Aryen cannot be mistaken, the teenage boy is her younger brother. He is now taller than what she remembered. Her eyes fall on the little girl on his arms. 

The little girl has black ink hair; pink cheeks, high nose, thin cherry lips. Despite her thick and long eyelashes, what is very eye catching was the pupil of her eyes. 

It was back like an orb but it changes every second into mixed hazel, brown, gold and luminous green. It was like a doll baby girl made in perfection while her skin looks delicate and fragile. 

Aryen was stunned while staring at the little girl. With the little girl's eyes that looks unusual, it cannot hide the fact on her mind that this was the result of being born by an experimented mother. 

But what made Aryen worry was the child does not smile. The little girl has a resemblance of her old self, but the child looked like a beautiful statue without any expressions on her eyes and face. 

Her heart felt squeeze while staring at the little girl. Aryen can only guess that the child's appearance was because of her being experimented while inside her stomach. 

"I'm sorry Mr and Mrs Lee. Mom, I need to go to school." Aryen's younger brother uttered before he bent over to let the little girl stand on her feet. 

Watching the little girl being taken down from her younger brother's arm, they were dumbstruck when the little girl suddenly run towards Lee Shira who was focus on his laptop. 

Lee Shira: "..." 

Lee Shira was stunned. His fingers that was typing suddenly paused right after a little girl came towards him. Her head was covering the monitor of his laptop, looking at what he was doing. 

He turned his head to look at the little girl who is still holding a bottle of milk. Her little body is leaning on his leg, head looking straight at the laptop. 

The little girl turned her head to look up at Lee Shira. There were no expressions on her eyes nor face but she suddenly said. "Daddy" 

Despite a baby's voice, it sounded like a cello, sweet and lovely like a clear water dripping into a silent forest.

Lee Shira: "..." 

Aryen: "..." Daddy? 

"Sweetheart, no. He is not daddy." Mei Joan immediately said after she had come back to her senses. She went directly to take the little girl who immediately encircled her little arms on Lee Shira's leg.  

Lee Shira: "..." 

With an embarrassed face while the child doesn't let go of Lee Shira's leg, Mei Joan uttered. "I'm sorry Mr Lee. She can only speak one word. She might be thinking that you were watching, so she came to you." She explained. 

Lee Shira's face remained expressionless while looking at the little girl's eyes that keeps on staring at him. He looked at Mei Joan and nodded before he turned to look at Aryen. 

Aryen was shock after the little girl came towards Lee Shira, but she was petrified after hearing the little girl suddenly called him 'daddy' which her mind turned blank. 

If it wasn't for Mei Joan's explanation, Aryen thought Lee Shira was the father of her child that made her heart almost stopped beating with fear. 

Aryen tried to calm her panicking heart. She looked at the child that keeps on clinging onto Lee Shira's leg that made her smile and said. "If you don't mind Mrs Mei, my husband can look after her while we cook." 

Lee Shira: "..." 

Mei Joan: "..." 

Mei Joan was shocked, but she can only think that Aryen likes children. However, she was worried about Lee Shira to take care of the little girl. 

She looked at Lee Shira who still has an expressionless face while staring at his wife. Mei Joan felt hesitant to speak, but her son already left and there's no one who can watch over the child.