In this way, when we arrive in Cannes, we can spend more time with her.

"After getting off the plane, I can't go with you. I live in the embassy. But pay attention to the phone at night and I'll call you. " Mingrui whispered.

"Yes." Su Ling can understand.

His identity is very different from her. He came here on business. Naturally, he can't live with her.

As soon as she turned around, Mingrui clasped her wrist and took her to kiss for a long time before she let go.

When Su Ling came out of the cabin, he separated from Mingrui.

She walked with the main creators. Everyone was lamenting the benefits of being nominated. She could also take a VIP class and didn't need to be with a female star like Xu Xiaoli.

Su Ling certainly knew what was going on, but he didn't point it out.

When she got off the plane, Su Ling looked very good. Although she didn't even have an assistant, sister Heng didn't come at all. She only painted a little lipstick, but the whole person also showed a nourishing look.

On the contrary, because Xu Xiaoli's position is not good and he doesn't have enough rest, he needs to wear heavy makeup to cover up his yellow and white face.

When Xu Xiaoli and Xiao Ning passed by her, they stared at her and passed Su Ling with high heels.

The person who came to pick up Xu Xiaoli and his party was a nanny car with complete facilities, which was enough to show her identity.

Su Ling and the creators around him took the van arranged by the organizer.

Stand tall and stand tall.

Su Ling didn't care. Although it was a van, she was invited by the organizer, and her honor was completely different from that of coming uninvited.

She's not here to compete, just to find more opportunities and more stages.

The organizers have booked rooms for them. All invited people stay here to attend the red carpet and go to the venue dinner the next day.

The hotel rooms are crowded with people, many of whom are familiar faces in the film.

Those people, with smiling faces or quiet faces, Su Ling was fine. He had seen them before. It's not surprising.

However, the four members of the crew all stared wide, looked at it all the way and marveled all the way.

In particular, the director is eager to cooperate with these actors with acting skills and know their names one by one.

Not long after staying, Su Ling's door was knocked.

When she opened the door, it turned out to be Huanhuan.

"Huanhuan, why are you here?"

"I came two days in advance, because Feng Yufei also had a film nomination, and then there was an advertisement to shoot, so I came in advance." Huanhuan has a lot of things now. Originally, many things that should be busy for Junya have been handed over to her.

"Come in and sit down." Su Ling smiled.

Huanhuan took several sets of clothes in her hand and said, "Su Ling, I borrowed these clothes from advertisers. Don't dislike them. See if there are any you think suitable. Stay and wear them when you walk on the red carpet."

Huanhuan really helped a lot by sending things like this.

Because Su Ling's luxury clothes were sold at a low price when he compensated for the termination advertising expenses.

She basically left no clothes to wear.

This time, she only brought two skirts, but both were cheap. She thought she depended on her works, not clothes.

But seeing those influential star artists who came to the scene today, she knew that her idea was somewhat unreliable.