This is enough, the two people's feelings, in fact, has been very good. That is, neither of them has the king's side to think about. When both of them think about it, it's OK.

At that time, there is no need to help them.

Ling Zhi Xu is also waiting, waiting for these two people, when, can have that idea. Maybe it will take a while, and you need to do something by yourself.

But that doesn't seem to matter. Spend more time, just spend more time. What does it matter?

Go back to their own yard Lingzhi Xu, see Qingluo there waiting for himself.

"Come on, go in and pick out the clothes."

"Miss, has Lotan agreed?"

"Yes, yes."

"Miss, you are so good!"

Ling Zhi Xu is very calm and modest. "It's not me. It's Lotan who is very clever. He knows very well what he should and should not do. "

"Qingluo, look at this dress. Do you like it?"

Her eyes are always good. In fact, she likes this dress herself. However, if this dress can be worn on Qingluo's body, it's very good.

The long pink skirt is made of fine silk fabric, which feels smooth and comfortable. And the style, also has a special charm, good-looking is really very good-looking.

"Miss, this dress is so beautiful!"

"Well, just like it. Take it. I have too many clothes here. Even if I change one one every day, I can't wear it. Take a good look and see if you like anything. "

Qingluo, look left and right. These clothes are very nice, but if you really choose one or two, it's really hard to choose. "Miss, I'll take this dress. I can't wear anything else. Such good clothes, such good materials. If I break it, that's not good. "

"It doesn't matter. I just like it. I don't need to think about other problems. Take it. "

In fact, she does not know how to choose, Ling Zhi Xu see out. But this kind of thing, also don't need to force others so. Just do what you want.

"Since you like it, take it. In the future, I will take you to make more clothes. What I like is to get it. "

Green Luo this wench, oneself before gave her those things, all seem to be saved by her, simply loathe to use.

She has always been like this. Everything will be saved. I still remember when she was in lingfu. At that time, she just came to the world and didn't know what it was like now.

At that time, Qingluo would save all the best things she could get and use them for herself.

At that time, I was just a concubine of lingfu. It seems to be abandoned by everyone.

It is said that there will be the treatment of ordinary ladies, even life is not good to eat, not warm to wear.

At that time, Qingluo was able to keep all her best things for her.

See this Ling Zhi Xu, the heart is very clear, Qingluo to his good.

So, when everyone can't enter Lingzhi Xu's heart, Qingluo can.

Now, they are not what they used to be. Therefore, this kind of life should have ended long ago.

The Lantern Festival in Beijing is a general term.

Lantern Festival, as the name suggests, there are flowers and lights. There are also fireworks, dragon and lion dances in the street, and various talented people and scholars who show their talents there.

It seems that the whole capital is preparing for the grand banquet that evening.

They yearn for the excitement, but also for their own yearning and efforts.

However, there are some people who just hope to make some noise in such a busy time. So that his enemies, not so happy.

"My Lord, the last batch of people have been withdrawn."

"OK, inform he Zeng and start the operation immediately."

"My Lord, how can you be sure that the dog emperor will come out of the palace?"

"How could he miss such a busy day?"

He has been dealing with the old emperor for 20 or 30 years. As the saying goes, what he knows most about himself is often his opponent.

He knew very well that on such a day, the emperor would go out of the palace to have a look at the grand occasion.

They will be ready in advance, as long as they can accurately find the right thing, then, it will be useful.

"My Lord, but if we want to take the life of the dog emperor under such careful protection, isn't it too risky? We've all been exposed once before. If it wasn't for our fast retreat, we might have been destroyed by now! "

"What are you worried about? Are you worried that we are failing this time? Last time, it was because of who had been found, otherwise, it would not have been traced to us. This time, I'll give you another chance. If we can't do it well, how can we talk about rejuvenation? ""Yes, my Lord!"

This action is a brand new one they plan.

Although at this juncture, there will be a bit of wool, or even a mistake, they are likely to capsize here. However, this action is a rare opportunity once a year. If they miss this opportunity, they will probably have to wait for a year.

This adult, in his heart, is very clear about the significance of doing so.

They can still gather together, in fact, it is precisely because the breath in their heart is still in their heart.

They can have their own country, their own home. However, because of the irreparable disaster a hundred years ago, they had no country or home.

And they don't know how many people they have changed.

Now they are undertaking the thoughts and dreams of the previous generation.

If there is no action now, but choose to hide so quietly. Before long, they will fall apart sooner or later.

Therefore, we must do something as soon as possible, otherwise, they can only watch their team collapse.

He Zeng was in a totally wrong state two days ago, because he put his personal hatred first. No matter what you look at, you don't do well.

Tang Qin did not expect that they would fail so soon.

"Ever, my Lord asked you to act according to the plan."

"I know."

Although the previous thing has passed, but now is still very unhappy!

"What's the matter? You look, like, angry now? OK, there's nothing to be angry about, anyway Our plan looks perfect now. "

"Hum, I can't kill the dog emperor myself. I'm angry when I think about it!"

How ever in this life, only feel that they are loved.

He lived a vagrant life with his parents when he was young, and was forced to learn martial arts that he was not interested in at all. The only purpose is revenge.

Revenge seems to be just like that, but it's a career they haven't completed for generations.

Now he Zeng doesn't want to be like his parents at all. Live for revenge, die for revenge.

"When is the end of such a day?"

"You don't have to be in such a hurry. We can achieve our goal soon, can't you? This time we are fully prepared, waiting for the old emperor to take the bait. Do you think you are in a hurry now? "

"You don't understand my mood at all. If you were me, you wouldn't say that at all!"

"You say I can't understand you, but I know the pain in your heart. I understand very well that we people get together for only one purpose. I can understand it. Who said, I can't understand it. "

"What's the use of understanding me! Every time, my Lord comes according to what he thinks. When did he think about our ideas? If we fail again this time, how can we unite in the future? "

"You are right. But I think you're right. Adults sometimes care too much about their own ideas. However, this time we should not only achieve our goal, but also let our people know that we are not people who can do nothing. That's enough. "

"What you said is simple. There is no such simple thing."

Tang Qin and the news they didn't know, that is, which door the old emperor planned to come out of the palace, and how he would come out.

She knows when, where and how to use them.

Just these things, can't let others know, otherwise, they will only be more trouble.

"My Lord's plan is comprehensive, but at least we have to think of other ways, right?"

"Tang Qin, what can you do? But even if you have other ways, what's the use? My Lord will not do what you do. "

"My lord won't use my method, but if my method is too good, it's just us, isn't it?"

What does this man mean?

"Tang Qin, don't you think that you are not afraid of the trouble of adults?"

Tang Qin a pair of smile clear in the chest appearance, indifferent shrug. "If I fail, I will accept all the punishment. But if it is successful, I believe adults will not blame you and me. "

"How do you know it's going to work? According to some people are not fuel-efficient lights, you think you and I can make earth shaking changes? Are you too naive? "

"Don't worry, I won't do these things so naively."

She has been preparing for so long, in these days, she has never been careless. Therefore, she is very clear about what she wants and what she should do.