Chapter 103

Name:Bionic Era Author:Southern Guards
People on the executive board thought they could see a situation where both sides would lose.

It could have been.

Until the man sitting on the street eating sand ice stood up.

I dare to stand up so obviously in this situation.

Either it's brainless, or it's really powerful.

People on the executive board preferred the former until they heard the man say two short words.


It's just two words, not salty.

It's a very common word.

Through the barrage of bullets, reverberated in the streets.

The guys from the slums looked at each other, as if something engraved in the memory was awakened.

That memory is not long.

It seems that the man left yesterday. Before he left, he asked everyone to name his daughter and said that he would come back.

And never came back.

The last time they saw that man was on the TV news.

The news is about a car accident, a couple.

What the man left in the slum was not only calm, but also the two words in his room.

Later, no matter what newcomers just joined, they would go to that room to pay homage. Everyone could see the two "orders" hanging high.

"It's a mess. I've forgotten the order."

Lu did not deliberately amplify the sound.

But the street was quiet.

Because they saw Lu Wen stretching out his fingers and weaving the projection of the word "order" in the air. These two words came from the small bungalow where Xia Tianzheng once lived.

These bionic people understand that Lu Wen is also a bionic man.

And he has no bracelet on his hand, so he is a bionic man who breaks through the fuse after awakening.

My own people!

There are friends all over the world.

"My friend, do you know those guys across the way?" There is a bionic man hiding in the bunker composed of ruins, asking aloud.

There is no network, ordinary bionic communication can only rely on roar.

Where there is a network, you don't need to open your mouth and chat online. But I heard that there are technical guys in the Executive Board who check online every day.

Lu Wen's body was implanted by cockroach brother before. It seems that he can chat in a short distance.

He didn't know where his former body had been taken by Charlotte.

"Brother, have you met our boss before?"

The representative on the side of the slum also spoke.

The word order has been integrated into their bone marrow.

This time, it was really chaotic and disorganized, contrary to what summer had said just before he left, but mainly because of the lack of time and no time for careful discussion, he came all night in a hurry.

"It's pointless to waste time on these issues."

Lu Wen walks on the broad street.

The most common debris is dust, one step at a time.

A minute ago, this street was a battlefield for two forces to fight, but now it is very quiet.

"See there?"

Lu pointed to the distance, many executive vehicles.

"The orders they received were just to maintain the scene, protect the innocent people and escort the civilian wounded, not to snatch the so-called treasure, so they won't join your fight."

The executive board, who was watching the play, was stunned.

They really did not expect that such a troublemaker suddenly appeared, which broke the present good play.

"They just look at you and see you kill each other. No matter which side wins, it's a potential victory for them."

Lu Wen received the projection.

His voice echoed in the desolate and empty streets.

"My friends, would you like this to happen?" Rudd asked about the bionic human tissue on one side.

"I don't want to, but those guys on the other side will fire if they don't agree. We have no choice but to fight back." Bionic human organization side, someone responded.

"Yes, we prefer a peaceful life."

Lu Wen gave them a step, so many bionics began to respond to him.

He turned to look at the slum on the other side.

"In the past few years in the summer, we specially emphasized order. Look at what you are like now. The people of the executive board are over there. They are your biggest enemies. You don't need to check. Many of the people who come here are on the wanted list of the executive board."

"But our slums are short of money. If we have money, we can transform some places slowly." Someone responded.

This is also Lu Wen as their own people, we can say two words.

"Are you sure it's slum upgrading, not buying more weapons?" Lu Wen's voice was very flat, but he made those people speechless.

Because of the word "order", they can't refute it.When the summer was going, the slums were what they were, and they are still what they are now, without any progress.

"If you lose, it's the guys who watch the play who win."

As he spoke, Rudd walked to the museum at the end of the long street.

"If you only have this kind of brain, bionic human organization can only hide in no man's land forever. It can't become a climate. Slums will only become poorer and poorer, and generations will live in that hopeless place."

No leader!

It's a very important reason.

In the summer, the slum is getting better and better, because he is tough enough to suppress all the discordant voices. Even he has been gone for more than ten years, and the people in the slum still abide by the rules he set.

But that's it.

After he left, there was no improvement in the slums.

"How old are you this year?"

"Ten Eighteen. "

"How big is it?"

The thin boy bowed his head and did not dare to look at Lu Wen.

Lu Wenzhi shot the guy on the third floor, but he didn't look back. He was relaxed.

The strength and determination made the boy a little afraid.

Even in their twenties and thirties, most of them are thin. They are all supported by a pair of skeletons. It's funny to see each one holding a gun.

Urban children will grow up with electronic products and quality education.

The children in the slums grow up alone with guns.

Wu Yu opens the car door, walks down and looks at Lu Wen in the distance.

"It looks familiar. I seem to have seen it somewhere."

He took out his cell phone and looked through the wanted materials in District 13.

I looked for it for a while, but I didn't find it.

Wu Yu felt that he should not. With his memory, as long as he had seen one side, he could record it.

He frowned and thought carefully where he had seen it.

District Six?

Last night, the colleagues in area 6 were handed over all the equipment by No. 9, and the electronic equipment was smashed, so it was impossible to record the appearance of No. 9.

But later, after those guys returned to the executive board, according to their impression, they found senior painters and depicted the appearance of No. 9, which was handed down to each region.

Wu Yu also had a glance.

It's an ordinary blue E27.

It's just that I changed my hairstyle and my skin has some slight adjustments.

"Nine! He's number nine

Wu Yu's voice made everyone react.

The mentality of going to the theatre is gone.