Chapter 7 - The human world

(I do not own Bleach, I only own my OC.)

Wisp pov.

Unknown place.

Darkness, unending and eternal darkness for unknown times I have been wandering in this place, am I dead ? Where am I ? Questions which have yet to be answered plague my mind.

But in this darkness, I am not alone, my senses tell me that there are things around me, objects and death, ghosts of things forgotten that roams in the shadows looking for another war to start, to destroy and kill.

Just when I though, I was stuck here forever, a being caught the corner of my eye but before I could distinguish what it was a flash of purple blinded me.

The old stone building.

"GASP" I wake up with a sudden gasp, I cough up some black stuff that smells horrible, I notice it's everywhere on me and is also coming out of me, I stand up slowly, my body aching.

I look around the giant room I'm in and see that the room is overtaken by vegetation, few rays of light coming in through gaps in the vegetation and ceiling, the windows were coveved with a thin layer of leaves and the interior walls had merged with nature, a few fireflies were flying here and there making the room have an elf like vibe.

I notice a big door and try to open it, it does open but it takes a bit more strenght than I thought it would because it is blocked by vegetation, I grab the few roots and branches that were in the way and breaked them easily, I can now see outside, looking outside I see, well... not much except more trees and vegetation.

Putting the fact that I'm in a forest at the back of my mind, I turn around to the smelly couch with that weird gooey black stuff that came out of me, I guess this stuff would be some leftover impurities my body rejected since it's smelly and came out of me, I grab the couch and I drag it outside where I burn it, of course I fetched some stones to use as a way to not set fire to the whole forest, I repeat the process with everything I didn't need such as a few broken furniture that were inside the building.

I grab a broom from my backpack and began cleaning the inside, after a while I finish cleaning and the place looks beautiful, I also patched a few holes in the sealing.

Now I need to clean up and change clothes because that black stuff stinks really bad and I need to get it off of me asap.

So I am now climbing a tree to look for a place to go, I look at the position of the sun to get my bearing right, North, South and all of that, I notice that a small way from where I am, was a city that looks to be a 1800's century japanese city.

'Shit, so I'm back in time too?' I smiled wearily.

From his point of view he did, he was from 2xxx's so he is back in time.

(He is around 110 years before cannon not that he knows that).

After 5 minutes of running I finally make it there, the water was crystal clear, it would be a shame if this weird goo tarnished this water, I threw my bag on the ground next to a tree and though about what I should do, after awhile I finally got an idea.

I lit myself on fire.

Yes, I lit myself in fire but I didn't burn myself badly as I seem more resistant now.

After burning the filth off of me and being sure that there wasn't any left I entered the water to thoroughly clean myself and relax.

While swimming around, I noticed that I now had a scar on my right brow and few small bȧrėly visible light grey scars on my arms.

At this point it was around noon as the sun was a in the middle of the sky this time is perfect for going to the city, I get out of the water, put clothes on, and began to go to the city in hopes of getting information.

At Gotei 13.

God pov.

Yamamoto was looking over the soul society from his balcony, things were peaceful and going nicely until that person, Wisp came into the picture.

He had one unknown power, teleportation, high speed regeneration and superhuman abilities.

What's more surprising is that he was able to fight Zaraki Kenpachi and escape alive, as well as wound him (albeit not much), the difference in power between a lieutenant and Captain was like heaven and earth.

(A.N : Had to put that in here)

Now the question was, where was he ?

Soi-Fon pov.

I was absolutely blown away by the news.

Wisp had escaped Kenpachi! And did so after a fighting him and pushing him back long enough so that he was able to escape!

The news were great, I couldn't help but be happy ? Excited ? That he managed to escape as he was pretty nice to me, not counting "The bite".

I began to thing about our little scuffle, he could've escaped whenever he wanted to, he could've just knock me out and run so why..?

"Hoh you're blushing an awful lot Soi-Fon, someone on your mind?" A teasing voice suddenly whispered in my ear.

Surprised I jumped from the stone I was sitting on with a small squeak.

"Yoruichi-sama! Please don't sneak up on me like that!" I said embarrassed.

"Hey, it's not my fault you don't pay attention to your surroundings." She smile "so... what's got you so concentrated you didn't even feel me coming here?"

"Sigh... I was thinking about when I was tasked to bring back the rogue shinigami Wisp, I was thinking of how strong he was, why didn't he run right away or knock me out immediately when we fought? He even escaped Zaraki..." I said.

"Hoh~ so I was right after all, someone did catch you heart after all." She teased.

I began blushing a lot at that sentence "W-what! Don't say stuff like that!" I say hiding my red face in my hands.

For a second, Yoruichi actually looked surprised that Soi-Fon reacted like that. 'Could it be... that I was right ?' She began smiling slightly and chuckled.

This only served to make Soi-Fon even more embarrassed.

But then I met that man and opened up with another person than Yoruichi for the first time in forever, it felt nice honestly... why did he have to be an enemy, I thought sadly.

Human world.


So I went to the city and got some information, the city's name is Karakura and some pretty interesting stuff happens here, also one of the reasons they weren't scared seeing me, by "interesting stuff" they probably meant hollows and all because this place has a pretty big concentration of reiatsu.

Going back to the forest I encountered a deer which I killed and took with me to the old building.

When I got there I put the dear inside and put most of my stuff down, mainly my bag, I went out and cleaned the fire place, I also rearrange the rocks I used to make a circle, after putting some wood there I light it on fire with my power, really handy power by the way.

I go fetch the dear and cook for myself, as the meat cooks on the fire, I smile in anticipation of all the adventure I will experience later.

After a few weeks of going around training, polishing my sword mastery and CQC techniques I began to experience with my powers inside my soul realm as I like to call it.

(CQC = Close Quarter Combat)

It also seems that every time my body gets badly injured and goes beyond its limits, it adapts and refines itself, getting stronger and stronger every time, I've met some hollows which I was able to purge with some difficulties as Ken told me to use only my sword and and body, no powers whatsoever thats how I found out about my adaptive body.

At some point some humans came to "burn the monster in the forest" all this to "protect the people" and absolutely not in the name of fame and glory ,nope nuh huh, they were around fifty people which I gently (brutaly) sent out of my forest. I also made sure to make my place off limits with a burst of bloodlust.

Only one man remained unaffected by my burst of bloodlust, I began analysing the man in front of me, he had a blue kimono with wave patterns on it, he was a middle aged man albeit at the verge of being an old man, the man had a black headband on his forehead with a weird symbol which I could not properly understand.

He had a already drawn his sword out, it was a double edged Nodachi, probably made just for him, its handguard was also blue with some dark cloth on the end of it.

The man exuded pressure which screamed of experience, not spiritual pressure although I could sense he had awakened his reiatsu and maybe had a power, the man looked at me with his grey eyes and charged at me at a speed greater than what humans could do.

Surprised I hastely drew my sword out to block the attack, our swords clashed and sparks flew out, the man suddenly pushed harder and I was flung back, after regaining my balance I notice the man charging at me again, I decide to take him seriously and use my full strenght against him, I also charged at him with a battle hungry glint in my eyes.

Our swords met again and again for hours only the sound of our sword slashing the air and clashing against each other could be heard, I may have learned how to wield a sword in my time but the man in front of me was a true master of the sword and I could feel myself improve the longer we fought, this fight made me understand that I should train harder and deepen my sword proficiency more.

Exchanging a few more blows we both stepped back, I was smiling insanely, trembling with excitement, the man was breathing heavily, suddenly he began emitting a thin energy which focused on his sword, this wasn't reiatsu but felt very familiar, this energy had the property of reiatsu but felt like thousands of swords were emerging.

'This is basically sword energy' I thought my grin widening.

My wounds having already healed I went back to my home thus ending our silent battle.

A week since the battle, a group of hollows suddenly appeared not too far away from me but the bad thing was there was a very big reiatsu amongst them, feeling excitement pumping through my body I smiled insanely and began going towards the group.