Chapter 83

Name:Bionic Era Author:Southern Guards
District 13.

In the middle of the night, the message came from a fellow man.

Little painter.

"You're pulling suspicion on yourself. Number zero left you a clue again?" Lu Wen pressed the send button.

"Yes, executive Lu, I don't want to. When I got up in the middle of the night and had a drink, I found a small note beside my pillow." The little painter returned.

"Do you know why Peter Parker can take pictures of Spiderman every time?"

"For Why? "

"Because Peter Parker is Spiderman himself, don't you young people of your generation like Spiderman? At least Forget it. It's all from the last century. It's normal not to see it. "

Lu felt that some of his thoughts were still in his previous life.

It's deadly.

He is likely to say something unintentionally, and then be heard by people who want to analyze it, so as to judge that he is not a pure bionic human.

Lu Wen has been thinking about when and why zero is targeting him.

It's really tiring to pretend to be a bionic person!

"I I'm not zero, executive Lu. I can feel my conscience and swear. "

"Conscience is wholesale these days."

They talked a few words.

Late at night, there was not too much greeting.

The clue zero left to the little painter this time is very simple.

"Run for the Senate and contribute to the rights and interests of bionics people. I will leave for a few days. Don't think about me - number zero."


Lu Wen's mind turned into three real question marks.

Can you clarify the purpose at one time?

He felt a chill, imagining a skinny old man in the laboratory, stooping to pick up his pen and writing words like "don't think about me".

"It's not right. It's not zero!"

"Didn't he want to know the secret of immortality? Don't you want to see if I'm human or not? "

Why build momentum for Lu Wen?

What is the benefit of bionic human rights to him?

"It's not split personality, is it? Is Has he found a way to transform himself into a bionic human

Lu Wen is just a child who has been on for more than two weeks. Now he has countless question marks in his mind.

In his last life, he liked to see people with high intelligence often accompanied by mental problems, but after he was born into this world, these people with higher intelligence are still barely normal. Jiang Xiaonian is just a little extreme. Xia chuluo's mental problems are pretended.

Xia chuluo doesn't like to watch it. She says that the supporting roles in the movie are very sad, as if they are for the service of the leading role, but they shouldn't be like that. Every supporting role deserves a wonderful life of their own.

Lu Wen sits by the window of the night.

The night in the city is very quiet. The giant blue projector who is walking among the buildings bows slowly and seems to be looking at him.

A machine, a projection, looked at each other.

He sat until dawn.

I read all the information about the zero completely, but I got nothing.

No one knows what No. 0 wants to do in recent decades. It only knows that every time he goes to a place, he will take away some bionic people. What bionic people have in common is that they are very close to people.

"There's an email for you."

Cue tone.

Since the mall broadcast.

Lu Wen received a steady stream of e-mails.

Some media reporters and TV stations have invited them.

There are also some group enterprises that ask him whether he has the intention to run for Parliament. If so, they can provide human and material resources to form a team.

"This email..."

Lu Wen thought it was this kind of mail again. He glanced at it and found that the signature was familiar.


This name seems to have been seen somewhere.

"The author of lost city?"

I've seen an advertisement for this book on the street.

Last time I met Luo Ruyan, he held the book in his hand before the dinner.

It's said that it's a series. The eighth one just came out. It's about a group of adventurers looking for lost treasure.

The cover of each book is part of the treasure map, and the final ninth book is the center of the map.

"What can I do for this writer?"

Lu Wendian opened the email.

Not long, not short.

"When I was a child, I liked to sit on the roof and watch the stars. At that time, the sky was not gray."

"There are two people quarreling downstairs. One is the founder of Bilian, the other is my father."

"I didn't inherit my father's intention to become a blue engineer. I fled that place and chose to paralyze myself with writing."

"That's when I made a decision."

"A wrong decision.""I light a bonfire in the dark, and the world is still dark."

"I don't have much left in my life."

"I just hope to see you before I die."

Lu Wen pondered for a moment and forced himself to resist the impulse to smash his cell phone.

People in this world like to say half of what they say.

It's tiring to guess.

"If you don't tell me your address, is it a trap?"

If this continues, Lu Wen feels that he may suffer from persecution delusion.

He looked up at the window. Today, the sky is still gray and gloomy.

The ingredients in the refrigerator were almost eaten by Charlotte.

Lu Wen went downstairs to buy some breakfast.

People at work, countless breakfast shops, traffic and advertisements on tall buildings wake up the sleeping city.

"Is that him?"


"That's him, that's right, that handsome bionic man."

"He lives in our community!"

Along the way, there was constant whispering.

Lu Wen's listening is very good.

He's famous, and his face is too recognizable unless he wears a mask to go out.

"Are you Lu Wen?" A little girl ran over and looked up at him with a cell phone in her hand.

"Yes." Lu Wen nodded.

"I want to take a picture with you!" The little girl blinked and raised her cell phone.


Lu Wen squatted down and found a gentle smile from the emotion chip.

This period of time must be used to, and when the heat is over, it will get better.

As for the elected members He's not really interested.

"Thank you. You look very handsome when you fight monsters."

The little girl was very polite. After taking more than ten pictures in a row, she expressed her thanks to Lu Wen and left happily.

Lu Wen touched his face.

Even if he doesn't fight those monsters Pretty cool, too?

There is a black car at the gate of the community. As soon as Lu Wen left the community, the door opened.

"I've been waiting for you all night, brother Lu." A young man got off with a warm smile on his face, holding Lu Wen's hands.

Lu Wen looks the same, pointing to the monitoring at the gate of the community.

"You know that I have the authority to call the monitoring around here, right?"

There was a sense of embarrassment in the air.

"Well Well, it's been more than ten minutes. "


Happy noon, all of you.

push a Book:

, welcome to the strange weird game box,

Author: the dog's son

who can sing poetry can't make complaints about it, and the introduction is not suspense.

But the content is worth seeing.

You should have seen the figure of Gouzi before.

this book combines the feeling of small world + SCP,

the plot is compact, and several Shennong have survived.

readers who like this style should not miss it.