"If you're coming to show yuan Mengtian, then I don't have time to toss around with you." Qin Sitong said and wanted to leave.

Qi Bin grabbed Qin Sixi Tong's arm and stopped her from leaving. "Qin Sixi Tong, you and I all know why you want to target Mengtian again and again!"

"Know what you know? Funny, what do you know between you and me?" she said.

"You are angry because I chose Mengtian, which is difficult everywhere. I know you like me, but it is impossible for me and you, so you'd better not have any unrealistic ideas." Qi Bin said, with a kind of pride and disdain on his handsome face.

Even though Qin Sitong has long lost his original feelings for Qi Bin, he will still feel blocked after seeing the disdain on his face. Why didn't she find that when her father died, the communication between the two families decreased a lot. When she called Qi Bin, he always said he was busy without saying a few words. Why did she find that when they entered the same high school and were classmates, there was no smile on his face, but more impatience.

Look, how naive she was before. She didn't find so many obvious places. She took him as the prototype and wrote the book the voice of the wind. When she thought of the sentence he once said to her when she was a child, "Tong Tong, when I grow up, I will protect you." when she said this sentence, she felt like an isolated world.

Tongyan Tongyu, after all, is just Tongyan Tongyu. It doesn't need to bear any responsibility. In the end, it is just laughed off.

But at that time, she didn't think so until after the novel plagiarism incident, like everyone, he accused her for no reason and didn't listen to her explanation. At that moment, the feeling in her heart was completely destroyed.

She didn't expect that he looked at her like this!

Now, his eyes at her are still disgusting and disdainful.

Qin Si Tong took a deep breath and seriously looked at the man she once liked and died of heart. "Qi Bin, now I don't have that feeling for you. Some feelings won't change in my life, but some feelings can be from scratch or from scratch. I don't like you now, and the person I like won't be you in the future."

Inexplicably, at this moment, Jun Jisheng's face flashed in her mind. That man once said that if she could regard him as the only one and never betray, he could do the same.

Even if nine times out of ten that sentence was just a joke, but at the moment of hearing it, her heart still couldn't help jumping wildly.

How many are there in this world.

Qi Bin couldn't believe it. At the same time, there was a loss in his heart that he couldn't tell himself, "if you don't like me, why did you have to ask for my coat at your mother's celebration banquet?"

"It's not necessarily that I'm going out of the hotel wearing clothes spilled with drinks." Qin Sixi said faintly.

He suddenly leaned down and stared at her closely. "You said that on purpose."

Qin Si Tong was speechless, but he didn't avoid Qi Bin's gaze. "Then you're too confident. Do you think I'll like a man who despises himself, doesn't trust himself, keeps telling himself not to delusion and has another girlfriend? Do you really think I'm a fool?"