Chapter 117 - Help To Self-Help

Name:Blossoming Flowers Author:Tinalynge
Jiang Yingyue's mind went blank. She was in the arms of the drenched Han Qingshan, but all she could feel was an electric current rushing through her body from where he was touching her.

She felt how his tongue licked her lips, trying to pry open her mouth and invade into her wet cavern, but she was too stunned to react, and his kiss became smoldering hot and urgent. His teeth started nibbling on her lips and seeing that she did not grant him access, he bit hard on her lower lip causing her to yelp in pain, and his tongue invaded her mouth, entangling her tongue and tasting her sweetness.

Jiang Yingyue was kissed until her mind was completely dazed. She was unaware of what was going on around her, she just felt that everything was hot, everywhere his fingers touched her body was burning, even though it was on the outside of her clothes.

Jiang Yingyue felt her heart grow weak. She leaned against Han Qingshan's body, trembling uncontrollably in his arms.

Sensing the petite and soft body in his arms, Han Qingshan felt that the fire in his body that he had suppressed earlier was suddenly bursting again, trying its best to find a place to escape. His entire body was feeling hot and bothered, and he was not satisfied with just kissing Jiang Yingyue.

However, suddenly, he felt her trembling body in his arms, and his reasoning slowly returned to him. If he was not careful, then she would become scared of him, and he could not afford that.

If she became scared of him, he would lose her, and this frightening thought was enough to make him sober up. His body was aching and hot, but his mind was clear again.

He looked at the dazed and teary Jiang Yingyue in his arms and dragged her into a warm embrace.

"Sorry," he whispered in her ear with a low, hoarse voice. Jiang Yingyue also seemed to awaken at that moment, her entire face flaring red in embarrassment.

Being in Han Qingshan's arms, she could feel his body being hot, and when she was being hugged tightly she could feel his hard stick poking her. Even so, she knew it was because of the drugs he had been tricked into taking, and she quickly excused him, not at all blaming him for what happened.

"How are you feeling?" Jiang Yingyue was worried about him.

Seeing the worry in Jiang Yingyue's eyes, Han Qingshan felt relieved. She was not scared of him. In fact, he felt somewhat pleased by the fact that she was seemingly not bothered by the kiss she had been given just before, but her lips were now red and swollen.

"It's manageable," Han Qingshan said through gritted teeth. His mood was complicated. He was reveling in the feeling of having Jiang Yingyue in his arms, having kissed her and knowing that she worried about him, but at the same time he felt incredibly uncomfortable that it was because of someone drugging him.

Han Qingshan wanted to let go of Jiang Yingyue, but his arms were not releasing her. They circled around her waist and pressed her against his chest, their bodies so close together that he could feel her heart beating rapidly.

"You should leave me alone," Han Qingshan finally said with a sigh. "I need to solve this problem, and I doubt you want to be present when I deal with it."

Hearing this, Jiang Yingyue was even more embarrassed, but she was also worried about him. She was caught in a dilemma.

"I'll wait right outside the door," she said eventually. "If anything happens, make sure to call for me. Also, make sure that you have some warm water to heat up your body so you won't catch a cold, and get those cold, wet clothes off."

Hearing all the worried words of Jiang Yingyue, Han Qingshan felt incredibly soft at heart, and without controlling himself, he leaned down and pecked her lips slightly.

"I'll be careful not to catch a cold," Han Qingshan said as he finally released Jiang Yingyue from his embrace. When she stood up, she found that her clothes were also damp and wet from having been hugged by the drenched Han Qingshan, and she hurried to change.

When she returned, she knocked on the door. "Han Qingshan, are you okay?" she called, and she heard a sound of acknowledgment from inside the bathroom.

Her face was incapable of regaining its original color, it was red like a tomato as she thought about what Han Qingshan was doing inside the bathroom. She could not help but feel that it was too embarrassing, but at the same time, she also admitted that it was because of someone drugging him so it could not be helped.

She sat down against the wall, waiting for Han Qingshan to come out. From time to time she would call his name, and he would acknowledge that he was still awake and doing fine.

It took a full two hours before he returned from the bathroom. His body seemed somewhat exhausted but also glowing.

All he was wearing was a towel wrapped around his lower body.. The rest of his body was on full display, and a smile tugged on his lips when he saw how Jiang Yingyue's eyes widened in shock upon seeing his naked body, her hands covering her mouth and her horrified-but-not-able-to-look-away expression truly tickled his heart.