Chapter 960 She Is A Lunatic

Name:Billionaire's Gift Author:Rabbit
Eve got her message. It seemed like Nacy only approached them to warn her not to bother Nathan anymore. Nacy was a bold woman!

"It’s hard to say that when it comes to love. It’s up to the ones in the relationship. There’s no such thing as harassment." Eve felt embarrassed. After all, Chauncey was here.

Chauncey also felt embarrassed for her, but he smiled and pretended that nothing happened.

"I think you should know if you’re harassing him or not. Can’t you tell the difference?" Nacy said with a stern frown.

"Mrs. Ye, I have to go back to the hospital later. Excuse me for leaving now." The corners of Eve’s mouth twitched, and her eyes were full of disdain. She didn’t want to waste her energy with Nacy. She knew that Nacy never liked her.

Eve had known Nathan ever since they were kids. Eve, Nathan, Simon, and Nacy all grew up together. A long t

u’re someone worthy of respect? I think you’re a bit older than me, but does that matter?" Nacy shot back. No wonder she had become an actress. Her voice had nuances to it. Sometimes it would grow heavy, and other times it would become lighter.

Nacy stressed the word "older" to imply that Eve was a much older woman.

As the two women were about to erupt into a full-blown argument, Simon quickly pulled Nacy back and said, "That’s enough, Nacy. Why do you have to pay so much attention to her? She’s still recovering. We should let her return to the hospital and rest."