Chapter 1 - Discovery

I DO NOT OWN BLEACH, except my OC.

Wisp pov.

'Nh... whe-where... am I' I though waking up

I just woke up from a horrible dream in which I died, killed by a monster of some kind, all white with a mask adorning his deformed head at least I think it was a head.

I got up looking at my surroundings, I was currently in a forest with abnormally high and thick tree, as I look around me I don't see much except trees.

'I mean, duh, I am in a forest after all but enough of that, I was killed by that thing and woke up here and now I'm- what am I wearing?'

As I look down I see that my clothes have changed, instead of my usual clothes, I am now wearing what seems to be a black thin trench coat that goes down to my knees, it's edges at the bottom were jagged and burned while the interior of the trench coat was a dark blood red, under it was a normal black and white kimono, my "shoes" were now sandals, to be honest this outfit went extremely well with my snow white skin- Wait! White snow skin?!

As I looked myself over my new outfit was not the only thing that changed about me, my skin was now as white as freshly fallen snow, I mean sure I was white before but this is simply not normal.

'I say that but what looks like a reincarnation isn't normal either' I sigh.

I was just a dude living his life alone, not that I minded, bored with life, yes, but not bothered by it, I was working my life as an mechanician but quit and then worked as a soldier for a long time but nothing crazy, like I knew how to fight, heck I even learned how to use a sword and I might say that I was pretty darn good with one too.

But now here I am probably reincarnated after being killed by something unnatural, probably in a different time, hell, I could be in a different universe for all I know.

As I was ranting in my own mind, I began walking randomly hoping to find even a smidge of a sign that there is people close by, I also notice that I am extremely tall, like probably 2,20 meters high or something, I walk into something wet and look down seeing a puddle.

I sigh and look down looking at my reflection and damn even my looks changed, so I am way taller than before, also slightly beefier and have white snow skin, what more may you ask?

'I look like a freaking vampire... this is awesome' I lightly chuckle.

I continue walking and notice something sticking out of my kimono, taking it out, I now have a 1m long katana, around 30cm for the handle and 70cm for the blade, the blade was sheathed in a black sheath with some red highlights, the handle had no guard per say, but the handle, that had black leathery bandages on it ,was nice to grip, smiling I reattach the katana at my hip and continue walking as I think about the future.

As I was walking, and exploring this forest, I noticed multiple thing changed even in the senses department, in a sense (pun intended) I can sense better, and when I mean better, i mean all my senses were multiplied by crazy amount, by how much exactly I don't know, that's just more testing for latter I guess.

So I walk, and walk, I feel some kind of pull at my senses but decide that it's probably my new body, I soon arrive at an entrance of what I hope is a cave.

I enter and it is indeed a cave, I venture down the cave, the cave is probably very dark, I say probably because, well, I see just as clear as outside in here.

After a few minute, I come up to a door.

'Weird I didn't expect that there was some kind of craft in here, 'at least I know there is intelligent life forms here' I say to myself as I open the door.

At least I would've opened the door completely if a knife didn't get flung towards me, nailing me in the hand which I used to defend myself.

Now, I know I should be freaking out and be in a lot of pain but... I am not, I can actually bȧrėly feel a thing now that I think about It.

"Very hospitable" I say out loud, even my voice changed, now it's husky and raspy voice.

I enter the room and look around, I find myself surrounded by books of all kind and a few item  boxes.

I approach the books and find the are organised in categories, there's history, science, there's even sword fighting tutorial books.

I immediately go to the history part, hoping to find where am I and how it works, but I hit my foot on a books and what I think is medical supplies drop on the ground, just my luck then.

As I finished setting up what I need to heal my hand, I take a hold of the knife and pull it out I turn around to take the disinfectant so I can sew my wound later on, and as I look down, I notice only a fading scar tissue.

"What the hell!" I say shocked, okay so I have regeneration too... good to know.

I sigh and get up, putting the supplies in a small box that I attach to my belt with my katana.

I go to the books and grab a history book named the "Soul society".

Fitting since I just died, I open the book and begin to read and the more I read the more I know I'm am not in the same world anymore.

There are 80 districts in total, the closer you get to 80 the more crime and poverty there is, so these district houses the souls of the dead, well since I'm dead I and reincarnated, I can totally see that happening.

Next there's "Seireitei" where shinigamis live, and from the clothes and the swords, I can guess that I am probably a shinigami as well, apparently these swords are called zanpakuto, and the are the representation of your soul, there are currently sealed in this form and all zanpakuto have "shikais" where your zanpakuto changes, then there "bankais", the final stages of the zanpakuto.

I finish reading about the soul society and everything that's related to it and keep gorging myself with information and knowledge.

I finally finish reading the books and even took a page with me as there was a map on it.

I finally realise that since I'm here and that I am now a shinigami, I have spiritual pressure, I continue to grab some stuff and put them in a bag, as I put books on how to fight with a sword and cast spells, I notice the bag is linked to a pocket dimension, I grab the manual and put it inside along with a lot of other stuff.

When I finished there is a little bit less than half of what there was when I entered.

Saying sorry and thank you to whoever this belongs to, I get out of the cave and begin running.

I would if the sudden burst of strenght in my body didn't send me straight through a tree, I land dazed and for the first time since got here I actually feel pain even if small, as the tree lands on the ground and shake the earth.

I begin to get up, and notice that the few scratches and cut I had healed up already.

I decide to test my limits and look at a nearby tree, I prepare myself to hit it with all my strenght, I punch hard.

The tree explodes where I punched creating a shock wave and that send splinters of wood everywhere, I look at my hand and see nothing, I got the cave and find a boulder which I also punch, the boulder shatters from the punch but It doesn't explode like the tree did and this time I'm pretty sure I broke a few bones, that healed pretty fast.

Now to test my speed, I find a clearing between the trees and begin to run as fast as I can creating a shockwave behind me, as run I pass tens of trees, finally getting used to my senses and strenght and speed as well as my new senses.

I feel awesome, as I continue to run in the direction of the closest district which is district 34, this new strenght and speed, this body, I feel good, I continue running feeling laughter bubbling up and finally letting it out accompanied with another burst of speed.

I soon arrive at the district 34, at least I think it is, I stop slightly winded.

'Guess I have increased stamina as well.' I smile, stamina was never my forte and having this new body as well as a second chance, I'm pretty excited.

I sit down next to a nearby tree and observe this district from afar, analysing the place, seeing that people do not look anything like I do begins to worry me a little, what if they freak out the moment they see me, then give the alarm to shinigamis.

I finally decide to stay away from that place as I begin drifting of to sleep.