone towards them. Reporters were not allowed inside the venue, but outside, both sides of the red carpet were filled with reporters who took pictures.

Jiang Yingyue had not expected it to be so overwhelming, but she kept a gentle smile on her face as she held onto Han Qingshan's arm with a familiarity that seemed as if she had done so multiple times before, and together, the two of them strode towards the venue.

Every step she took exuded elegance, and her entire being was so immensely graceful that everyone was taken by surprise. They had heard about the woman from a poor background. She was a real-life Cinderella, and it also turned out that she had the same poise and bearing as a rich young miss.

Jiang Yingyue held a slight smile on her face, and as they reached the venue, a valet arrived to take the jackets from the two of them.

Han Qingshan first helped Jiang Yingyue to take hers off before he removed his own, and then he handed both of them to the valet.

If he had a choice, then he would have wanted Jiang Yingyue to keep wearing the jacket throughout the entire night. He did not want her to show off her curvaceous body, but he understood that he could not be too possessive. It was okay if others looked, as long as they held no other ideas towards her.

Han Qingshan once more offered his arm to Jiang Yingyue who gently took it, and together, the two of them moved into what could be considered Jiang Yingyue's first battleground.