Chapter 145

Name:Bionic Era Author:Southern Guards
"How old is it?"

"19 years old."

"What do you do with the money?"

"Have a good meal."

"Have you done it before?"


Lu Wen stares at Xu Eryi, who is gobbling up.

I'm disappointed.

First of all, he didn't get any useful information from Xu Eryi.

What Xu Eryi knows can also be found from the data. The young people at the bottom of the society don't know much about the city.

Secondly, the young man lied to him. He should have lied in some ways.

"Where do you stay at night?"

"For some factories outside the city, just find a place to sleep. Anyway, no one is in charge of them. Find some waste newspapers and lean against the corner where no one is. Once you close your eyes and open them, you will spend the whole night."

"Have you been wandering since childhood?


"Usually alone?"


"What do you usually eat?"

"Just Get some wild vegetables or something, and some people will give something away. "

This time Lu Wen can be sure that Xu Eryi is lying.

There are not as many good people in Baker as there are in mauu.

On the other side of Mau City, lying on the street, pretending to be pitiful, at least someone will throw two coins into the bowl.

Here in Baker City.

Don't count on coins.

The most likely thing to happen is lying on the street, suddenly a van stops, and a group of people come down to tie up the single vagrant.

The next day there were more fresh organs on the black market.

That's why the vagrants Lu Wen saw before were all in groups, sitting around the fire. The fire can bring them warmth, and the number of people can make them feel at ease.

"Don't you have another source of income?" Lu Wen asked.


After a while, Xu Eryi was full.

Lu Wen called the waiter.

Bionic attendant.

He took the waiter's hand and finished the transfer in a moment.

"You Are you bionic? No, you don't have a bracelet. Are you a remodel? "


Lu Wen successfully set up another topic.

He deliberately let Xu Eryi see this scene.

Transforming human is the combination of real human and bionic human.

Most of the time.

Due to some problems, such as body defects, traffic accidents and so on, some parts of the human body can no longer be used, they will be replaced by usable mechanical parts.

Limbs are the most common.

Some people are healthy.

But he is obsessed with transforming himself and embedding machinery into flesh and blood.

It's usually to make yourself look different or to gain more power.

This technique is similar to that mastered by zero.

Lu Wen had an investigation before he came here.

However, he found that Dr. Jiang in Duan Tiannan's mouth did not have much information in Baker City, and he only saw the name in a corner of the newspaper every few years.

As for Dr. Jiang's Research Institute, even the specific location is not clear.

"Are there quite a lot of reformers on this side of Baker City?"


The two left the hotel.

"Which institutions are generally engaged in human body reconstruction?"

"Well A lot, big and small. " Xu Eryi looked at the dark night in the distance, and his eyes rolled, "why don't you come with me to my resting place, and I'll talk to you slowly tonight."

"Yes." Lu Wen light smile, "you rest place only you a person?"

"Yes, I'm the only one."

Dim flames flickered on both sides of the street.

The ashes floated in the night sky.

From time to time in the dark came the sound of steel crashing.

The dark red light is like a poisonous snake clinging to the old pipes, silently watching the people coming and going.

Tens of millions of people.

It looks like an abandoned dead city.

The withered vines spread on the street lamps, and the fallen leaves covered the rotten interior.

These special vines seem to be drawn into the steel, so that rust begins to spread on the body of plants, and life and death are intertwined.

"What's going on in Baker recently?" Lu Wen asked.

"Yes, recently there was a bionic member. He was really powerful. Some time ago, there were a lot of crazy incidents of transforming people. Many people were afraid to go out. Later, it was the bionic man who found the source and grasped the people behind the scenes."

"So you've all elected him a member?"

"Yes, but people like me don't have the right to vote. Those rich people who have formal jobs have the right to vote. I'm actually a black family, and my name is not in the population database of Baker City.""Was the bionic congressman famous before?"

"I'm not famous. I heard that I used to be a little executive officer of the executive board, and I never made any achievements."

So familiar with the script.

The director of the play should be the same person.

The election time of Councillors varies from city to city.

It's not over in Maugham, it's been over in baker for some time.

"How long has that Congressman been elected?"

"More than half a month."

More than half a month.

According to Jiang Xiaonian's inference.

If No.0 is really behind the scenes in promoting the election of the bionic member, then the bionic member will not live long.

"What has this congressman been doing recently?"

"He has put forward a lot of proposals to improve the rights and interests of bionics, some of which have been voted, and have been highly praised by the two companies."

"Are there a lot of bionic people supporting him?"

"Yes, not only the bionic people in the city, but also the bionic human organizations outside the city, most of them have expressed their will for peace."

A bionic man has become the link between human and bionic man.

He was loud on both sides.

If you die suddenly at this time, even the data backup will be completely destroyed.

And all the evidence points out that it's human.

You can imagine what happened later.

Before associating with zero, he said that he was going to leave for a while.

Do you think Baker City is almost fermented?

But does he really dare to do it?

This is Dr. Jiang's place after all. He learned all his skills from Dr. Jiang.

"That's the factory. I usually sleep there. It's quiet and there's no one to disturb me."

Lu Wen looked in the direction of Xu Eryi's finger.

An abandoned factory.

The grass is luxuriant.

The withered and yellow vegetation covered the flat land around the factory, reaching waist deep.

Some of the factory buildings have collapsed, and the collapsed steel beams are deep in the soil of the years.

There's a lot of graffiti on the wall.

It's colorful. It's chaotic.

"I usually sleep on the second floor."

"Worried about the collapse of the factory and putting the first floor down?"


Lu Wen follows Xu Eryi into the factory.

It's empty.

The cement floor was covered with dust.

The interior of the factory was pitch black.

If you don't dare to go inside, you can't be sure.

Xu Eryi took out a flashlight with weak light and led the way in front of him.

"Dong Dong... "

The sound of footsteps reverberated in the dead space.

Xu Eryi stepped up the stairs.

There is no guardrail on the stairs, so we need to walk close to the rough wall on one side as far as possible.

"Here we are."

They came to the second floor.

The same emptiness.

But it's not dead.

In the dark, there are some subtle sounds.


The sound of lights on.

Sudden light can make many people feel uncomfortable.

But Lu Wen is a bionic man.

So he saw it very clearly.

More than a dozen young people surrounded him with weapons in their hands, two of them holding real guns.

Xu Eryi took two steps forward and turned to look at Lu Wen.

With a smile on his face, he was different from before.

"Welcome to Baker City."