Chapter 766 Adrian Is Suffering From Shock

Name:Billionaire's Gift Author:Rabbit
Fortunately, Nathan held her in his arms from behind. With a pale face, she bit her lip tightly and said in a trembling voice, "Nathan... Something terrible is about to happen to Adrian."

Nathan's heart cracked when he saw the pained look on Mandy's face. He immediately took out his phone and dialed a number. "Arrest Eve and Ouyang immediately!" he barked at whoever was on the other line.

Nathan had no physical strength left to rein in his anger. He grew up with Eve, and, one way or another, he had some feelings for her. He had assumed that she would not be cruel enough to make venomous personal moves against an innocent child. He had assumed wrong. She really was capable of doing something terrible and unpardonable.

All of Adrian's test results revealed that there was a large amount of bacteria and viruses in his body. The Dean even said that in all his thirty years working as a physician, he had never encountered such a terrible case.

The fifteen top-level doctors in JR Hospital, including Audrey, held a meeting at once. They sat in the meeting room and discussed possible methods to remove the bacteria and viruses from Adrian's body.

"For now, the only solution is to draw Adrian's bone marrow and to see how much bacteria and viruses are in his body," Doctor Li from the hematology department said seriously, pushing his black-framed glasses to the bridge of his nose.

Mandy was also sitting in the meeting room. Her legs were still weak. She took a deep breath. Pain and sorrow shrouded her face. She knew that drawing Adrian's bone marrow meant the beginning of his suffering. As a four-year-old child, how could Adrian bear all these painful and invasive treatments?

However, this seemed to be the only way out for him.

After an hour in the meeting room, all the directors and doctors had reached a consensus on the matter.

Mandy nearly had a nervous breakdown. However, she had no other choice. She could only let Adrian undergo the bone marrow biopsy. To remove all the bacteria and viruses in the body, there were only two ways. One was to resea

tion, Mandy changed into a green, sterile operating gown and scrubbed her hands and arms. She was still familiar with such protocols, but now she had a strange and sad feeling in her heart.

'I'm a doctor. I must save my child, '

Mandy thought to herself as she stepped inside the operating room with a determined look on her face.

At that moment, Adrian was already lying motionless on the operating table. Doctor Wang, the first-aid doctor, was sweating with a B-ultrasound machine in his hand. "Adrian's blood pressure is dropping!" a nurse shouted out.

"Set up an IV line right now," Mandy gave orders in a calm tone after taking a deep breath. She was standing in front of the operating table.

Audrey immediately got two bottles of medicine and injected them into Adrian's veins.

Looking at the changing numbers on the monitor, Mandy frowned. She pressed one of her hands on Adrian's chest and started to massage him skillfully. Everyone was confused and wondered what Mandy was doing.

Every time she pressed, she exerted force to his heart. To everyone's surprise and amazement, she cut Adrian's arm with a scalpel.

"What are you doing, Mandy?" Angelina exclaimed with wide eyes.

The rest of the doctors were all shocked. They all knew that Adrian's blood coagulation function had been decreased, and now Mandy was cutting him. Did she want to kill her own child?