"... yes." Belle had changed from surprise to shock.

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid miss Bei can't have the operation today. Please come with us," said the other party.

Belle blinked, completely confused.

What do you mean? She's already paid. Why can't she have an operation? And where are you going with them!

The result hasn't waited until she reacts. One left and one right of her arms have been held by someone, holding her out.

"Hey, what are you doing? Let me go!" Bailey shouted. Unfortunately, no one paid attention to her words. Bailey was put outside the hospital and stuffed into a black car.

At the moment, in operating room 2, the nurse asked the doctor timidly, "Dr. Gao, those people just now..." the nurse knew that when Dr. Gao was about to scold those people, one of them handed Dr. Gao directly with his mobile phone in the middle of the call, and Dr. Gao didn't say anything after listening to the phone for a moment.

"This is not something we should worry about. The female patient has provoked someone she can't provoke. Listening to what they just said, it may be related to the child in the female patient's stomach, but it's strange that the female patient is the child conceived by test tube baby, so it's impossible to have anything to do with that person." Dr. Gao muttered.

"Dr. Gao, who is the man you're talking about?" the nurse asked curiously.

Dr. Gao immediately closed his mouth, "nothing, just... Don't know anything, okay?" after all, this may involve the privacy of the big man. If he wants to really explode, he will be overwhelmed and go away! "Let the next patient come in," said Dr. Gao.

"OK," the nurse answered.

On the other hand, Belle, who really doesn't know anything, has been tirelessly talking to the people who pressed her on the bus since she got on the bus. The relevant national laws on the punishment of kidnapping are moved with emotion and explained with reason to ensure that if they let her go, she won't pursue anything, but people ignore her at all. She runs out of saliva, It's just a monologue.

Fortunately, these people don't seem to have any actions to hurt her. If they come, be at ease! Belle Li can only comfort herself in this way. Now her bag has been taken away by the other party, and she doesn't even have the Kung Fu of a three legged cat.

Finally, the car stopped, but it stopped in front of a villa like an ancient castle.

The people who pressed her got out of the car, and one of them respectfully said to her, "our young master wants to see you and has something to ask Miss Bei."

"Young master? Who is your young master?" asked belle.

"Miss Bei will know later," said the other party.

Belle had no choice but to follow each other all the way into the villa.

He was led to the door of a room. The person who led the way knocked on the door of the room, and then belleli heard a slightly cold voice in the room, "come in."

The door was pushed open, and the guide went in. A moment later, he came out again and said to Belle, "Miss Belle, young master, please go in."

Belle Li walked into it. It can be seen that this is a study. At the moment, on the sofa in the study, there is a man sitting.