Chapter 9

Name:Bionic Era Author:Southern Guards
Leave the address and buy the wallpaper.

Lu Wen got into the taxi on his way back.

The rain dripped on the window, making the gray world outside the window fuzzy and hazy.

The pedestrians and bionics under the black umbrellas are like puppets, pulled by life and rules, numb forward in the cold steel city.

"Technology makes life better."

Huge projection ads appear in the sky.

The rain falling through the advertisement makes everything look so unreal.

Gurgling streams in the window across, twisted the roadside trees on both sides of the road, they struggle in silence.

"I got a lot of good luck this time."

Lu Wen sat in the car and pondered.

As if it was God's blessing, the wallpaper shop was also the contact point of the awakened bionics.

He's also pretty much figured out all the limitations of bionics.

If all this is not a coincidence, then we can only say that he is really lucky.

He can't let this luck down!

"Is that Yunyang?"

Inadvertently glanced out of the window.

The figure of a backpack is walking slowly in the rain. Young people like this rainy weather. They don't hold umbrellas.

Yunyang walks slowly in front of the rain, and the flying raindrops dance on his side.

Love is gnawing at the young man's heart.

The heavy betrothal gifts drowned his body. He was like a drowning goose. Only in this rainstorm weather can he feel some peace and freedom.

It's just a glance.

Speed is very fast, cloud Yang's figure with the gray world retrogression disappear.

The taxi drove out of the high-rise buildings, through the smoky edge of the city, all the way to the suburbs.

"Chi --!"

With a less violent brake sound.

The car came to a steady stop.

The weather in the suburbs is better, but it's cloudy and it doesn't rain. The roaring wind makes the grass on the lawn rise and fall, like waves.

After paying the fare, Lu Wen carried the rolled up wallpaper to the three story villa.

Under the low pressure and dim sky, the villa is like a monster crawling on the earth.

Rudd took out the key, opened the door and went into the monster's open mouth.


Close the door.

The whole villa fell into darkness again.

After he left, Li Yu closed the curtains again, and seemed to like the dark atmosphere.


"Didn't you watch TV in the living room?"

There is no figure of Li Yu on the first floor.

Of course, Lu Wen also knows that Li Yu may not be the real Li Yu.

Before replacing the wallpaper, Lu Wen moved the empty aquarium in the living room. The carp was dead. He emptied the muddy water in the aquarium, cleaned it and put it in the corner of the kitchen.

"Lu Wen is back?" Li Yueer's voice is on the second floor or in the stairwell.

"Well." Lu Wen, carrying the wallpaper, walked towards the second floor step by step.

"Oh, how can I get wet? I don't know how to buy an umbrella. I must buy what I should buy. Otherwise, how can I spend all my money alone?" Li Yu is standing at the third floor stairs with concern and blame in her voice.

"Next time."

Lu Wen smiles.

Although he doesn't know if there will be another time.

After putting up the wallpaper, it's time to dig a hole.

According to the normal development of the story, after digging a hole and burying people, it's time to kill them. I don't know whether Li Yu wants him to completely dispose of them or just restart the data.

After a brief chat, Li Yu went back to a room on the third floor.

Lu Wen opened the door of the second room on the left of the second floor.

"If the bloodstain hasn't been treated for such a long time, it's time to send out a peculiar smell."

The whole villa is closed, and the curtains won't open, let alone the windows.

Fortunately, he bought two bottles of air fresheners, jasmine flavored.

The bionic man has no sense of smell, so he can only spray according to the feeling.

Lu Wen scans around and calculates the time it takes to put up the wallpaper.

[3 hours and 21 minutes]

those red marks are like the ink left by death in the world, weird and gorgeous, and like children's unintentional graffiti, without logic.

Lu Wen thought of a horror movie he had seen in his last life.

It's also a villa. The wallpaper covers most of the walls of the villa. Tear off the wallpaper and you can see the horrible pictures on the walls.

Unconsciously, three hours passed.

In the evening, Lu Wen finished pasting the wallpaper.

He came to the kitchen, took simple ingredients from the refrigerator, made two dinners and put them on the table."Dinner is ready. Remember to get it."

"All right."

Li Yu's voice came from the third floor.

Lu Wen didn't care too much. He sprayed every room on the first floor and the second floor with air freshener.

As for the third floor, although he also wanted to see what was there, he didn't want to risk the crash and restart. After finishing most of the work, Lu Wen found a shovel in the corner of a remote washroom and opened the wooden door leading to the backyard.

"Hoo Hoo -"

the wind is getting stronger.

The sky did not see yesterday's sunset, only more and more low-pressure clouds, dark sky.

The surrounding grass was swept by the strong wind.

"It looks like it's going to rain."

Lu Wen looked at the sky.

I wanted to get the real-time weather forecast on the Internet, but I thought that the weather forecast had never been accurate, so I thought about it.


first shovel, the golden iron collision came, and the shovel hit the stone.

Lu picked up the pebble on the ground and waved his second shovel.

It's another loud noise, loud noise!

This time from the horizon.


A thunderbolt flashed by.

The rain cloud in the city, after all, came.

Lu really doubts if there is a concert nearby.

The last light on the horizon disappears, and the whole world is shrouded in black clouds. From a distance, the earth on the horizon seems to be connected with the clouds. Occasionally, there are one or two flashes of lightning and thunder, which are like giant silver snakes swimming in the clouds. It's breathtaking.

[turn on night vision mode]

the original function chip prompts this sentence.

Lu Wen finds this night vision mode very interesting. It can not only present infrared vision, but also improve his real vision at night through technical adjustment. He can also directly use two eye beads as flashlights to emit light

After thinking about it, he just improved his real vision at night.

"Just dig a hole, just see clearly."

Anyway, from time to time there are thunder flashes, gifts of nature.

It wasn't long before the rain began to pour.

In this dark thunderstorm night, Lu Wen raised his shovel.

The sound of rain seemed to be his natural cover.

If in the quiet night, the digging is not small, it is easy to disturb the residents of other villas in the distance.


It was midnight.

Bionic people don't feel tired. Lu Wen is digging.

There is a shallow layer of water on the grass in the backyard, and the pit he dug is also full of water, so he can only continue to dig by feeling.

"What is it?"

All of a sudden, Lu Wen caught something moving under the stagnant water on his side, and the water was rippling slightly.

He now digs a hole in a big way. Ordinary people can't catch this.

Even the bionic human is likely to be ignored.


The thing under the water was like a cockroach. Two tentacles touched his toes.

"Blue E15 military model, awakening model, nice to meet you."

A string of data directly came to Lu Wen's mind.

Lu was stunned.

The organization of bionic human? Why did you come up in the middle of the night?

"Don't make any difference, the woman upstairs is looking at you!"

Another string of data emerges.

Lu Wen was stunned.

It's midnight. How can Li Yu not sleep?


Thunder exploded.

Night is like day.

Lu Wen took a cautious look up with his spare light.

On the third floor, the girl with blood was standing by the window and smiling at him.