Chapter 12 - Rising Storm


(Do I really need to keep writing this at the start of every chapter ?)

GOD pov.

"Kijin ōrukattā! / Abyssal Smite!" They said and then they striked.

Their swords met and as if the world braced itself everything slowed down, our swords inched closer towards the other, filled with the power to destroy even the mightiest warrior, one was a red short katana with a red aura of bloodlust around it while the other was purple storm of nightmares encased corrupted holy sword.

Surely their clash would shake the world and mark it badly? Wrong.

As soon as they met, the oppressing aura of one of the two titans fighting disappeared, the sound of metal falling onto the ground was heard followed by a ringing noise and a red flash. Reinhardt fell to the ground his head cut cleanly off of his body, a rough thud sounded out a his head fell to the ground. His sword was cut in half so smoothly one would surely wonder what was used to cut it, they would never think another sword was at the origin of the cut.

Although, Reinhardt and his sword weren't the only thing that were cut, his devastating attack was also cut through like a 50cal. bullet would cut through the air, dispelling all aura and energy in an instant. The sudden change was so abrupt that it made it look like nothing was actually real, as if this fight never even took place in the first place, the only indication that told otherwise was traces of battle.

Wisp slowly went out of his Shikai state and breathed out, sheating Ken he suddenly fell to his knees and hands and vomited a large amount of blood, then collapsed on the ground his own body not being able to support his own weight.

This was his drawback, whenever he used this attack, the strain put on his body would shred him from the inside, like if you grabbed firecracker and set them off in his body. His bones would shatter, muscles would be shredded and his organ turned to ribbons, that wouldn't be a problem for his regeneration but the attack drained him of all stamina for small amount of time, but his control over all energy would falter and only after considerable amount of rest, (in his perspective), would he recover.

Soi Fon was already anxious about the fight but she didn't intervene, why? Because if anyone could take the Holy Warrior Reinhardt down, it was him.

But when she saw Wisp get hurt multiple time and also began slowing down she began fearing for friend, at one point she saw him glancing towards, a small shock went through his face before he focused back on the fight, he then began taking less and less damage while also getting better overall. Did her fear and pain for her best friend really affected him that much?

And then he collapsed like a sack of potatoes vomiting blood, worry coming back twice as strong as before as she rushed toward Wisp, landing next to him she turned him over, his skin was cold and didn't have the normal shine it was replaced by a slightly gray hue. She began checking for pulse but found none, ice cold dread flooded her as began to try and revive him, to no avail. She looked at Wisp supposedly dead face and tears began welling up in the corner of her eyes, shaking as she tried to contain her tears.

Just when she though that he was gone forever and tears fell out, a rough hand suddenly ċȧrėssed he cheek wipping a tear, she stopped crying and looked at where the hand came from, the hand was Wisp's. Wisp was alive. She burst out in silent sobs and tears while she grabbed Wisp and hugged him, she squeezed him as if she let go he would go away and never come back.

Wisp was incredibly hurt by her sadness and hugged back as best he could trying to confort her. After around ten minutes she calmed down and put Wisp's head on her ŀȧp for comfort as she also played with his black hair which had become pretty long reaching the base of his neck, she was still quite shaken but was relieved Wisp was alive. Red eyes stared up into her black one, one hand came up and was once again place on her cheek before he tiredlt said "You have beautiful eyes...".

At first she didn't react but then a blush spread on her check while replying with a simple "Thank you...", she actually didn't think much of it thinking it was his exhaustion speaking. Tears began welling up again as she thought about how close he was to death this time.

"Idiot..." She murmured as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"I was so worried." She continued silent sobs breaking he sentence slightly.

Wisp seeing how worried and sad she was, hurt him more than any wound. He sat up and slowly wrapped his arms around her, leaning in the embrace she continued to sob in his ċhėst until they both had calmed down which was around an hour later, they now sat in comfortable silence at the old house, Wisp having teleported them here when he recovered a sliver of energy while also losing consciousness for a moment.

They sat in front of a lit chimney, staring at the fire or in each other's eyes, they didnt exchange much words and only stayed in each other's embrace not wanting to let go as they slowly drifted off to sleep.

In a far away land.

The trees were high and strong while the earth was generous, the wild life thrived and lived in harmony with humans. But all good things must come to an end when the ghosts of war attacked the island and decimated everything, turning this beautiful island into a desert island, the greenery withered away leaving only ashes and death.

With every kill they became stronger, the population which consisted of mostly western people got slaughtered and their essence was absorbed to make them stronger. Of course some Shinigamis were send but they too became part of the casualties.

When the two wraith arrived to the last village of this small island, the place was deserted, boats were sailing away, and just when the wraiths were about to chase them down two shots rang out knocking them back and into the golden sand.

One man stood there, blocking their advance. The man wore a leather coat, and had a cowboy hat, his eye was a deep blue colour while the other was hidden by a clock like monocle, his face hidden by the shadows and the bandana he wore. In the man's hand was a rifle and in the other a revolver, strapped on his back was a blunderbuss.

The man began talking to the wraiths with a western accent.

"Howdy partners, th'name's Eddie 'One Eye' Kent and y'all better skedaddle before I put a bullet through ya'll heads."

The wraiths only growled in response while readying their swords. The heavy armored one had a shield and two handed sword which he grabbed with one hand only while the other had a long sword with a really long handle. Let's call the heavy one "Heavy" and the other one "Scout".

Eddie sighed and took aim towards the wraiths, Heavy put his shield up while Scout hid behind. Eddie tried to shoot with his rifle but the bullet ricocheted against Heavy's shield. The wraiths began to close the distance, Eddie then shot at a metal plate hung on a wall.

The bullet ricocheted and hit Heavy's elbow making him drop his shield, Eddie then grabbed his revolver and unleashed six bullets in an instant. Some were blocked by Heavy's armour and some landed in between it dealing significant damage.

He had to roll again as Heavy threw a punch towards him making a sizeable crater into the sand, he had to roll back twice escaping a sword strike from both Heavy and Scout.

Grabbing his rifle he shot Scout blowing him back as he was lunging at him, reloading he shot at Heavy making him step back. What Eddie didn't expect was Heavy took a huge slab of stone out of the ground and threw it towards him, not having time to dodge he was flung back through a wooden wall of an abandoned bar.

Taking their time to regroup, Heavy and Scout grabbed their weapons and then entered the saloon. Inside the saw the debris and the dust but saw no one inside.

"Ya got one hell of a throw I'll give you that, but the jig is up, the people on these boats are counting on me to take y'all down by hook or crook." Eddie's voice sounded out in the darkness followed by a scratching noise then fire igniting.

The wraiths turned around to see Eddie with his face revealed and a cigar in his mouth being lit up with a match, his face was bȧrėly visible because of the match.

"Unfortunately we ain't here too hoedown and wet our whistles. This ends now." He dropped the match which landed on a trail of gunpowder that ignited, Eddie disappeared into the darkness and the wraith didn't move intrigued by the moving sparks.

The trail continued all the way to a box marked "TNT" in bright red. Sensing danger Heavy threw his shield down which shattered and reformed into a translucent purple barrier, and then, the TNT ignited and exploded.

Eddie which was now outside watched the explosion, thinking they were goners he began heading towards his boat with a limp. Suddenly he heard a growl and debris being moved, he turned around wide eyed, his cigar fell out if mouth. Behind him were the wraiths getting out of the destroyed saloon almost unharmed, aside from a few scorch marks they were fine.

He took out his revolvers which he reloaded back in the bar and ducked behind a wall before they could see him. Glancing around the wall he saw no one, but before he could sigh, a hand busted through the wall and pulled him through it.

Scout went flying away with its ċhėst armour torn in pieces, he threw the now broken blunderbuss away and took his revolvers out but before he could finish Scout off, Heavy threw his shield at his arm breaking it, screaming in pain he dropped his revolvers, he was then kicked in the ċhėst breaking multiple ribs and knocking the air out of him.

He landed on his back reaching for a flintlock strapped on his hip, he avoided a sword stab to his ċhėst by rolling to left, kicking Heavy's knee he made him fall on the ground, Eddie them pointed his flintlock at Heavy's head and fired, unfortunately Scout kicked his ribs which made him miss and hit Heavy's shoulder, coughing out blood he turned around and kicked Scout in the ċhėst before he could stab him but ultimately Heavy took him by surprise and stabbed him through the collarbone and buried his sword all the to the hilt.

Eddie stopped moving, black spots appearing in his vision as he was slowly drifting away to the after life, for good measure Scout stabbed him through the ċhėst killing him instantly.

Heavy got up and breathed out purple smoke while his wounds healed, the same thing happened to Scout as the hole in his ċhėst closed itself, armour also repairing itself slowly but surely. Heavy retrieved his weapon and Scout grabbed the hilt of his weapon and whispered something in an unknown language.

Purple energy began to flow through the ground and into Eddie's ċhėst slowly corrupting him, the energy flow more and more violently until it transformed into the same storm that transformed Heavy and Scout into wraiths, the storm disappeared and in the middle stood Heavy and Scout now fully healed and a new wraith.

This wraith was obviously Eddie, he was now a wraith, his head had transformed into a skull surrounded by purple fire, his hat on it. His mobile fell of to reveal a "+" shaped scar on his eye. Inside the scared eye socket was a yellow glowing eye while there was none in the other, he grabbed his rifle and it shifted, the colour was now black with purple bone like structures reinforcing it, the same thing happened with the revolvers and the blunderbuss.

He adjusted his black leather coat and hid the fleshy veins of corruption on his ċhėst and took of with the other wraiths. They took a boat and headed straight for Wisp's position. They didn't try and find the people who escaped as they were to far away already.