Chapter 333

Name:Bionic Era Author:Southern Guards
Ice crystals.

Wild and wanton.

As if from a distant kingdom.

Pure white swept the world.

It's not snow, it's wind, storm, hard ice and snow on the ground.

The air in that area is very dry and there is little rainfall all year round.

In the south, there is less precipitation, so it's not too much to call it the ice desert. But it's not the goal of bionic human beings. It's too cold, the machinery can't carry it, and the surface temperature is limited.

It's hard for Rudd to imagine a group of bionics wrapped in cotton coats.

The bionic man who led the exploration projected his memory.

Many bionic leaders sat around to watch.

On the screen.

Several bionic people are walking on the snow.

The snow on the ground is not soft and firm.

In this kind of weather, people need to wear thick assault suits, bring enough supplies, and walk for a period of time, they need to rest to save their physical strength.

But bionics don't have so many scruples.

"By this time, we have finished investigating the area designated for us by No. 9 and are on the way back."

He said the expedition was perfect.

Underground urban remains suitable for bionic people have been found.

It only takes a little time to transform and become a second Eden.

"But on the way back, we suddenly saw this creature."

A vague figure with snow white all over the body flashed away at the end of the horizon.

A short time.

It's less than two seconds.

"Replay, pause, stop on that screen." He said.

"No problem."

Video playback.

This time everyone opened their eyes.

The picture is frozen.

But it's still fuzzy.

Although the eyes of bionic human are precision cameras, far more than human beings, both the photographer and the subject are moving.

There was a blizzard again.

So the freeze frame is just a fuzzy creature in human form.

"The memory of the other brothers is the same, which can be played back. We were very close at that time."

"No more."

Lu Wen frowned and began to analyze in his mind.

According to the distance in the video.

The height of that creature should be between 1.5 and 1.8.

Walking upright, humanoid, the white on the body looks like hair.

If it's human, it's much more terrifying than white hair.

"Then we caught up, but there was only a crack in the ice around, and we suspected that the creature had jumped into the crack."

A few people didn't follow.

They are not stupid either. This kind of unknown terrain may not be able to follow.

It is often reported in various cities that a certain scientist accidentally fell into a crack and died when he was investigating in the extreme south or North.

"What do you think?" Lu Wen looks at the crowd.

"If we want to live in that place, we must find out the creatures there, otherwise we will be very passive."

"It's very dangerous. We need to send a group of people with relatively strong fighting capacity to the past."



Three in the afternoon.

West is here.

The city is the same as reported.

In ruins.

The tall building collapsed.

The cottage was shot into a sieve.

The palace collapsed, and all the treasures and cultural relics were looted.

The city of West is not as prosperous as it used to be.

It doesn't look much better than the ruins of cities in no man's land.

Shops on both sides of the street are either closed, smashed or robbed, and there are signs of burning flames. The top management of large enterprises are still taking refuge in Versailles, and the thugs are still around the corner of the city.

A large number of people have not yet returned, hiding in no man's land or underground.

The bodies on the street are still being cleaned up.

Aid from cities is also coming by air.

The hatch is open.

The rotten smell of the city poured into the cabin, which made many people frown.

It's hot in summer in July.

There are many rainstorms.

The smell of carrion seems to follow the rain, infiltrating into every inch of the city's land, rooting and sprouting in the dark corner of the invisible, out of bloody flowers.

It's hard to imagine how the residents of this city get used to it.

"West has less than 20 million residents back now. Maybe that's why." An old congressman sighed.

Fortunately, Urumqi did not become like this.

In fact, after the bionic riot, Mau may have been the most powerful city.Quite a lot of people met at the airport.

There are Westminster's royal family, the current prime minister and mayor, and various councillors.

This is quite a formal meeting between the two sides.

The entourage was arranged.

Then came the most disliked part of communication, chatting and greeting.

In his opinion, this is meaningless and a waste of time.

He often told Lu that he always admired bionics.

Because bionic people are very direct to say hello, say things when they should.

Five in the afternoon.

At the end of the process, people can finally go to see the scene of the explosion.

It's very different to see a picture with one's own eyes.

The explosion warehouse has been cordoned off.

"These are bomb fragments collected at the scene."

The person in charge of West put some shrapnel gently in front of the crowd.

And some other evidence, all of which came with me.

The person in charge of the military enterprise in Mowu city put on gloves, poured a fragment out of the evidence bag, observed it carefully for a moment, and then said: "this is really a product made by our company, there will be no fake."

"Are you sure?"


The accompanying bomb experts also quickly came to a conclusion and agreed with the view of the military industry.

Next comes a more detailed discussion.

Get to know each other.

The accompanying PR staff also worked with West.

Release the news of Wei Boan's visit, throw out some pictures of everyone smiling and shaking hands to show the friendly exchanges between the two cities.

For the time being, we should stabilize the public mood.

While he was still watching the scene of the warehouse explosion, a middle-aged man's voice rang from his earphone.

"Have you seen the princesses of the Royal generation? I heard that several of them are very beautiful, with blonde hair, blue eyes, distinct features and good figure."

Duan Tiannan hasn't left West these days.

During the week of the bionic riot, he took red leaves and hid underground.

All kinds of food and drink.

Life is quite comfortable.

If your hands itch, come out and kill some bionics, or blow up the heads of some thugs.

It's true that capable people can drive anywhere, unless the environment is really bad enough.

"You are so old, why do you think about other people's princesses all the time?" Lu Wen sent a string of messages.

"At the beginning, I almost took a princess away. Who knows that guy suddenly appeared in summer..."

"You've said that many times."

"But I just can't make peace."

"Look at your beer belly in the mirror, even if there is a princess, are you sure you still have the original charm?"


Duan Tiannan has nothing to say.

After all, he can't escape middle age.

In fact, his age is almost the same as that of Wei Boan. He is of the same generation.

But Wei bo'an has been exercising all these years, running in the front line every day. Now he is still a mature, steady and muscular man. Even if he drinks, he is basically white.

Duan Tiannan has been drinking beer in the slum for ten years.

The middle-aged man's nagging is gone.

Lu Wen can finally take a serious look at the scene.

"There's monitoring, and there's no dead end to monitoring. According to the information submitted, there are people taking turns to guard 24 hours a day, so no one else can get in."

"Combined with the monitoring screen, the bomb should have been hidden for a long time. It may be in transit or in the city of Mowu."


Lu did not analyze it for long.

It wasn't long before he stopped because he knew that the team was doomed to be in vain.

No head and no tail explosion, can't find the exact source of the bomb.

He has seen the monitoring of the whole transportation process, and found no problems. No one sneaked bombs into it.

"The only function of this visit is to appease the people in the two cities."

However, the quarrel between the two sides has already begun and it is difficult to calm down.

It's not very useful for the government to come forward.

There is no language in the two cities.

Cultural barriers.

Actually, they have been spraying each other with translators for two days. It can only be said that the fighting capacity of the people is really strong.

Time flies.

Night fell.

The Westminster royal family is now able to achieve the highest specifications to entertain the people of vesperian.

As a member of the team, Lu Wen was treated with great courtesy.

But he didn't want to waste his time eating, so he found an excuse to go out.

The night wind is blowing outside.Fortunately, he has no sense of smell, so he can't smell the smell in the air.

There are few people in West at night,

the city has experienced too much, and people are afraid of the night.

Sometimes there were a few shots.

That's the rest of the mob fighting.

Under the encirclement and suppression of the Allied forces in various cities, the mobs have not had a good life for a few days, and most of them have laid down their weapons.

"Whew --!"

It's a very subtle sound.

Cut through the night sky.

The patrolling soldiers heard the sound, but they found nothing.

Lu Wen saw it.

It was a black arrow, integrated with the night, flashing a deadly threat, straight to his face.

His face did not change. He stood in the same place and grabbed the arrow as fast as lightning.

The arrow is two fists away from his face.

The sudden attack startled the soldiers around.

They are all very young. During this period of emergency training, they have almost no actual combat experience, and they have not even experienced exercises, so they take up arms to defend their country.

What flashed in their mind one second ago was not how to be on guard, but: what's the age of this, and how could anyone use an arrow?

But the next second they responded.

"Protect the VIP!"

A soldier was shouting.

"No, just leave it to me."

Lu Wen said lightly.

He threw down the black arrow feather and ran after it.

Night vision mode is on.

Draw the gun.


The bullet was loaded.

In front of the palace, far away, on the ruins and debris, a man in black combat clothes, carrying a long bow, smiles at Lu Wen and waves.

If there's no accident.

It will be another night chase, attracting attention from all sides, and then a lot of gibberish, self introduction, half talk, increase the sense of mystery or something.

But this time there was an accident.

Because Lu Wen is too lazy to talk nonsense.

So he raised his hand and shot.

"Bang --!"

The gunfire started a group of black crows that were devouring the flesh and blood, and the silence was broken.

The spinning bullet hit the man in the knee.

Blue blood spattered out.


The smile on the face froze.

He half knelt on the ruins, and before he could speak, he shot again.

This time, his other leg was broken.

"Why don't you play according to the routine?"