And he

He thinks he is redundant, they are a family, he is just a redundant person


The next day, Xiaochen suddenly said he wanted to be godfather, so ling Xiaoqian took him to see LAN Yichen.

Xiaochu is about to finish school, so she let Xiaochen and LAN Yichen stay, pick up Xiaochu in person, and then come back together.

LAN Yichen has already packed up his things. The United States must go back quickly, so that those people with bad intentions will not jump out and mess with each other. At that time, it will be a mess.

"Godfather, when are you going back?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Tomorrow." LAN Yichen replied that he was not willing to give up, but it was sooner or later. Seeing Xiaoqian's life was so good, he could rest assured.

Although the future will be far apart, and even may not meet again in this life, but the thought of her happy smile, he will be happy.

"Godfather, will you take me with you?" Xiaochen said seriously. Last night, he thought all night. He knew that mommy hurt him and that Daddy would hurt him, but no matter how much he loved him, there was still a little girl.

Then what he gets is only half.

He doesn't, doesn't share such love

LAN Yichen knew that Xiaochen would never joke. She crouched over Xiaochen and said, "tell me, what happened?"

"I want to go back to the United States with you. I don't want to stay here. When mommy has a little beginning, she won't hurt me wholeheartedly. I won't share it with others..." he wanted to occupy it at first. As long as he left, Mommy would follow.

But seeing that mommy was so happy last night, it was the first time since he was sensible that he saw her smile so happily. Did he want to embarrass her.

In the end, he decided to leave on his own and return to the United States with Godfather.

LAN Yichen coaxed, "fool, in the whole world, only your mommy loves you most. Even if there is a little girl, what she loves most is you. Stay obediently. Don't think about it any more."

"No, I'm going. Even if you don't take me, I'll leave by myself." Xiaochen is sure, he has thought clearly, "daddy left, I can live well, even if I leave Mommy, I can still live well, godfather, you too, right?"