Chapter 119

Name:Bionic Era Author:Southern Guards
No man's land.

Mabo and others are stupid.

"A12, how did he quit?"

They spared no effort to throw dirty water on Lu Wen in order to make A12, an old man who is friendly to bionic human beings, sit in the position of a member of Parliament.

Even they have planned the follow-up.

After Lu Wen was forced out of the election by public opinion, he began to pour dirty water on the fourth generation of Xinhong.

"After A12 quit, he began to support Lu Wen's election. So Lu Wen is also friendly to bionics?"

The leaders of many organizations sat around and looked at each other with different expressions.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward.

"We are Lift a stone and hit yourself in the foot? "

"If only No.9 were here, I think he is smarter than all of us. I can definitely infer Lu Wen's attitude, but his idea is different from ours."

"The way is different When we build the city successfully and get the approval of Mowu City, we will understand on the 9th. "


This side of Maugham.

"It's such a coincidence that Lu Wen can meet monsters every time?"

This sentence was said by the fourth generation of Xinhong in an interview.

He automatically ignored the monster that Lu Wen had no body that week.

The team that supported him began to work hard with rhythm.

Public opinion began to show an overwhelming posture, even with the help of A12 team, everything was useless.

"Please withdraw Mr. Rudd from the election."

The title was top of the hot search.

But soon.

This topic is directly suppressed.

"After deliberation, the Executive Board of District 13 agreed to the career promotion of Lu Wen and Wu Yu."

Put Lu Wen's name at the front.

And it came out at this critical moment.

It's tough.

This is the attitude of the 13th District executive board.

This makes the Executive Board of the 10th District of the fourth generation of core red a little embarrassed.

The toughness of the 13th District executive board has shaken many people who doubted Lu Wen before, so a new wave of standing in line has begun.

"I upgraded?"

Lu Wen was surprised. He didn't expect that.

It's too fast.

It was less than two weeks before he became a full-time executive officer, and he was promoted to another level.

"Thank you for your support, but am I upgrading too fast?"

He sent a message on the public channel.

I vaguely remember that many executives had been working for about five to ten years before they were promoted from level one to level two.

"Come on, do that thing in zone 10!"

The first person to reply to him.

Lu Wen has the impression that he is a young man.

I was trapped when I was dealing with monsters in the shopping mall, but later I was rescued by Lu Wen.

"Since that guy has opened his mouth, he will pay for his words. He looks like others owe him money all day. I've seen him very unhappy for a long time. Brother Lu, don't advise him!"

"Yes, you are one generation ahead of him!"

Today's District 13 executive board is united.

People also explained to Lu Wen the reason for the upgrade.

Mainly because of the shopping mall.

The reason why many old executives can't be upgraded in five or even ten years is that they only deal with petty theft most of the time, especially in the Branch Bureau. It's good that they can handle several small cases a month.

Lu Wen is not the same, the beginning is zero.

And saved a lot of colleagues.

Wu Yu was promoted for the same reason.

"The election of Wu Yu is quite smooth." Lu Wen looked at Wu Yu's approval rating.

Wu Yu was also hailed as a city hero in the last monster operation.

And he has a very clear attitude.

Bionic opposition.

With the support of a large majority of humanity.

Mr. Wu Yu is against the support of the group, so he is against the support of the group.

"Brother Lu Wen, the discussion about you on the Internet has been polarized, either for or against you." It is the news that Liang Chen sends.

Liang Chen is in a hurry.

But Lu Wen was not in a hurry. At this time, he jumped out to clarify. He couldn't make it clear at all.

At the same time.

As if in order not to disappoint the people who support themselves, the fourth generation of core red sent a message again.

This news directly captured the hot search.

People feel very new.

After all, it's the first legislative election ever.

Therefore, the election of members of this term has received far more public attention than before."I'll go deep into no man's land, hunt No. 9, and bring back his head and broken chips!" This is the original words of the fourth generation of Xinhong IV 06-0000079.

If he does succeed.

So needless to say, the position of the bionic congressman is his.

No one can take it.

After the lost city treasure, the reputation of No. 9 once surpassed that of No. 0, causing numerous discussions.

After Chen Qing, an anchor, released his pictures, these discussions reached the peak. People speculated about the origin of the 9th, his purpose, and the scale of his bionic human organization.

"Go deep into no man's land and hunt me? So confident? "

Lu Wen knew that the fourth generation of Xinhong was a very strong hunter.

It has long been known for hunting bionic humans in no man's land.

Every time they go alone, they come back with a lot of bionic human heads and chips.

"Lu Wen, I have received the latest news that there is a monster in the suburb of District 13!" Suddenly someone on the public channel said.

What follows is a positioning.

"I see. I'll be right there."

Lu Wen gave a faint smile.

"Zero Can't help it at last? "

He was thinking about how zero was feeling.

Waste so many monsters to build momentum for him, the result was suddenly no man's land of bionic organization splashed dirty water.

It's all right.

Zero must be depressed right now.

"If I can get rid of the suspicion this time, then my support rate will soar and my popularity will reach a terrible level."

In fact, this is a game.

At the meeting in the early morning, Lu Wen began to think about it when he knew that the bionic human organizations wanted to use monsters to lower his support.

This basin of dirty water splashed down, the most uncomfortable is not him.

It's zero.

"No.0 can either give up and let me become a member of Parliament and directly take me away for research, but it will be in vain for him to waste so many monsters before."

"Or just bear the pain and continue to create opportunities for me to clear my suspicion."

Jiang Xiaonian said that the purpose of zero is very simple.

At first, I wanted to capture Lu Wen directly.

Later, he planned to make Lu Wen a famous bionic man, and then he captured Lu Wen and told everyone that it was man who did it secretly.

In order to intensify the contradiction between bionic human and human.

But the public opinion is too big this time.

So that Lu Wen's election is likely to fail.

There is only one way to clear the suspicion between Lu Wen and those monsters.

Let Lu Wen find the monster's factory.

And grab a part of zero.

A complete turnaround.

His popularity will reach its peak.

As long as zero is willing!