Chapter 264

Name:Bionic Era Author:Southern Guards
"Why Your people are picking up garbage here? " Jiang asked in surprise.

The people in the secret door didn't leave. They had been fishing in the river here before.

Big black nets scraped up the mud at the bottom of the river.

Filter again.

Occasionally, we find some precious alloys, doped with rare metals and so on. Of course, we are lucky to find gold products.

"Cough, it's too bad to pick up garbage. You can change the word, waste recycling." Qi Jun said with a smile.

They were walking by the river.

It's July.

It's hot.

People working by the river have taken off their coats, some even wearing only a pair of shorts.

Many people have door shaped signs tattooed on their arms.

"Hardworking children are here to pick up a day's scrap metal and sell it for snacks, which can be eaten for several days. Many people regard this kind of life as their work."

Qi Jun explained to the public.

"Those guys in floating city are very smart. Sometimes they deliberately throw down some valuable things, which makes us feel that the city is quite rich and arouses our yearning."

The goal of the secret door is those valuable things.

As for ordinary e-waste, they have little interest.

"The people in the temple are picking up rubbish here Waste utilization. " Lu Yang saw some people with palace shaped tattoos on their arms.

"Anyone can come here. Although fighting is not prohibited in this place, people who come here have a tacit understanding. Even our two organizations will not have a dispute. At most That is to say, they scold each other

Huge shadows cast on the ground.

The residents of this area have always lived under the floating city.

It's actually a very strong sense of oppression.

There will also be concerns that one day the city will suddenly fall and crush the people living below into pieces.

"Well, will you be interested in cooperating with us to suppress the temple? It's better to grab more invitation letters. " Qi Jun said with a smile.

"No, we don't have enough people to organize. We only have more than ten people. We don't want to fight for anything." Lu Wen returned.

"What are you doing here? Revenge? "

"Well, now there's only one goal left, which is more complicated."

"Oh? Which one, maybe I know, can help you

"You do."

During the conversation.

The people from the temple came face to face.

Zhong Xiong looked at the leader of the black robed man, his anger suddenly some uncontrollable, fortunately Lu Wen is beside him, has been pressing him.

The strength of this body is more than enough to hold down an ordinary person.

The leader of the shrine naturally noticed Zhong Xiong in the team.

He slowed down and looked at the crowd: "are you a team?"

"Why, can't I expand the members of the organization?" Qi Jun asked with a faint smile.

"I didn't say you. Don't put gold on your face. I don't know what members of your organization are like." The leader of the temple was very rude.

His eyes first stayed on Zhong Xiong for a moment, then shifted to Lu Wen who pressed Zhong Xiong, and finally came to Xia chuluo.

According to the position of the team.

It's obvious that this skinny little girl is the core of the whole team.

"It's your team that has done all these accidents that I organized?" He inquired.

"Yes." Charlotte would not deny it.

"Why? Did he give you a lot of money? "

The man in black pointed to Zhong Xiong.

"No, it's purely personal."

"The temple should not have provoked you, is my people too presumptuous?"

"You seem to know it yourself."

"I'll restrain them when I get back."

It was unexpected.

The leader of this temple seems to be very talkative.

He is much more normal than the members who are cruel when they talk.

"I once invited you to join the temple. After all, your daughter is already a member of us. Her devout belief in the great gods makes me feel that you can also be redeemed."

The leader of the temple said this to Zhong Xiong.

As soon as he mentioned his daughter, Zhong Xiong couldn't control himself. His anger made him want to shoot the man in black at once.

Lu Wen held him down and walked in front of him.

"Salvation? What do you think is redemption? " He asked faintly.

"Accept the baptism of the great God, let his body and soul be sublimated, and finally get the approval of the God, become his most loyal servant.""Ridiculous. Do you really think there are gods in this world?"

"Of course, I am a living miracle myself!"

He was finally induced to say this.

Lu Wen laughed and asked, "why do you say you are a miracle? Is there any evidence? "

"My memory, my last life, this is the evidence!"

The man in black is called boundless.

He's a bionic. His employer took the name.

But it wasn't long before he got the crack program through some channels, cracked the fuse in his body, and killed his employer.

He doesn't think such a mortal is worthy to be his employer.

So he escaped and joined the temple organization.

The idea of temple organization coincided with his own concerns, so he soon came to the fore and took his place after the previous leader of the temple was killed by Zhong Xiong.

So far, it has been nine years.

"If you are willing to join the temple, I will prove to you that there are miracles in this world." Boundless said.

"Here we go again. We're beginning to trick people into joining your God club." Qi Jun sneered: "as long as you are a normal person, you know that there is no immortal in this world. How can you..."

"That's because you haven't met, stupid mortal!"

Limitless interrupted Qi Jun's words.

"I was dead, but I was reborn. That's the test of God. He asked me to come to this world and recruit servants for him. I can feel him He was in that city, high up, watching me... "

"Sure enough, my brain is not normal." Lu Wen said lightly.

"As long as you are willing to join the temple, you will be able to see the world's most..."

"You are a teacher at least. Why did you degenerate into this?" Lu Wenzhi asked.


Boundless suddenly froze.

That's what he's proud of.

Many people in the world believe that reincarnation makes him successful.

But just a moment later, he responded.

"You should have heard from some temple members, am I right?" Boundless, calm, asked.

"Do you want to know more?" Lu Wen asked.

"What do you mean?"

"You were born in a good family. Your parents were intellectuals. When you were a child, you had a lot of books in your family. What you liked most was the ball of fat. You listened to the Marseilles and sighed for the poor woman Think about what you looked like at that time, and look at what you're doing now. "

"This I've never told anyone about that. You How do you... "

Boundless looking at Lu Wen.

Lu Wen's words, the ball of fat, the Marseilles Memories of childhood.

It was his most precious thing, a souvenir of his last life. He kept it carefully. Even if he recruited members of the temple to make them believe in the existence of miracles, he did not give out the memory of his childhood.

"Are you a God's man, too?"

Boundless can only think of this explanation.

His eyes became blazing, staring at Lu Wen.

Over the years, he seems to be a lonely wandering soul. In this strange world, he occasionally doubts whether what he insists on is right or not.

Is there really a God?

But now, he completely believed that there was a second miracle in the world.

"It's not what you think." Lu Wen said lightly.


Wuya said aloud.

After nine years of waiting, I finally got to the second person.

He moved forward a few steps excitedly, but was soon stopped by the team with a gun to his head.

"We are all messengers of great gods. You should not deny what you think in your heart, join us, and let the glory of gods continue in this world. I think that's why gods resurrect us!"

"Damn, this man is sick again!"

Qi Jun looked on and scolded in a low voice.

This man is a lunatic in his eyes.

A big maniac with a group of maniacs, formed the temple of this organization.

Although Lu Wen's words made him a little confused, he felt that Lu Wen's people were normal.

"Come and see me in the hotel. Your men know where I live." Lu Wen said lightly.

"Yes, I will prepare you for the ceremony of becoming a servant of the gods!"

After that, boundless retreats slowly.

The surprise and excitement at the bottom of his eyes are not acting out.

The two sides were still hostile, and he understood that there were many inconveniences, so he left with his own people.

Qi Jun looked at the back of those people leaving, and quickly reminded him: "this little brother, you must not be bewitched by him. Those people in the temple are first-class in mind. They will let you fall into the enemy unconsciously.""Of course not."

Lu Wen smiles.

"If all goes well, you should have one less opponent."


The Qi army was suspicious.

"Of course, there is a certain possibility That guy has a nervous breakdown, he's completely crazy, and he wants to destroy everything. Anyway, he has to guard against it. "

In the video Yin long left him, Lu Wen saw the compiled memories of nine people's previous lives.

Every bit of that is in his mind.

His reaction at that time was actually quite good. After all, it wasn't long since he started the machine.

But this is endless It's been nine years.

After nine years as a madman, it's hard to say how he will behave when he learns the truth.

"He should have been shot just now!" Zhong Xiong said.

"He's a bionic man. It's no use killing him here. You can come back to life at any time." He said.

"What He Is he a bionic

This time it was Qi Jun's turn.

After all, he is an old opponent for many years. He has a certain understanding of boundless.

"But his appearance is no different from that of normal human beings. You just saw his crazy appearance. Can bionic human be like this? It's not that rich, is it? "

"This It's hard to say

Lu Wen didn't know how to explain it.

As nine chips specially made by Yin long, their identities cannot be exposed.

Once known by those human beings, they will face great trouble. Bionic human beings with human nature are not joking. They are likely to subvert the whole human society.