Chapter 5 - The Akuma

(I DO NOT OWN BLEACH, I only own my OCs.)

Wisp's pov.

A few days have passed since I escaped Soi Fon, I kinda feel bad about it but it needed to be done. From what I read on Gotei 13 is that they love to experiment on new things and I'm the newest thing around, nor human or spirit, a shinigami but with a physical body.

And with special powers to top it all off too.

So for the past few days I've been hunting the few hollows that are either brave, stupid or unlucky enough to appear in the Soul Society, I've also been "buying" new clothes in exchange of manual work like building and stuff like that so I got a new training suit and some casual clothes too.

I've been training like crazy... by hitting random stuff at first but since I found those steel plates I was able to make myself a punching bag. I forged the plates together, with the help of an old man ,and put dirt and sand in it.

I also trained my Shikai turns out Ken was not totally honest with me on our abilities.

I came back in my inner world to chat and train with Ken on our Shikai.

Our Shikai transformed into a red wakisashi.

Now the power of our Shikai isn't really noticeable nor is it powerful, for now when I use it I'd say if I was on a 56/100 with the maximum boost from our Shikai I only came to 58~/100.

Well getting back on topic I'm currently getting plummeted by Ken, why you ask..? Training.

"RAGHHH" Ken screams as he hit me back on the floor, I land painfully while he lands gracefully... not, he lands and the earth shakes under him making a crater.

"You won't be able to master our power at this rate, you're not using your new strenghts and powers correctly." He says looking down on me.

I groan as I strain to stand up, that last hit dazed me more than I thought, yes I have regeneration and pain resistance but when hit with this much force, you will be shaken.

" a break... I've had this body for...two weeks or something..." I say between breaths.

"Well it's not enough, the captains are probably going to come for you and we need to be ready." He pauses and crouches down.

"As you are now you can only beat lieutenants... maybe, but captain? You will get destroyed."

Another thing I noticed with me, whenever I fight with Ken or reach a certain point in a fight in begin getting "drunk on battle", this include smiling insanely.

"Good!" he grins back equally insane.

We take our distance, and after a few seconds we charge each other, without swords, for some reason he wanted to build my hand to hand combat.

I launch myself at him and try to kick him but he grabs my leg and slams me into the ground, then he punches me further into it making a big dust cloud.

I take the opportunity to teleport behind him and kick the back of his head, but it doesn't to anything.

He looks back at me and smile evilly, he backs hand me and I fly back into the trees, landing hard on the floor, did I mention that the dirt was hard as stone and the trees hard as steel ?

I get up, 'how the hell is he so strong, no matter what I do he just shrugs it off... there is that but it's not up for combat... fuċk it'.

Looking back a few days when I fought that giant hollow, I was able to replicate that last hit, to a certain point... because I can't seem to keep it up for long nor charge it up quickly, it also breaks my arm very badly whenever I'm able to use it.

I come out of the tree line and lock eyes with Ken, we begin growling at each other like beasts, we take up our stances and once again charge each other with a punch, our fists met half way kicking up dust and small debris up.

"This is FUN! That's it ! FASTER! STRONGER!" Ken yells as we pick up the speed our fists now blurring out of view.

I begin hitting him with 100% of body's capabilities and finally land a hit on him pushing him back, he looks surprised for a moment but just jumps back in laughing like a lunatic, I do the same has we continue this for a moment.

We finally punched each other in the face pushing us back, more like flying back for me but I landed safely... we look at each other panting, I'm at my very limit, punching and kicking at 100% when my body can only handle around 70% without breaking, and fȯrċɨbŀƴ regenerating the damage as fast as I can for around 10 minutes.

On Ken's side, he has a few small bruises mostly on his body and a few scrapes here and there, he is panting a little but he doesn't look bad.

I realise that even with all my strenght I can't even get close to his level even when I use everything he is still stronger than I am in every way. If I want to beat him I better come at him with everything I have.

I look up feeling a familiar rush of energy, I "pull" on it, drawing in more and more energy from myself and the surrounding focusing on my fists, my fists begin to vibrate, electricity arcing around them.

Without a second thought I charge at Ken with the intent to "kill", my bloodlust leaking out in wave he looks shocked that I not only have a fist charged up but two, and running toward him when I could bȧrėly stand a second ago, he tries to intercept me but I teleport close to him inside his guard and strike his solar plexus making him spit out blood, the shockwave making a crater around us, displacing the air around us.

"IT'S NOT OVER YET!" I uppercut him in the jaw sending him into the sky, I finally teleport above him and join my fist together, the red electricity arcing violently.

Ken looks panicked for a second and puts his guard up , I was finally able to make him put his guard up, I pushed him far enough for him to block my incoming attack.

I hit Ken and blasted him into to the ground, making a huge crater, I land on the ground and bounce a little, I force myself up to look around. The scenery destroyed before a lot of pain shot up from my arms, looking down the mess that is my arms currently, well for one I'm missing an arm and the other ones bones turned to dust with bits of bones sticking out, huge lacerations and a lot of Blood every where.

I focus energy on my body and begin healing faster, how and why you may  ask... well I don't know how but when I began focusing on this energy, my wound healed faster and I had new found stamina so maybe it would work in healing me now, and it did.

I look with grim fascination at my mending arm, the bones coming back inside and the skin closing itself, muscle knitting itself back together, while the other arm just regrows itself.

I hear a groan and rubble moving, I see Ken just getting out of the crater, three very visible bruises on his ċhėst, and arms, he looks at me and grins.

"Well done, you actually made me block." He smiles as he congratulates me like nothing happened, actually now that I look at him he doesn't have any traces of battle left on him. Even the scenery was fixed.

I collapse on the ash covered ground, looking up at the red sky, I don't have any wound left even my arm grew back but I'm simply exhausted.

"So... what was that about?" Ken comes into my field of vision sitting cross-legged next to me.

"What?" I frown

"You know the lighting, and the bloodlust, your new strenght and speed." He waves his hands dramatically.

I dicipate the lighting but notices it goes from red lighting to red plasma to fire and finally dissipate.

"Awesome" he says

"Indeed" I answer as we begind chuckling.

For a moment we just lie there resting  and talking, laughing about.

After a few moments it's time I go back to the soul society, I bid Ken goodbye but not before he tell me about our hidden Shikai.

Apparently this hidden Shikai give me a fixed boost, it's like the first mode but it's fixed basically the first Shikai was not very powerful because it was only my blood that I used and it's the less effective way, and the second mode is a fixed charge.

1st Shikai :

Can go from +0 to plus +15 but has to be built up. [ 56/100 to 71/100 ]

Will begin to grow horns and the more you charge it, the more the horns will grow and the redder skin colour will get.

Fixed power boost of +10 but doesn't have to build up.

Horns will grow and arms will become red.

(A.n. I know it looks like a game thing but I can't find a precise way to explain)

I come back to the soul society, went into the water cleaned myself up and my clothes, got out, used my energy to dry myself up with and just collapsed on my bed.

At Gotei 13.

All the captains were called in the hall, it took a few days to get all of them together but now they're here.

Yuroichi Shihoin (cat girl)

Kisuke Urahara (bob guy)

Retsu Unohana (Medic captain)

Kaname Tosen (blind guy)

Sajin Komamura (wolf/fox guy)

Sosuke Aizen (traitor god complex)

Shinji Hirako (Future vizards captain )

Zaraki Kenpachi (eyepatch)

Shunsui Kyoraku (sakura petals coat)

Byakuya Kuchiki (Petal sword)

Kensei Mugurama (69 tatoo guy)

(I put their traits so you guys can put names on faces)

"What do you think it is that need our presence?" Tosen asked Komamura.

Komamura hummed "I don't know." he simply said.

"What I know is that it's a waste of time." A voice cut in, Kenpachi to be precise.

Some captain engages in conversation other bickered notably Kenpachi and Byakuya.

But everyone was silenced once the Head Captain Yamamoto came into the hall with Soi Fon, he sat down in his usual place, Soi Fon next to him and he began talking.

"Thank you all for coming so quickly and-"

"Get to the point old man." Zaraki cut in.

Yamamoto chuckled, "impatient as always, so be it I called you all here to talk about the shinigami that's been running around taking out hollows in our place."

This got the attention of the captains.

"So it's not just a rumour." Ukitake said.

"Indeed it is not, this shinigami that was first spotted by Soi Fon was able to take down a lieutenant level hollow and flee the scene without a trace." Yamamoto continued.

"How did he escape?" Yuroichi asked surprised he was able to escape Soi Fon.

"He just disappeared, like he teleported." Soi Fon said.

The captains now were definitely surprised.

"But that's a forbidden spell, he shouldn't be able to use it, nor even know it." Urahara said.

"I don't think it was a spell as he didn't even use an incantation, I just felt his reiatsu then nothing, until I found him the next day."

"Indeed the next day, lieutenant Soi Fon found the shinigami again because of a unusually high reiatsu in the forest  of district 34, it turns out the adjucha hollow that we've been pursuing was hiding in this forest, Soi Fon if you will." Yamamoto gestured to Soi Fon.

"Yes Head captain, the man whose name is Wisp, was fighting this Hollow... he won."

"Yes and what's the big deal, he beat a slightly stronger hollow so What?" Hitsugaya interjected.

"Well as you all may know this Hollow was extremely strong, it was Gorilla."

"Him? I guess he was kinda strong for a slippery small time hollow" Zaraki said.

"Well he beat him but he didn't kill him with his sword, he killed him with his fists, he only used his sword once or twice during the fight and brute strenght to beat him."

This shocked the captains, a shinigami beating a adjucha without using his sword much isn't really hard for captains but for normal shinigamis this was practically impossible.

"Are you sure of what you saw Soi Fon?" Yuroichi asked.

"I saw it with my own eyes." She replied

Yamamoto grabbed the attention of the captains.

"Lately he has been vanquishing the hollows that infiltrate the soul society, and he also has been defeating the shinigami that try to bring him into the Gotei 13, they all said that he was a beast or a Demon and no matter how much he bled or was wounded he still fought on."

"Yes, he seems to have multiple abilities, regeneration, super senses, strenght, speed, the ability to teleport and he doesn't seem to feel pain at all" Soi Fon informed.

"Are we sure it's not his Shikai?" Kyoraku spoke up.

"Certain, we have never seen his Shikai if he has it he is hiding it, his physical appearance might be a clue though."

'Interesting, with his own strenght' Kenpachi grinned.

"What do you mean?" Urahara asked.

"There's a reason he is called a Demon, his physical appearance is not human, he has white skin, as white as your coat, blood red eyes and black hair, he has pointed ears and he is very tall at around two meters and 20 centimetres."

"Indeed he cannot be ignored any longer, and that is why you all are here I want to ȧssign one of you-".

"I will go." Kenpachi spoke up

The captains all looked at him all thinking the same thing 'here he goes again'.

"So be it, Captain Zaraki Kenpachi, you shall bring him in and if he resists than kill him, Dismissed!" Yamamoto said.